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<< Page 4 | Page 2>>Palestine Action Workhop next Monday - Brighton
Monday Febuary 14th - Palestine Action Workshop. 7.30pm at the Clermont Room, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton.[Full Story | 47 comments ]
Smash EDO Campaign Day this Saturday
Brighton Quakers and Smash EDO have been working together to bring you a campaign day at the Friends Meeting House on Ship St on Saturday 12 Febuary from 12 noonALL WELCOME
[Full Story ]
Seedy Sunday Brighton 2005
Seedy Sunday held their fourth community seed swap at The Old Market in Hove on Sunday 6 February, just in time for gardeners to get their fresh seed in for the new growing season.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Fundraiser at Sussex University
This Friday (11th Feb) there is an evening of music and fundraising to raise the profile of the Smash EDO campaign in East Slope Bar in Sussex University Campus[Full Story ]
EDO MBM threatens IMC UK: "You can't call us warmongers"

(a) are warmongerers;
(b) are complicit in the deaths of innocent people; and
(c) make things that kill children.
Since their business is the manufacture of weapons (see

(Text below, original M$ Word file attached.)
The subject of the complaint would appear to be the following pages:

and posibly others, which report on the ongoing campaign against this company.
Definite shadows of McLibel and GANDALF here...
[Full Story | 11 comments ]
EDO MBM Technology
With *loads* of Indymedia articles about this fine weapons manufacturer like...Arms company shut down

Demos against EDO/MBM this week including verdict of rooftop 5 trial

Arms company EDO MBM shut down for a day

Brighton Arms Co in sticky situation

... one wonders what this company does?
[Full Story ]
Kent ACTION! Against Live Exports (KALE) campaign goes on
KALE's demonstrations continue as usual[Full Story ]
Campaign Against Climate Change Demo

[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Piss Poor Support Services for "Mentally Ill" Dover Kent UK
The provision of services in Dover, Kent UK for the mentally ill is woefully inadequate. No wonder so many people top themselves.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Sex offences up 57% in Kent. (?)
According to Home Office figures there has been an increase in violent crime and sexual offences in Kent- as reported in freepaper Kent on Sunday Jan 31st.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
EDO defendents benefit night
This wednesday (Feb 2nd) @ rampART - a fundraiser to support activists campaigning against EDO MBM, an arms company that makes parts for bombs dropped on Iraq.(see


Suggested donation £2 or free if you're really skint!
Food and Drink available
Films start at 8pm (sharp) with 'Dear Mrs Blair' from the Camcorder
Guerillas. Then 'FTA' (Free The Army/Fuck The Army) made in 1972.
[Full Story ]
Citizens' Declarations for a Nuclear-Free World
Citizen Law can help abolish nuclear weapons.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO - Smashing dates for your diary
Join the campaign against EDO MBM. Brighton's arms manufacturers supplying bomb release mechanisms to the UK and US as well as Raytheon systemsfor more info contact

[Full Story ]
This Week's SchNEWS - Growing Dissent!

“Seeds are the software - and we have the seeds.” - Anonymous corporate seed company executive.
With agriculture providing the main source of income for two and a half billion people the effects of biotechnology are immense. Farmers across the world are being locked into a cycle of dependency on biotechnology companies, who of course just want to help them to feed the world.
[Full Story ]
Kiss It!xx Campaign March Against Psychiatric Assault
March against psychiatric assault (forced treatment) Monday 14 February 2005 Valentine's Day demonstration 11am gather at Whitehall Place (nearest tubes Embankment and Charing cross) For more information, visit: www.kissit.org[Full Story ]
Unholy Row at Unity Service Dover Kent
A service designed to bring Christians together in Dover, Kentended up with some of the God Squad leaving the building PDQ in a frenzy of Christian Lurve.[Full Story ]
Dover-Kent-Rave bashes muslims-gay marraige etc.
Greeting from darkest Toryland- Kent, where a Rev, at a service in Dover used the occasionto bash women priests, gay marraige and muslims etc.
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Demos against EDO/MBM this week including verdict of rooftop 5 trial
2 Demos against EDO/MBM - Brigton's very own arm's manufacturersthis campaign is really snowballing - its time to get involved
[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Palestinian musicians and dancers stranded at border
Major cultural event scuppered by border restrictions[Full Story ]
Tory Ed' Sec blasts Gay History Month+ schooling.
Tory Education Secretary blasted the forthcoming LGBT History Month events and attackedthe teaching of primary school kids about gay people. He said the children's 'innocence' must be preserved...
[Full Story | 2 comments ]