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<< Page 3 | Page 1>>Smash EDO Smashing Benefit Party - Tues 25th - Brighton
Great party tomorrow night in Brighton[Full Story ]
smash edo site hacked[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Saturday Night Edonism in Brighton
As many Brightonians were having it large down town some local pixies were having some fun out of town at local arms dealers EDO/MBM Technology, responsible for the manufacture of instruments of death such as bomb-release machanisms and tank diagnostic systems.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Hants SABS

[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Palestine and the UN - Public Meeting - Brighton
Public Meeting on Palestine and the UN with David Roberts from the Campign for UN Renewal[Full Story ]
Make room for an Elephant in your life

One animal who will be helped ia a blind Elephant call Jokia.
[Full Story | 2 comments ]

[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Waverley to privatise housing stock
Waverley, in complete disregard of the wishes of its council tenants, has voted to sell off its council housing stock.[Full Story ]
Pavilion chief executive resigns!
Pavilion Housing Association chief executive Mervyn Jones has been forced to resign.[Full Story ]
Brighton ISM talk
Monday 24th January, Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton 6-8ISMers recently in Palestine will be talking about their experiences and showing video footage.
[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Seedy Sunday community seed swap
Seedy Sunday community seed swap in The Old Market, Upper Market Street Hove, February 6, 10 am - 5 pm.£1. entrance.
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Birghton Anti-G8 Meetings
Brighton! Dissent are a group attempting to co-ordinate radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit, and contribute to the building of an anti-capitalist movement in and around Brighton.[Full Story ]
'Elections Furore': Second balatacamp.net film from Palestine
Elections Furore [2005; 6min; balatacamp.net]The Balata Film Collective have just released their second mini-documentary about the Palestinian National Authority elections.
Download it now from www.balatacamp.net
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Demo against Newhaven incinerator
Come and demonstrate against plans to build an incinerator in Newhavenon Thursday 20th January outside Hove Town Hall, at 4pm.
[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Brighton Arms Co in sticky situation
Workers at edo/mbm on the home farm industrial estate in brighton arrived at work to find that their locks had been glued shut[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Smash EDO roof occupation trial update (Brighton)

on the roof and hung banners. They are charged with aggravated trespass. It's been an interesting day in court - circular logic from the judge and a distinct lack of evidence from the prosecution.
[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Sussex hunt opponents under attack
ANTI-HUNT activists in the West Sussex village of Pulborough have faced a series of nasty attacks as tension rises in the build-up to the ban on fox hunting, currently scheduled for February 18.[Full Story ]
"Elections Under Occupation" - Palestinian Film from Balata Refugee Camp
The Balata Film Collective has produced its first film, 'Elections under Occupation'.Download the film from www.balatacamp.net
[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Trial of anti arms trade activists next week and 2 actions in Brighton
Smash EDO are holding 2 evnts next week to coincide with the trial of 5 activist for a rooftop occupation at the factory[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Public Meeting - 11th Jan - 6.30pm
Smash EDO Public Meeting - 11th Jan - 6.30pm[Full Story ]