London Indymedia

London Repression Newswire Archive

23-10-2005 16:02

URGENT: Evidence needed for arrests after Anarchist Bookfair

7 people, including an indymedia journalist, were arrested yesterday after the anarchist bookfair. Evidence is urgently needed. Read more >>

23-10-2005 15:46

Downing Street: First Arrest Of 'Organiser' Under New SOCA Laws Looms

Over a dozen people have been arrested so far for *participating* in unauthorised demonstrations in the vicinity of Parliament. Now the police are promising to carry out the first arrest of an *organiser* under the new SOCA laws - on Tuesday 25 October. Read more >>

23-10-2005 08:23

Police threat to Titnore protest

SUSSEX Police have mounted what looks like a politically motivated campaign against protesters fighting the 875-home housing development and road widening at Titnore Woods, Durrington. Read more >>

23-10-2005 00:53

Successful Anarchist Bookfair marred by police attack

London Anarchist Bookfair was well attended, inspiring and educational as every year. After it ended, police units caused a riot in front of a nearby pub, and arrested at least 4 people, including an indymedia journalist who was taking fotos. Read more >>

22-10-2005 19:28

anarchist bookfair ends in police riot

first arrest
police, wired up for an arsenal match, closed holloway road and provoked trouble after anarchist bookfair in north london this evening Read more >>

22-10-2005 11:15

Family of Jean Charles de Menezes, lodge official complaint against Blair lies

Jean Charles de Menezes (innocent): Son, brother, uncle, cousin, a good friend
The family has lodged a formal complaint against the Met Police over the 30 hour delay before they were informed of the 27-year-old's death despite him carrying several forms of ID on him and having his home in Scotia Road, south London under surveillance.

Sir Ian Blair head of the Metropolitan Police force also told several lies, and allowed these lies to circulate in the media. Ian Blair should resign or be sacked.

If the British public are to have any trust in the Police, the Police should not be run by a liar lacking integrity.

Maria Otone da Silva "I'm so sad about what has happened to my son but I feel the English people, everybody wants to have the truth" (Jean's Mother)


20-10-2005 23:39

Open Letter to HM The Queen

Illness, poverty, discrimination, no medical care, no legal help, degradation - human right's violations articles 3, 6, 8, 14 etc - all violated - WHERE? Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea - + a protest against secret courts Read more >>

20-10-2005 18:59

It's a Fair Cop: Inspector's Honesty Scunners G8 Case in Glasgow

A South Yorkshire police inspector caused a G8 trial to collapse yesterday when he admitted he was unable to identify the accused as the man he arrested. The Not Guilty verdict, was the highlight of a busy morning for G8 defendants at Glasgow Sheriff Court. Read more >>

20-10-2005 17:32

Londons longest surviving sqatted streets threatened with demolition

St. Agnes Place, Kennington, is London’s oldest squatted street. Two hundred people are threatened with imminent eviction and the twenty-something Victorian terraced houses are soon to be demolished. Read more >>

20-10-2005 15:33

Deaths in Custody - 7th UFFC Remembrance Procession - October 29th London

Saturday 29th October 2005 is the United Friends and Family Campaign’s annual Remembrance Procession in London for those who have died in custody. Read more >>

19-10-2005 01:22

NO GODS! NO MASTERS! Support Iraqi Feminist Secular Resistance!

This workshop to be held Saturday Oct 22 5PM, at the London Anarchist Bookfair, will discuss why it is critical for activists to oppose the religious Right both in the West and in Iraq. We seek to establish relationships of mutual aid with secular resistance movements in the Middle East. Read more >>

18-10-2005 23:07

No Murder Weapon, No Body, No Place or Time of Death

She was entwined in the relationship
No one else was there and this is her story believe it or not. She was quite capable of inventing an attacker and binding her own hands to make it look like there had been an attack but there was and adventure a misadventure. Tears can be manipulated and manufactured. She was entwined in the relationship maybe Peter would not let her out? Read more >>

18-10-2005 17:23

Venezuela Solidarity March

To support President Hugo Chavez against US Imperialist death squads and to allow freedom from foregin intervention to run his country. Read more >>

14-10-2005 21:42

A Very Indecent Act

Over 30 housing Co-op tenants to be evicted by Brent Council, is set to destroy another well established community. This is a trend that will spread through Britain as John Prescott's Decent Homes Standards becomes a reality. Read more >>

14-10-2005 20:59

Mass solidarity with Gate Gourmet strikers - this Sunday!

Gate Gourmet workers: 'It's not over yet!'

14-10-2005 03:50

"Day of Indigenous Resistance" picket of Colombian embassy in London (report)

report from yesterday's demo, pix & vid coming soon... Read more >>

14-10-2005 01:28

Police 'had role in' Bali blasts

Links between Indonesian authorities and terrorist groups
"There is not a single Islamic group either in the movement or the political groups that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence," he said. Read more >>

13-10-2005 08:24

Terrifying Terror Laws

'He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression.' - Thomas Paine (1795)

12-10-2005 13:33

Jenny Jones (Mayor's Road Safety Ambassador) On Critical Mass Criminalisation

JENNY JONES - Green Party London Assembly Member, the former Deputy Mayor of London, the Mayor's Road Safety Ambassador and Member of the Metropolitan Police Authority... speaks about the potential criminalisation of London Critical Mass monthly bike ride.


12-10-2005 06:43

Question Everything: Worry, be alert and alarmed!

Some of us have been able to build
Some of them died for democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan and others are in detention camps. Some are not very free at all. For every successive generation, some of us have been able to build on the knowledge, technology and wealth of earlier generations, and add their own, others have been exploited and down trodden. So we have also reduced poverty for some and created more wealth for others. Read more >>


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