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<< Page 196 | Page 194>>Pisa: the “Nuova Periferia Polivalente” has opened! (Italy)

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Reports from Smash EDO's Summer of Resistance

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Brighton protests against workfare as part of the week of action
Brighton actions during the the national week of action against workfare called by the Boycott Workfare network.[Full Story ]
Champion Vegan, Vegetarian, and Fruitarian Athletes
Since the Telegraph, the US' National "Public" Radio, and Yahoo Sports on July 5th chose to make criticize vegan and vegetarian athletes and to publicize critics of a Chinese athlete ban on meat, here is a record of a tiny fraction of the world champion vegan and vegetarian athletes. That same day, NPR, owner of 200 million dollars in fast food stock correlated to human disease, animal agony, global heating, energy waste, and famine, chose to promote fish suffocation and strangulation twice.
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Charity run by young people needs your votes for the Lottery Good Cauases awards
The Young Pioneers Charity run by 16 year old Luke Lancaster has been shortlisted for the lottery good causes award 2012 and the nation has to vote. Our programme, Be Healthy has been shortlisted and needs votes. It is special becuase it is led by young people, for young people.[Full Story ]
Fareham's BNP Gran Issued ASBO for Being a Nasty Unhinged Racist!
Fareham BNP Bigot Margaret Walker sent vile racist abuse to strangers through Royal Mail[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Events and weapons inspection on July 16th
We've got a few things coming up in the weeks leading up to the weapons inspection on the 16th.[Full Story ]
Phone and Twitter Blockade of EDO Today
Phone and twitter blockade of EDO. The one last month was a real success so we're having another one! You can participate from wherever you are. Call EDO on +44 (0) 1273810500 and tweet EDO's parent company @ITTExelis with questions and comments about their trade. There are examples of sample tweets you can copy and past from the last time at the bottom of this email or -even better- come up with some new ones. Please hashtag your tweets #SmashEDO[Full Story ]
EDO in Brighton developing new generation of micro weapons for US assassinations
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Tory Story

In Brighton, our fair city, Conservative opposition to long-running anti-arms trade campaign Smash EDO is something of a given. They support the dealing of weapons to human-rights abusing regimes and we oppose them. Recent tactics from their side have included tabling motions condemning Smash EDO's (non-existent) plans to target Jubilee celebrations or Olympic Torch ceremonies. Nothing outside the usual hurly-burly of local politics.
But something nastier has bubbled up from inside the Tory cauldron. Back on April 30th Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&H Tories (and co-incidentally manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove) posted a claim that Smash EDO had put anti-semitic graffiti on the inside of a squatted building (since evicted). The date of the 'revelation' was well chosen – the evening before a major demonstration outside EDO MBM's factory.
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EDO MBM and the 'Kill Chain'. R&D into New micro weapons for drones.

An abstract and PDF of a powerpoint presentation confirm EDO are at the heart of the global killer drone industry as developers of micro bomb racks for US parent company ITT Exelis.
ITT Exelis already supply the bomb racks for the MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper drone used by the CIA and US Special Forces to carry out extra-judicial assassinations. These attacks that have murdered hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.
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Bad Music Demo - Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week eight

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Smash EDO Citizens' Weapons Inspection of EDO MBM
On Monday 16th July 2012 at 1pm a group of concerned citizens from Brighton and beyond will be attempting to inspect the EDO MBM factory in Moulsecoomb to further highlight the factory's complicity in the murder of innocent civilians around the world.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance Action Callout
Smash EDO are half way through a Summer of Resistance against EDO/ITTExelis. The aim of the summer is to intensify the pressure on the weapons
factory, with as many actions as possible taking place between the 1st of
May and the 1st of August. The more groups that take part the more effective it will be, so we need your help!
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Remembering Simon Levin

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End sponsorship of animal cruelty posing as "sport"

One of them is County Louth-based betting company, Boylesports, which also has an office in the Isle Of Man.
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Reflections on the Tory smear campaign against Smash EDO
Smash EDO is a grassroots response to the EDO MBM factory in Mouslecoomb's complicity in war crimes - a banner under which people opposed to those crimes can rally. Towards that end Smash EDO is currently organising a Summer of Resistance against EDO MBM.
Over the past few months Brighton and Hove Conservative Party (B&HCP) and, in particular, Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&HCP and manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove, have engaged in a smear campaign which has attempted to label our campaign as anti-Semitic.
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The Big Conversation

Nicole has the outstanding ability to take seemingly complex and fragmented issues, such as energy, finance, and climate change, and their interactive dynamics, she explains how they are affecting each and every one of us.
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Day of the Dead - For the victims of aerial bombardment
tonight - 9pm The Level, Brighton (weather permitting)[Full Story | 1 comment ]