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UK Ocean Defence Newswire Archive

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The Black Fish UK speaking tour

10-10-2012 11:01

The Black Fish speaking tour - London
The Black Fish marine conservation organisation are holding an speaking/information tour of the UK. The co-founder Wietse van der Werf will be travelling the UK giving talks on industrial overfishing and the creative ways The Black Fish is turning the tide, as well as other Black Fish campaigns against marine animal captivity and much more.

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The Black Fish free hundreds of endangered bluefin tuna in the Adriatic Sea

12-07-2012 09:25

Bluefin tuna swimming in a tuna sea pen. Photo by Marco Carè/Marine Photobank
On Sunday a diving team of The Black Fish successfully released hundreds of bluefin tuna back into the Adriatic Sea from cages at a fish farm near the island of Ugljan, Croatia. The action is marking the start of a new campaign to highlight the lucrative trade in the endangered bluefin tuna, a fish species heavily impacted by illegal overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea.

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Organise NOW actions to Free Captain Paul Watson

10-07-2012 15:00

Organise and plan actions NOW to Free the Skipper!

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Save Paul Watson Leader of Sea Shepherd!!!!!

21-05-2012 14:24

May 19, 2012

S.O.S. Day – Save Our Skipper – Wednesday May 23rd

For the past week,
we have implored Sea Shepherd supporters to write to the Honorable German Ministers of Justice and Foreign Affairs. The decision to release Captain Watson on bail this Monday is the unmistakable result of the thousands of letters, emails, faxes, and phone calls that were sent this week. Granting bail to a non-German national is almost unheard of in an extradition proceeding.

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Captain Paul Watson Arrested In Frankfurt, Germany on Warrant Issued by Costa Rica

14-05-2012 14:34

Photo: Tim Watters
Captain Paul Watson was arrested yesterday in Germany for extradition to Costa Rica. The German police have said that the warrant for Captain Watson’s arrest is in response to an alleged violation of ships traffic in Costa Rica, which occurred during the filming of Sharkwater in 2002. The specific “violation of ships traffic” incident took place on the high seas in Guatemalan waters, when Sea Shepherd encountered an illegal shark finning operation, run by a Costa Rican ship called the Varadero. On order of the Guatemalan authorities, Sea Shepherd instructed the crew of the Varadero to cease their shark finning activities and head back to port to be prosecuted. While escorting the Varadero back to port, the tables were turned and a Guatemalan gunboat was dispatched to intercept the Sea Shepherd crew. The crew of the Varadero accused the Sea Shepherds of trying to kill them, while the video evidence proves this to be a fallacy. To avoid the Guatemalan gunboat, Sea Shepherd then set sail for Costa Rica, where they uncovered even more illegal shark finning activities in the form of dried shark fins by the thousands on the roofs of industrial buildings.

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BP oil despersant chemical severely neurotoxic

11-05-2012 09:16

yet more scandals from the bastards of the earth

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Protesters dragged out of BP AGM after board avoids uncomfortable questions

13-04-2012 13:39

Gulf Coast residents cut short by Chair, and environmental questions brushed aside before meeting disrupted by “die-in” protest

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A Night Of Whalepunk In Sheff - Sea Shepherd Benefit!

30-03-2012 11:32

A night of whalepunk to raise much needed funds for Sea Shepherd -

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Ocean acidity increasing at unprecedented rate not seen in last 300 million years

13-03-2012 21:39

Correlation of CO2 in atmosphere, seawater and seawater pH (acidity)

In a new study marine scientists have warn that the rate of ocean acidification presently occurring is unprecedented in the last 300 million years. This is due to dissolving carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, much of which human activity has contributed over the last 200 years through the use of fossil fuels. The extent and rate of acidification enhances the prospect for a mass marine extinction event this century. Research in paleoclimatology and oceanography has revealed that anthropogenic climate change is driving Ocean Acidification threatening marine ecosystems.

Ocean acidification has been called the 'evil twin' of climate change with marine scientists warning climate negotiators in Durban of the necessity for climate mitigation action in December 2011, along with a statement on the IUCN website urging action to cut carbon emissions. New research in November 2011 from Australia's Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre showed the Southern ocean is warming and freshening.

Marine scientists warn ocean acidification is already impacting marine food webs which will lead to substantial changes in commercial fish stocks, threatening protein supply and food security for millions of people. The Northwest Oyster Die-off from 2006-2008 in the USA highlights the growing impact on commercial fisheries. The United Nations Environment Program estimates that 3 billion people use fish protein in their diet, with one billion people dependent on subsistence fishing as a primary food source.

Related: International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) | The Ocean in a high CO2 world | Takver: Ocean acidification articles | UNEP report - Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification: a threat to Food Security (PDF)

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Angie Zelter arrested on Jeju Island

12-03-2012 18:52

Angie Zelter
British peace activist and nobel prize nominee Angie Zelter is amongst those who have been arrested in ongoing protests against the building of a new naval base on Jeju Island in South Korea. The military base is due to be built on the island which was named an “Island of World Peace” by the South Korean government in 2005. Local villagers and activists have raised concerns over the environmental destruction of the island, which has several UNESCO World Heritage sites, and its potential to escalate military tensions in the region.

