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<< Page 197 | Page 195>>Genoa 2001: two of the activists sentenced last week are untraceable

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EDO MBM shut-down after activists lock on to police cordon
On Monday 16th July anti arms trade campaigners held a mass ‘citizens’ weapons inspection’ of the EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Palestinian territories: Is it the 'Native American Reservation' of our time?
Focusing on how illegal settlements continue to destroy Palestinian lives, with some new information, including first hand quotes received by Noam Chomsky and Human Rights watch, in addition to a clear explanation on Zionism, with interesting historical references of land purchases.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Pics from Yesterday's Citizen's Weapons Inspection at EDO in Brighton

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Weapons Inspection Update - EDO Brighton

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Mass Citizens' Weapons Inspection of EDO today
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Verdicts in for the Genoa 10: guilty (Italy, G8 2001)
The Italian High Court confirmed on Friday 13th July the sentences for the 10 activists on trial for crimes of “devastation and looting” during the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001. While some of the sentences have been slightly reduced, all 10 activists have been declared guilty of devastation and looting crimes against private property (for a little historical insight on this charge have a look at my previous article:
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I wrote to my MP regarding the harrrassment of Barbara Tucker

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Diggers2012: Runnymede Eco Village Lives On + Saturdays Workshops

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Fortress Olympics looms over London
Anarchist Federation (London) statement on the Olympics[Full Story ]
Gathering to plan resistance to the G8 - this Sunday in Brighton
This is a call for all of those who wish to mobilise for a MASSMOBILISATION against the G8 summit in the UK in 2013.
A initial meeting will take place on SUNDAY the 15th JULY, from 11am to 6pm, at the COMMUNITY BASE centre in Brighton, hosted by people from the Smash EDO campaign.
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latest article on Spain and Miners, & Durham Miners Gala July 14th
The Durham Miners Gala this year promises to be the largest for decades. Already 100K strong recently, the addition of the Labour leader Ed Miliband is likely to tip the numbers higher still if the weather permits. The bands, speeches, marches, banner, Gala field, funfair etc all allow for a great family day out where old and new comrades meet and greet.[Full Story ]
ITT Exelis and the feds looking down on you?
Airborne military recon and surveillance technology being adapted in the USA by ITT Exelis for domestic security agency use.[Full Story ]
The New Babylon - free film about the Paris Commune at the Cowley Club

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A call to kettle FIT and police liaison (again!) in Brighton

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Smash EDO: Meeting point for weapons inspection announced
With only one week to go Smash EDO activities this week are all about the upcoming mass-action on Monday the 16th of July. We need as many of you as possible to get involved in the weapons inspection of EDO.[Full Story ]
EDO MBM manufacturing parts for US A10 plane as Smash EDO prepares for mass demo
On the 16th July Smash EDO will be meeting at 1pm for a mass demonstration against the EDO MBM Brighton arms factoryThe meeting point will be the Level.
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I need a miracle to win PCC election.

Not many people know that....
Matt Taylor is running in the Sussex election.
Matt Taylor for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner 2012.
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