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"We Interrupt This Empire..." Screening

31-08-2003 16:04

7:30pm,Wednesday, 3 September 2003 @ The Locomotive pub, 44 Mill Road

The San Francisco Video Activists' Network and SF Indymedia presents the story you didn't see on the BBC: an unflinching look at the American radical resistance to an illegal and horrific war.

"We Interrupt This Empire..." is a collaborative work by many of the Bay Area's independent video activists which documents the direct actions that shut down the financial district of San Francisco in the weeks following the United States' invasion of Iraq. With the audio backdrop including the live broadcasts of SF Indymedia's Enemy Combatant Radio and the SF Police Department's tactical communications that were picked up by police scanners, the documentary takes a look at the diverse show of resistance from the streets of San Francisco as well as providing a critique of the coporate media coverage of the war and exploring such issues as the Military Industrial Complex, attacks on civil liberties, and the United States' current imperialist drive.

Suggested donation 2 squid

Trailer: [56k][Broadband]
Poster: [pdf]

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Sex Majik 2 Shut Down The Arms Fayre

20-08-2003 19:20

z-axis is peerpendicular to the ecliptic plane
Recently a flurry of psychogeographical flyers have hit London exhorting people to destroy DSEi with 'Sex Majik'

Quote: "Our calculations show that the Fibre Optic Cables running from the City of London to the Docklands, along the A13, can channel the psychic currents we generate in our psychogeographical activities with enough precision to shut down the arms fair on September 11th 2003."

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"Unprecedented: 2000 Presidential Election" - Film Screening

16-08-2003 23:00


'Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election' is being screened at the Showroom Cinema at 6:50pm on Saturday 13th September and this screening will be followed by a discussion with Richard Ray Pérez, one of the co-directors of the file. This award winning documentary is a co-production with the Los Angeles Independent Media Center.

There is further information on the Unprecedented movie web site, including links to audio and video previews, background information, reviews and stills.

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Hyde Park Unity Day 2003: Saturday August 2nd!

30-07-2003 18:11

This year's Hyde Park Unity Day takes place on Hyde Park, Leeds 6, on Saturday 2nd August. Unity Day is a day of celebration for the local community in Hyde Park, designed to show it at its best. Hyde Park lost a local pub - The Newlands - through riots in 1995, and this attracted intense national media coverage resulting in a negative portrayal of the area. The local community rallied to redeem the area's reputation, and Unity Day was born.

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Oxton Festival Banned!

29-07-2003 13:27

Oxton Festival 2002
The Oxton Festival, a free event scheduled for 6th and 7th September, has been banned by Wirral Borough Council.

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Sheffield Indymedia Radio On Air (Webcast too)

15-07-2003 09:18

Sheffield Indymedia Radio presented its second show on Tuesday 15th July between 7pm and 8pm BST.

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Carlo Vive!

13-07-2003 22:16

The 20th of July will mark the second anniversary of the murder of Carlo Guilani by the Carabinieri (Italian paramilitary police force) during the protests against the G8 summit of Genoa 2001. In those remarkable days, where Berlusconi's goverment gave orders to stop protesters by "whatever force necessary", the independent media centre was brutally attacked by police, resulting with the arrests, tortures, assaults and beatings into coma of many protesters.

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Oyster Wars: A play based on working-class struggle

29-06-2003 15:10

rehearsal for the theatre play
Oyster Wars: A play, that links working-class struggle in the past with the present and the future in North Edinburgh.

For the last week in June, the "Oyster Wars Project" took place in North Edinburgh. This Project consisted of a theatre show, an exhibition and a community event.

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Cowley Road Carnival

27-06-2003 15:03

Cowley Road Carnival 2003 took place in Oxford on Sunday 15 June.

A perfect day! Colour, music, dancing, food, fun in the sun; a diverse day in a diverse place!

The rainbow procession started at 1pm, this was followed by music in the 2 stages and skate zone, healing area, circus area, childrens activities, storytelling, community stalls, food from all over the world.

see reports with pictures 1 | 2 | 3

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Peace in the Park

23-06-2003 18:33

Hundreds of people gathered on Devonshire Green in Sheffield City Centre on Saturday 21st June 2003 for the Peace in the Park festival of peace and solidarity.

It was also the first public event that Sheffield Indymedia attended — the IMC stall went down well.

[Report | Photos: 1 | 2]

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grafiti in oxford

19-06-2003 18:09


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Frock On and On

18-06-2003 23:00

Picture of frontpage of FrockOn leaflet with program
On 7th of june, the second "Frock On" Festival took place in Glasgow.
"Frock On and On" was helt this time at the Govanhill Neighbourhood Community Centre for the daytime workshops for women, and in the Queenspark Glasshouse for gigs and spoken word in the evening,the artists, audience and the bar in between exotic plants and small animals.