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Historical moment for the welfare of fish

24-02-2012 18:18

International organisations merge to tackle issues of fish sentience and cruelty

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30 Days of Action at Faslane

31-01-2012 15:53

Faslane Peace Camp are announcing 30 days of non-violent direct action against the Faslane Naval Base to mark the 30th birthday of the Peace Camp.

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The Echo of Silence

26-01-2012 09:32

This is a message to the uprising conservation activists in India from the karmic underground of a subcontinent which had to experience the prototypes of the current destruction in a thousand years of shadow. We speak for everyone who has chosen to live without the permanent terror of the police state, and for everyone who might nourish the sprout of such a decision in the prisons of their daily lives, so we speak for everyone able to agree or disagree for themselves. In this place, there is little left to conserve, and the fine thread of life connecting us with its timeless nature would be easily cut. We desire, envision and pursue the abolition of the regimes threatening to do so and the deconstruction of their inferior motivation of nuclear power. In the physics of the atom, we see human minds inspired by the Sun and the paths of the planets, trying to imagine what is not fully understood, captured in the metaphor of their own misunderstanding. Precisely this narrative is the core element of the police state that must be taken out to avoid catastrophe. And yet the condition of the universe this toxic legacy is part of suggests that no one carried such a monstrous aberration quite far, for otherwise it would already be just as looted as this Earth.

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Cost of Sri Lanka Oxford Union PR is $ 8 million

20-11-2011 09:52

Sri Lankan Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal reveals that Chime Group offered favourable front page interviews in The Time and The Daily Telegraph alongside an Oxford Union speech and glory to Mahinda Rajapaksa was almost bought out in December 2010.
Liam Fox the UK defence minister who recently resigned , his assistant Adam Werritty and some hitherto unknown associates had helped raise funds to pay contacts they themselves have identified.

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This Exactly How PR works using Oxford

21-10-2011 12:50

Bell Pottinger's role in using Oxford Union to cover up the mass killing of Tamil civilians is up again through an establishment inquiry

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EU opens up on secret fishing deals

23-09-2011 11:28

The European Commission has been under pressure from NGO's over the issue
Ever since us Europeans were able to, we have sent our fishing vessels to go far beyond our own shores and catch fish the world over. With an increasing market demand for cheap fish and overfishing problems in our region we needed to look elsewhere. Now what would be easier than to fish in the waters of developing nations which have little option but to accept little incentives, such as extra humanitarian aid, in exchange for the over-exploitation of their waters?

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Help to stop fish pedicures in Worcestershire

19-09-2011 16:01

Malvern Spa is using Garra Rufa fish for pedicures. They are kept in completely barren tanks and people put their feet in with them so that they can eat the dead skin off them. They have to be kept hungry otherwise they don't do the work - they'd obviously rather have proper food.

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Conservation organisations merge in effort to build momentum on bluefin tuna

01-09-2011 18:52

Diederik Jeangout and Michael Dilissen of How To Save The Bluefin
The European conservation organisation The Black Fish and the Belgian organisation How To Save The Bluefin have merged as of today in an effort to build a stronger alliance in the fight against bluefin tuna overfishing. The two organisations will continue together as one under the banner of The Black Fish. Diederik Jeangout and Michael Dilissen of How To Save The Bluefin are happy with the move: "Bluefin tuna needs our attention and we are serious about achieving real change for this endangered fish. We need to build a stronger movement to create the necessary change and we feel that within The Black Fish we can make this happen".

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The Black Fish is looking for crew members

25-08-2011 20:33

The Black Fish is a European marine conservation organisation founded last year.
The marine protection organisation The Black Fish is looking for people to join its direct action team and future ship's crew. "In order to be effective in our marine conservation campaigns, we need to be out at sea, opposing the most destructive fishing and hunting activities, where they happen away from the public eye." For this reason The Black Fish is working towards the purchase of an ocean going vessel and is looking for crew members.

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Stop The Bycatch

02-08-2011 00:18

Need help organizing against the Hippocrisy coming out of the Bering Sea Cod Co-op,and Freezer Longline Coalition, and Marine Steward Council _seattle Issuance of sustainable award to longliners who miss interpret bycatch tallying process,..the longliner catcher processor subsector act, allowed for a year round genociding of sustainable fishing holes..presently,if the longliners get fish off hook before passes threshold of railing (resulting in death on particular boats who paid off key u.s. senators and house members to ignore national marine fisheries science center findings , that called for restrictions in western aleutians,overthrown by Alaska Crab Coalition, Freezer longline coalition ,alaska cod commission, and bering sea cod fishery , and 6 other groups who trade Individual fishing quotas with commodity speculators hiding behind u.s. fishing vessels,allowing Hedge funds to deduct up to 50%-70%-, with 81.9% on c/p's,that Never Pay the working deadliest crews % on 70 %, all while trading the i.f.q. (individual fishing quota) with another boat and get automatic royalty on unsuspecting crews..
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