UK 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces Newswire Archive
Squatters In Tabloid Paper Shocker
12-04-2008 11:14

Nottingham New Squat Occupied: Day 2
12-04-2008 00:18

Infoshop now open in Leeds City centre
11-04-2008 15:48
Housing advice centre occupiedFull article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Nottingham New Squat Occupied: opp. Galleries of Justice
11-04-2008 13:28

Nottingham's Old County Hall Occupied
11-04-2008 12:21

Since a few days, a group of people have occupied the Old County Hall in Nottingham as part of the international days of action for free culture and autonomous spaces. Also see feature article. The building, also known as 'the Judges' Lodgings' has both a fascinating history and is a building of outstanding beauty. So what is its history? Who's been living there over the years? And why has been sitting empty for so many years?
"For many years it was used as the Judge's Lodgings, and behind it is a really charming garden which forms an oasis of greenery which it is very difficult to see from anywhere else than the windows of the schoolrooms of Halifax Place Chapel. It is a 17th century house which was greatly altered about 1833, about which time it was purchased from the Fellows family, who had removed thither from a smaller house a little to the west. Before their time it was occupied by Lady Hutchinson, the mother of Colonel Hutchinson." That's an extract from an article on Notts History, an online collection of copyleft articles on Nottinghamshire's vibrant history. Reading through articles about the history of the Judge's Lodgings, one thing is certain. And that is that some very high ranked individuals have lived here over the centuries.
Links: Nottinghamshire History | Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham) | Nottingham Braced For Squat Actions (feature) | Days of Action for Squats and Autonomous Spaces
Bristolians take part in International homelessness/squatters action day
11-04-2008 10:24
A vacant city centre building, the Little Theatre in Colston Street, was occupied this morning by homeless Bristolians as part of a co-ordinated day of action round the world.Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham)
11-04-2008 08:30

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Birmingham Free Space - Building occupied!
10-04-2008 17:19
Building now in hand for the weekend of events in Birmingham - for timetable see
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Squatters Estate Agents Opens In London
10-04-2008 17:07

Women's and Poly-Trans Benefit Party and Workshops at Wominspace
10-04-2008 15:28
You are invited to a lovely party and workshops at the new women's social centre in Hackney, East London! This Saturday 12th April . 4a Corbridge Crescent, off Mare Street, Hackney E2.Space Is The Place @ rampART Friday
10-04-2008 13:39
Part of a one-off series of events in London autonomous spaces to coincide with the days of action in defence of squats and for an anti-capitalist popular culture. Things kick off on the evening of Friday 11th with a social meet up and info night at the rampART social centre on Friday evening - a chance to chat about events and actions over the weekend and tell people about the autonomous spaces you are involved in.From 7pm at 15 rampart street, London E1 2LA
New squatted space openned in London
10-04-2008 13:15

Manchester Space Invaders...Landing Tonight!
10-04-2008 12:12

Timetable for Free Social Space Weekend, 11th-13th April
09-04-2008 22:32
Approximate timetable of workshops and events at the temporary squatted social space which is happening this weekend (see

Events schedule - Squatting days of action
09-04-2008 14:32

Free Spaces London Events Listing for this weekend
08-04-2008 15:15

- side stepping the property ladder
This is a one-off series of events to coincide with the Europe-wide days of action in defence of free spaces and for an anti-capitalist popular culture. The events are based at a new squatted social centre in Shoreditch and other autonomous spaces around London
The themes for Space Is the Place is the appropriation of public space by big business through privatisation and speculation, the sell-off of council housing and how the current housing crisis affects the most disadvantaged, gentrification and redevelopment of East London for the Olympics in 2012, the mismanagement of land and its ownership by the wealthy elite...
There will be an open access art-space themed as above, discussions and skill-sharing to bring people together and share ideas on how we can solve the problems we face, info-station for DIY action, films, photography, music and cafe. There will also be a benefit gig to raise money for the Advisory Service for Squatters.
If you are engaged in struggle relating to land, housing, poverty etc - whether a group or individual - please contact us ASAP about doing a presentation, info stall, workshop etc
To contribute:

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the Audacious Space free cafe & info-shop - Leeds City Centre 11-12 April
08-04-2008 13:21
Part of the International Weekend of Action in defence of squats and autonomous spaces - see
Autonomous Space Events in Reading! Common Ground to be Reopened!
08-04-2008 12:55
As part of the global days of action for squats and autonomous spaces (see

This Saturday: Demo / Street Party for Autonomous Spaces, Manchester
07-04-2008 23:13