The 50km, four lane stretch includes a huge, 53 acre interchange, with two massive orbits and 10 flyover bridges, the construction has already diverted gabhra rivers historical waterways, and heavy machinery have bulldozed ancient tombs and graves within the sacred valley.
If the motorway is not stopped or re-routed it will destroy one the most important archaeological landscapes in Europe, and wipe out a huge amount of Irelands culture, history, identity and heritage.
On the 15th of march we arrived at the direct action camp, which is situated on top of the ancient monument of Rath Lugh.
This is one of 150 sacred sites within the Tara Complex, and one of the 43 that has been wiped out along the route of the motorway.
The protesters have built a number of walkways linking tree houses together, and built various lock on’s, the security have been heavy handed in removing the protesters from the Rath Lugh Site but other camps are being set up along the route to continue the battle to save the Tara.
Equipment and people are urgently needed!!
One of the first things I noticed when I got there was the intimidation and the threats of violence from the security, they had metal bars and lumps of wood and they were ready to lash out at anyone who tried to physically stop the construction.
I still went digger diving everyday, but because I had a camcorder with me this acted as a deterrent against their assault.
When we arrived Lisa Feeney AKA “Squeek” had just come out of a 20ft deep tunnel, after being down there for 60hrs.Her father and uncle were guilt tripping her saying she was selfish and she was going to die.
So Lisa agreed to come out of the tunnel but only if a 12 point agreement was signed between her-self and the National Roads Authority, the N.R.A representative Kevin O’Rourke signed the agreement which stated that all work would be stopped for one month, after Lisa came out the tunnel the agreement was breached by the NRA within 24hrs, they lied and claimed no agreement made.
The protesters will now make an application for an emergency injunction at the supreme high court, because of the discrepancies over the Compulsory Purchase Order on Rath Lugh, which is currently breaking the national monuments act of 2004.
The N.RA. have admitted that they have been working off inaccurate maps since the planning process, but still continue to claim that they are not damaging the 2000 yr old fort.
Archaeologists have contradicted this by stating that the motorway will cut open the hillside
leaving it entirely unstable, as it is built on an esker - this is a ridge made of small rocks left behind by the glacier that formed the local hills and valleys since the last age.
It’s pretty obvious that if you damage the foundation or the esker you will also damage the monument.
During the visit I went to another other solidarity camp, which is on the foot of the hill of Tara.
This is where a sacred fire has been burning since summer solstice 2006, people have come from all over the world to keep the fire burning, although no-one lives there officially.
People take part in a rota-system, but recently the O.P.W (office for public works) which is the gov’t body responsible for looking after Irish heritage and the public land have given a notice for the people to leave the area within seven days.
The people who really care for the land are refusing to leave, they are a diverse group of local artists, musicians, and members of the public, that are taking the responsibility to create a world heritage park, their aim is to promote the potential of the area for education, sustainability and heritage
The group currently holds talks lectures, and workshops on crafts and history.
An official proposal for the world heritage park is being created, but unfortunately it has to be your gov’t that nominates monuments for world heritage status.
The Irish people can not count on their gov’t to do that, so the people want to illustrate this themselves.
In hope that people power will demand that Tara gets the respect it deserves.
To Chk out up-dates on this campaign go to or
The protesters at Tara have asked me to call out for climbers and tunnelers which are urgently needed to share skills etc…
If you can’t get over to Ireland to protect Tara then you can target the SIAC construction companies,UK partners based in Gloucestershire and Sussex.
Lancing Business Park
West Sussex
BN15 8TY
Tel: 00 44 (0) 1903 755991
Fax: 00 44 (0)1903 755384

Website :
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