They are claiming that they will provide work for local people which is unlikely.
They are claiming that the lab counts as "regeneration" to the area.
They have said that they will be "dealing" with security concerns.
Recently our mailbox card was stolen [and returned] as part of a break in at my flat. We beleive that the person responsible went to our mailbox unauthorised and helped himself to mail...mail that was sent has not been recieved by us....If you have sent anything in the past month then please resend it. We know that some people have written to us and are wondering why we have not replied...this is why.
Any postal orders or cheques that have been sent would have been crossed and therefore uncashable.
We have instructed the mailbox centere that from now on the ONLY Mandy Ford will be picking up the mail and no-one else.
We know who was responsible for taking the card and this will not happen again. This is not the fault of staff at the mailbox centre as they only give mail to someone with the card.
I can't apologise enough to anyone who sent anything. If you receive any odd replies from "us" then please ignore them.
From now on the mailbox card etc will be kept somewhere else so that this can't happen again.
You can contact us at :
Stop Camden Animal Lab
BM 8735
Please make any donations payable to :
Stop Camden Animal Lab
Please make sure that all / any postal orders or cheques are made out tp AC Payee only and that you cross all cheques or orders.
online govt petition is at :

Contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Please make sure that all letters, calls and emails are kept polite.
Thank you for your support.
Mandy Ford
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