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<< Page 103 | Page 101>>Camden "Super Virus" Lab consortium start exploratory work at site
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate Somers Town, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors and local people. Foot & Mouth disease was leaked from similar govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. Exploratory works have begun this week at the site.[Full Story | 6 comments ]
Say no to 'Israeli Science Day' at our Science Museums
The Zionist Federation of Britain, a pro-Israel lobby group, wants to hold an "Israeli Science Day" at the Science Museums in Manchester and London.The Stop the War Coalition and activists in the UCU union in Manchester are mobilising to stop this insulting event from happen at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (Mosi).
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The London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism
This is the declaration which emerged from the The London Conference on Combatting Antisemitism.[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Is it G20 or G22?
This is a real puzzle. Gordon Brown has just sent out his invite list for the G20, which, once Britain is included, runs to 22 countries. I think it is because Spain and the Netherlands have been invited this time. Even so, you have to wonder why it is still called the G20. So far the UK bumpf has promoted it as the “London Summit”, which may be a cover for the arithmetic issues. It would be easy enough to rename it the G22 — after all we there have been G22 and even G33 meetings in the past. But G22 does sound a bit like a fighter plane. And if you put G22 into google, it comes up with this rather scary looking gun. Probably best to leave things as they are. Long live the 22 members of the G20.[Full Story ]
Souhalia family deported
see see
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Libertarian bloc on student fees demo, Feb 25th
Call-out written by anarchist group at Goldsmiths Uni. All social anarchists and (left-)libertarians welcome.Meet 12pm on the corner of Thornhaugh Street and Russell Square.
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SHAC Financial Week of Action: 23-27 Feb

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BBC1 ITN Camden Super Virus Lab campaign still open. Update. Virus leak threat.
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library in Kings Cross. The area needs council homes, 15,000 people are on housing waiting list. The threat of virus leak is very real, Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from government facility Pirbright in Surrey.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Souhalia Family to be deported 2pm Friday - Call for Solidarity
Assia Souhalia her husband Athmane nationals of Algeria and their UK born daughter Nouha, residents of Brighton were 'Snatched' from their home last week and are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRCsee

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The Lambeth Branch of UNISON, the second largest trade union in the UK, has raised over £2000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians through a fundraising drive throughout the Borough’s workplaces. Nationally, UNISON has committed to send a donation of £10,000 to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and Lambeth Branch activists collected a further £2020.43 for MAP’s Emergency Appeal for Gaza through a series of collections amongst Lambeth’s workers.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
A Campus Sit-in against Israeli Occupation: An Interview with Three Participants
On Friday, February 6, the University of Rochester-SDS (UR-SDS) organized an occupation of Goergen Hall at the University of Rochester for peace and solidarity with the Palestinians. The action was partially inspired by the wave of occupations across the UK in support of Palestine the past few weeks. UR-SDS made a list of demands of the administration (including divestment from weapons manufacturers, educational and humanitarian aid to Gaza, and scholarships for Palestinian students). In a related event, on Thursday, February 12, 2008 Hampshire College of Amherst, MA. became the first US school to divest from corporations profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.[Full Story ]
Camden Oh! Bar closed following "homophobic Saturday's" and drugs found.
Camden's Oh! Bar was closed follwowing complaints made by people including those from the gay community. Gay men and women [black and white] were offended by the reggae night which wouuld regularly play songs such as Batty Rider and Boom Bye Bye. The Camden Gazette and the police [via Gazette] have siad that the venue also closed becuase of drugs and violence.[Full Story | 14 comments ]
First Females Islamic Judges Inaugurated in Palestine
For the first time in the history of Palestine, two women were appointed as judges to the Islamic Sharia court in the West Bank cities of Hebron and Ramallah. President Mahmoud Abbas accepted the appointment of the two female judges among 11 judges appointed to the Sharia Courts in the West Bank, after each woman successfully passed two competitive judicial exams held in Ramallah.[Full Story ]
Camden Lab : Govt says that cats, dogs and primates "will not be tested on".
The governemnt have issued a statement syaing that the lab will not be used for testing on cats, dogs or primates. The petition is still open, however it may have to be reworded in light of the new announcement. The lab was opposed by MI5 on safety grounds and there is still the campaign to fight for homes and communtiy facilties on the land.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
2.0 children
The Optimum Population Trust wants you to have fewer children, or preferably none. The UK population alone is expected to increase from 61 million to 77 million by 2051 but the OPT believes the UK’s long-term sustainable population level may be lower than 30 million.[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Camden "Super Virus Lab" - Goverenment Response To Petition / Burglary & mail
There are plans to build a deadly virus lab in Camden on a Council house estate. The lab could be level 3 facility which means it could contain deadly viruses such as anthrax and bird flu. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from similar govt faciltiy Pirbright in Surrey. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors, residents and businesses. The govt has responded to this online. Our mailbox card was stolen [and returned] ...see below.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
CoML: Animal Rights and odd bedfellows
I hope to write a few articles discussing different aspects of the Convention on Modern Liberty, beginning with the bedfellows we seem to have chosen - some of which rather dislike one another. My recent copy of SchNEWS (no. 666, issued on Friday 13th February!) discusses the Convention in none-too-flattering terms. Henry Porter, co-organiser, remarked that none of the participants wish to get rid of the State, but SchNEWS points out that actually many of the people bearing the brunt of the anti-liberties legislation are anti-statist - from animal liberationists to anti-militarists to no-borders activists.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
Cold-hearted cops arrest grandfather for writing in the snow
A retired oil refinery worker turned airport campaigner thought he'd take advantage of the recent snowfall to send a seasonal message to passengers departing Aberdeen airport. The local constabulary had other ideas and promptly arrested the 65-year-old and his 25-year-old accomplice for writing "Plane Stupid - you fly, they die" in diluted red ink on a snowy hilltop one-and-a-half miles from the airport.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Why I’m hardline on environmental issues
A lot of the time, I quote other people simply because they’ve said what I wanted to but never got around to it. I frequently get criticised on here for taking a hardline stance on environmental issues, especially on supporting groups like Plane Stupid, because they’re seen as too alienating. Because Middle England won’t agree, the argument goes, these people are a danger to the cause. I always disagree.
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