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07-04-2008 14:49 | 1 addition

Tibetan Freedom Torch Relay, London April 6, 2008

There was a large crowd
The Tibetan Freedom Torch Relay also came to London on April 6, on its way around the world from Olympia, Greece to Tibet. Several thousand attended a packed rally in London.
Pictures copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved. Read more >>

07-04-2008 09:33

Tibet Protest Great, But . . . .

Are there lessons to be learned for the wider activist scene in London?
or questions to be asked about these Free Tibet Protests that seemed so successful in saturating the media? Read more >>

07-04-2008 03:30

Police compete in olympic farce

Cops surrounding and pressuring pro Tibetans off the pavement
The police were today acting in a blatantly political manner to try and sideline Tibetan protesters as well as making themselves and the olympic procession look quite absurd.


06-04-2008 19:34

Harmodsworth repression

It is official: some detainees have been assaulted and injuried when the riot police intervened to break the hunger strike and took 30 detainees out Harmondsworth IRC.

06-04-2008 17:42 | 3 additions

Police Manhandle Press at Tibet Demonstration

The Metropolitan Police today used physical force against photographers during the Olympic Torch protest along Whitehall. Read more >>

06-04-2008 15:47

Torch Protest hits Whitechapel

Torch Protest hits Whitechapel_1
There were a few scuffles with police near the Blind Beggar pub in Whitechapel, at the cross roads of Mile End Road, Cambridge Heath Road and Whitechapel Road. Otherwise a fantastic turnout by the locals with some colourful banners.

05-04-2008 17:44

Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!

Free Mumia now!

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!

Abolish the racist
death penalty!

Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)

05-04-2008 15:18

Campaign For Free Assembly Demo.

FIT photographer Trafalgar Square
The demo went from Trafalgar Square via Parliament Square to the Home Office and back to Parliament Square then along Whitehall to the pub.


05-04-2008 12:11

Repression of the Harmondsworth detainees' protest

Riot police intervene to break the hunger strike Read more >>

04-04-2008 20:13

BNP candidate: 'The Asians are rubbish...'

Beacon's back!

04-04-2008 17:47

Totalitarian Fossil Fools Day report

Total Petrol Station Marylebone Rd
Totalitarian Fossil Fools Day took place at the Dorest House Total Petrol Station 170-172 Marylebone Rd on April 1st. Joining in with the events of the 5 protesters demonstrated against the French oil company's fossil foolishness causing climate change and pollution as well as the usual protest against Total's support of the brutal Burma junta. Total funds the evil junta with 500 million dollars a year and its gas pipeline in Burma was built with slave labour (see

03-04-2008 23:18

Cops say they'll confiscate anti Chinese olympics banners

It was just said on the news that the cops will be confiscating banners during the olympic torch crap going on in London this Sunday. Read more >>

03-04-2008 00:44

Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!

Free Mumia now!

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!

Abolish the racist
death penalty!

Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)

02-04-2008 16:40

SOCPA - chris coverdale arrested for non-payment of fines

chris coverdale was arrested earlier today at his home in wimbledon for non-payment of fines imposed for a previous SOCPA unauthorised demonstration offence. he is being held overnight at wimbledon police station and will apear at the local court tomorrow morning. Read more >>

02-04-2008 12:23

Brain First went to Cambodia to see what Pol Pot was up to

Sao Sary
I spoke with a young man yesterday who moved me.

He told me of the present of what Brian Haw witnessed as begun so many years back.

85% of the people are farmers. There are presently huge land disputes between the very poor and big business/the goveernment. I assume it is similiar to china's situation where the farmers are being removed so that the nouveau riche may build their American Dream houses.

Rice is over $1.00 per kilo and petrol is the same - $1.00 per litre. Their are some irrigation systems in place and there is little rain fall.

When poeple can't eat, their children don't go to school - the only way out of poverty is through education.

There is a huge problem with families selling thier children as a means of survival.

We started off this problem. This is our responsibility in the West.

Brian saw the killing fields and now the country is on the raod to economic collapse as inflation is presently soaring.

Who pays the price?
the children, as always.

31-03-2008 17:34

World Against War National Rally - full report - videos, mp3s, photos

March 2008 marks the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Over 50,000 people rallied in Trafalgar Square to protest the continued occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the on-going siege of Gaza, and the threats of attack on Iran. Read more >>

31-03-2008 14:58

London Olympic Flame Route protests 6th April

"Fears of violent clashes on London's streets grow as flame becomes symbol of protest over Tibet".
Its a crap article from the The Observer, Sunday March 30 2008, but it highlights some interesting informational material for those who wish to join in actions against the Olympics in China, the 2012 London Olympics and the historical part Olympic Games in general have in repression and gentrification in host cities. Affinity group action opportunity!! Spread the word!! Read more >>

31-03-2008 05:46

London Critical Mass visits the Chinese Embassy on its March 2008 ride.

30-03-2008 19:03

SOCPA: The GLA's campaign against Brian Haw

Having failed to get rid of Brian Haw by force (see: ) the Greater London Authority is trying again by legislation, their responses to the government consultation 'Managing Protest around Parliament' all seem to be aimed at getting rid of the peace camp. And the government agrees with them, SOCrAP isn't buried yet and they're already robbing its corpse.

Time for a protest outside City Hall?

30-03-2008 16:53

UK government deports 60 Iraqi Kurds; no one notices

Andy Worthington reports on the forced deportation of 60 Iraqi Kurds from the UK last Thursday, which has not been reported in any major media outlets at all. Read more >>


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