UK Oaxaca Uprising Newswire Archive
Organized Chaos in Oaxaca
01-04-2007 23:34
The PFP Evicts Farmers to Construct Wind Park on the Isthmus of TehuantepecBy Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
March 28, 2007
The PFP Evicts Farmers to Construct Wind Park on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
March 28, 2007
When the Wind Blows, the Cradle Will Rock
29-03-2007 20:04
In the windy isthmus of Oaxaca, the Spanish Company Iberdrola, together with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), is mid-way through a massive construction project of thousands of windmills on the lands of poor peasants. The company is clearly not only taking advantage of the winds of the region, but also of the poverty, lack of organization and the stronghold control of the PRI in that area.There is no tranquility in Oaxaca
29-03-2007 16:27
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. Saturday, March 24, 20072:50 a.m.
4 anarkopunk comrades arrested and beaten*
EZLN to Initiates the Second Stage of it's Direct Participation in the
25-03-2007 00:18
- The Delegation will be Formed by Seven Comandantas, Seven Comandates and aSubcomandante
Communique of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Mexico, March 22, 2007
Brad Will's family visit Oaxaca
23-03-2007 14:19

UK Zapatista Solidarity Gathering, Next Week, Brighton!
22-03-2007 13:38
// UK ZAPATISTA SOLIDARITY NETWORK GATHERING:// Sat 31st March, 10am till 6pm and Sun 1st April, 10am till 4pm.
// @ The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA
US GM corn attacks Oaxaca........
15-03-2007 22:35
An important element in the struggle in Oaxaca is the defence and protection of the precious and unfortunately seriously threatened spiritual,environmental and agricultural natural resources of their state.Oaxaca is the birthplace of corn in the world, and the US is now aggressively and deviously manipulating Mexican economic structures to force the importation of vast quantities of US GM maize.
This is an issue of URGENT importance, both for Oaxaca, Mexico and the world.
Support The Demands Of The Women Of Oaxaca
14-03-2007 19:11
12-03-2007 20:47
On International Women’s Day, March 8, the APPO, teachers, civil society organizations, campesinos and women – among them the Coordination of the Women of Oaxaca (COMO), and indigenous women’s organizations – marched in defiance of the repressive policies of Governor Ulises Ruiz.Oaxaca Conflict Puts Spotlight on the Media
05-03-2007 17:44
The Leap in Ratings for Channel Nine During the Women’s Takeover, and the Rise in Popularity of Noticias, Reflect the Desire for the “Presentation of Reality”Communiqué from the Good Government Council “Heart of the Rainbow of Hope”
04-03-2007 20:02
By The Good Government CouncilEnlace Zapatista
February 26, 2007
Report: OPDDIC: Operation Land Displacement
25-02-2007 23:45
MX-UK>Strengthening the Strategic Partnership
25-02-2007 23:41
On the occasion of the first visit by Felipe Calderón, as President of the United Mexican States, to the UK on 29 January 2007, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Felipe Calderón make the following joint declarationThe APPO Comes Back Strong in Oaxaca
23-02-2007 17:41
The Teachers, Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society RegroupBy Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
International Invitation to Peace Camp
23-02-2007 01:37
International Invitation to Peace Encampments on Zapatista and Cucapá TerritoryTo Be Installed February 26 in El Mayor, Baja California; March 13 in Huitepec, Near San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
The Blue Nightmare: last indyoaxaca video with translations.
20-02-2007 08:30
Blue Nightmare:Oaxaca. after the State's concerted repression against the people of oaxaca and against the APPO on the 25th of November, the police took more than 200 People to prisons all over the country. Blue Nightmare takes us to the testimonies of some of them.
last EZLN communiqué
20-02-2007 00:39
Communiqué from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army for National LiberationBEAWARE EVERYONE
18-02-2007 22:21
some thought after the london infonite of andreas the "activist" from Oaxaca.A punch in the face to the APPO and to all the one are fighting for social change
SHORT NOTICE: Activist from Oaxaca speaks in Oxford, 20/02/07
18-02-2007 18:59
Andreas Aullet, an activist from Mexico's Oaxaca uprising, will be speaking at Ruskin College in Oxford on Tuesday 20 February.the WRONG oaxaca "activist" in london
18-02-2007 01:48
A punch in the face to the APPO and to all the one are fighting for social change.