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<< Page 154 | Page 152>>Bristol No Borders Benefit: Some Sort of Threat / Olive Anne + More - Taunton

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August 2010 Porkbolter is out!
THE latest issue of Worthing's long-running rabble-rousing newsletter is out.[Full Story ]
Migration Is Not A Crime - Free Calais Migrant Benefit Gig

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24th July - No CCTV Talk in asscoiation with TPUC Brighton
4-6pm at the Brighton Railway Club[Full Story | 1 comment ]

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Stop Islamophobic English Defence League hate rally in London 31st July.

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Zionist lobby may succeed in changing UK law on war crimes
After much pressure from Israel the ICC Act may be ammended so that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) must approve any arrest warrants for israeli war crimes suspects.This could allow Israeli officials to enter the UK without fear of arrest.
Current DPP Kier Starmer today announced there would be no criminal prosecution of police over death of Ian Tomlinson.
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Stop the English Defence League Luton tomorrow! Meet Luton Town Center 12 noon

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Call for Action Against House Demolitions in Al Farisiya and Fasayil
On 19th July 2010 the Israeli army demolished 23 homes in Al Farisiya
in the Jordan Valley making 91 more Palestinians homeless. They also
destroyed the shelters for over 1000 sheep that members of this
bedouin community owned, and have 'confiscated' the sheep and demanded
payment from the farmers for their food!
On 21st July demolitions took place in the village of Fasayil
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Palestine Solidarity Settlement created in Brighton Supermarket

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Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary
Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary of the Workers Occuaption.At around 4pm this afternoon, one year on from the beginning of the Vestas occupation,
15 ex-Vestas workers and campaign supporters re-occupied the 'Magic Roundabout' next to the Vestas factory. The roundabout was the home of the support campaign for over 4 months last year in solidarity with the 600 workers who lost their jobs when the wind turbine factory closed it's doors last August.
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Keep the English Defence League out of Luton 22nd July 2010.

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Omar Deghayes Complains About "Highly Selective" Disclosure of Documents
Last week, when the High Court ordered the release of documents relating to alleged British complicity in the torture and ill-treatment of British nationals in US custody, as part of a civil claim for damages filed by six former Guantánamo prisoners, 16 pages of those documents related to interrogations by British agents of one of the six, Omar Deghayes, who was released from Guantánamo in December 2007.
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Lewes Road Community Garden Stand Off V Tesco

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FREE Benefit Gigs Taunton: No Borders / Renata Zelazna / Antifascist

29th July: No Borders Bristol w/ Some Sort of Threat, Olive Anne, Rat Bandits & Dane Howells
19th August: Free Renata Zelazna w/ Distortion UK + Support
6th October: Russian Antifascists w/ BrainDead + Support
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How Ready For Revolution Are You? Take This Test...
What with all the hype in the news about movements to change this and movements to change that, global activisits this and global activists that, negative press here and in fighting there, I thought I'd knock up this questionnairre type thing, so we can figure out just what the fuck we're doing in this movement (the alternative globalisation movement, i mean...)[Full Story | 5 comments ]
US Navy and Univ of Wisconsin Continue Brutal Treatment of Animals
The US Navy has subjected primates to chair confinement for months at a time. Their violation of a treaty with India caused Indira Gandhi to ban primate export to the US. Their sonar and propellers kill whales and dolphins. Their jet bombers launched from aircraft carriers have bombburned to death countless animals.They have used dolphins as weapons carriers. Now with the University of Wisconsin
which has also tasered pigs for the Justice Dept. and tortured primates, they have
killed 3 of the sheep they are experimenting upon with painful bends.
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EDO Decommissioners Trial Transcript of Judges Summing Up
the full transcript of the judges speech from last day of the trial.from JC
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EDL Gas themselves
The EDL are a racist, Islamophobic organisation linked to the BNP, NF, Combat 18, Blood and Honour etc. At one of their protests they gassed themselves when they were going to throw agas canister at the UAF...pulled out the pin and then ...well...looked at it for awhile and then it went off. C**ts![Full Story | 6 comments ]
Salinder Bhatoa of the English Defence League

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