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UK Peace not War Newswire Archive

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500 jobs go at faslane

23-03-2002 11:09

drisgruntled workers to help protesters??

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23-02-2002 11:40

Info about the eviction of the Peacecamp.

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Faslane Facing Eviction

22-02-2002 12:06

Faslane peace camp faces possible eviction.

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20-02-2002 17:11

A video about Trident Ploughshares and the 3 days of direct action that have just finished at the Faslane nuclear submarine base. While in Scotland the majority of the public support the protests and those activists engaging in civil disobedience, media coverage has been almost non-existent.

This video follows a group of activist from Oxford.

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Faslane Day Three Final Reports

14-02-2002 11:41

100 people, 30 arrested. Bush marries Blair, activist in a Saab pulls a handbraker in front of gate, Royal Navy van blocked.

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Video from first day of Faslane Missile Base Blockade

13-02-2002 13:50

This video starts out on the Oxford Bus.

Hundreds of people from all over the UK and beyond have been blockading Faslane nuclear base from 7 this on munday morrning. Using their bodies and a variety of fancy and hardy lock-ons.

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Faslane Yesterday (monday) photos

12-02-2002 18:38

Faslane Yesterday (monday) photos
More pics from yesterday at Faslane including the international junkyard samba school. New York, Munich, Helensburgh...we are EVERYWHERE! (article 1)

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Faslane flash update: Tuesday 43 arrests

12-02-2002 18:17

About 150 people blockaded the north and south gates today.

Cops arrested around 43 people for their part in the civil disobedience.

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pics and final release from Faslane Monday

11-02-2002 15:57

pics and final release from Faslane Monday
photos from 1st day faslane blockade (article 1)

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3 day faslane blockade off to a flying start- come and join in!

11-02-2002 12:33

faslane closed down for 3 and 1/2 hours monday am., more blockades tuesday and wednesday, come and join in ! Call the action line on 08454588361

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Clergy to join Big Blockade of Faslane base

04-02-2002 10:58

CLERGYMEN are planning to force sheriffs to send them to jail as part of a new wave of direct action against the Faslane nuclear base on the Clyde.

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Faslane Big Blockade - 11th 12th 13th Feb

30-01-2002 14:30

Block 'n' Roll! - the BIG Blockade 2002
Three days of protest and nonviolent action at Britain's nuclear weapons base. Called by Trident Ploughshares, Scottish CND, British CND and Faslane Peace Camp

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More Faslane Pictures

25-10-2001 14:30

More Faslane Pictures
Here's some more pictures of peaceful protesters being nicked in defence of an illegal base. (article 1)

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Faslane arrests shameful

23-10-2001 19:07

Faslane arrests shameful
Why to arrest peaceful protesters?

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Faslane anti-nuke protest

23-10-2001 10:21

faslane october blockade part-success, fewer arrests than feb., fewer protesters, more police.

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Arrests at Faslane protest against Trident submarines

22-10-2001 12:58

From BBC online

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FASLANE (picture 2)

13-02-2001 11:45

FASLANE (picture 2)
Photograph of people attneding demonstration against Faslane Submarine facility in Scotland. Demonstration undated.

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FASLANE CAMP (picture 1)

13-02-2001 11:43

FASLANE CAMP (picture 1)
Photograph of a Trident submarine (part of the UK's independent nuclear arsenal which ahs the capability to destroy millions of lives worldwide).

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Beautiful civil-resistance at Faslane Nuclear Base.

12-02-2001 17:37

Inspiring and magnificent acts of civil resistance see 340 people arrested, as over 1100 demonstrators blockade the gates of Faslane Nuclear Base.