"Our goal is to make links with and strengthen/build on the existing feminist community with aim of making feminism cool again.
Frock On is against homophobia, racism, ablism, ageism, and men bashing.
It's about talking, having fun, making new friends, subverting, resisting, doing it yourself, gossiping/networking, respecting, listening, dancing, eating, rioting, drinking, laughing, relaxing, empowering ourselves and others, clothes swapping, cycling, supporting our music, creating, growing, expressing ourselves, challenging ourselves, learning, scheming, giggling, planning, cups of tea, taking care of ourselves, gaining confidence and self esteem, finding our voices and keeping it real."

More information under


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Calton Hill blocked off by police to prevent Beltane celebration!

01-05-2003 23:00

The Beltane Fire Society is celebrated every year the start of summer on the 30th of april on top of Calton Hill in Edinburgh with Theatre show and Fire Shows. This year, due to the spiralling costs mainly due to the Councils demands, the celebrations have been cancelled. However, although the official celebrations have been cancelled, the police and the council try to prevent anybody to have a private pagan celebration by police force...
Here is a call for Resistance! And here is a report about what happened on Beltane at Calton Hill.

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Anti-road protest in Edinburgh gets stronger and stronger!

20-03-2003 23:00

Having just had a massive spring clean of our surroundings, site and paths we've now erected a large kitchen/ free cafe with an infoshop attached. Our stage is built, and after an initial performance by the "Beltane Drummers" from Edinburgh we now hope to host more local bands and musicians. There are two new treehouses in progress and our walkway system is ever extending.
We would welcome vistors to come for short or long stays, or even just to pop by for a cup of tea and a read.
[ Bilston Anti Bypass Camp - News Update | Bilston Wood- Anti Road Protest Camp near Edinburgh | No Alignment Action Group]

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Beltane Fire Society cancels festival in Edinburgh !

17-03-2003 23:00

After 15 years of existence, Beltane Fire Society had to cancel its festival this year. Beltane on Calton Hill has become a major subcultural event in Edinburgh, attracting almost 14 000 people each year to its Celtic Pagan celebration.
The Fire show is known for its exceptional, brilliant performances by the passionate, committed volunteers of the non-profit-making community arts organisation.
Now the costs are spiraling over £14,000 for the running of the festival, and so the self-funded, autonomous festival can not proceed. With the refusal of funds by the Arts Council, and the rising costs especially the costs demanded by the Council, the grassroots festivals organisers see themselves unable to cope with the rising demands.

[ full story | pictures of the festival | Beltane Fire Society | Tepooka]

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Women against war- Womens' rights are human rights!

08-03-2003 23:00

On International Womens' Day women all over the world made their voices heard. In Glasgow a two days diy-conference and gigs took place, named “ Frock On ”.
In Edinburgh an anti-sweat shop protest took place in front of GAP. Also in Edinburgh, “ Enact for Women ” has put together a weeks long program for, about and by women, located in various parts of the city, with the main focus on the conference about women and human rights taking place on Thursday, 13th of march. [Frock On | protest | Enact]

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SAMHUINN PROCESSION by Beltane Fire Society

31-10-2002 00:00

On Samhuinn, the Beltane Fire Society celebrates this pagan festival with a procession and a street performance. At Samhain we know, that we are entering winter; its celtic name meaning “ summer's end ” . It is a time of coming to terms with death, and to mediate on letting go of past hurts and wrongs.Symbols and customs involve apples and the red poppy, the Lammas symbol of blood upon the corn.

[ BFS Samhuinn procession | More pics ]

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Nothing ever burns down by itself- theatre play on Global Action Days 19.-22. July 2001 in Genoa

05-10-2002 23:00

Theatre Workshop launched its new play “Nothing ever burns down by itself” (in relation to the Chumbawamba song “Give the anarchist a cigarette” /Anarchy) on Thursday, Friday, Saturday (3./4./5. October) in Edinburgh.
The play is about the Global Action Days from 19.-22. July 2001 against the G8 summit in Genoa.
The play broke down the barrier between the audience and the players by the total removal of seats and stage, constantly moving artists, audience and requisites around, giving the audience the feeling of really having been there and to be involved.

[ Full story | Interactive Genoaresistance webpage | The Foot and Mouth Festival in Edinburgh coinciding with Genoa | IMC UK special feature on Genoa | IMC Video on Genoa | Video, Books also available at AK Press in Edinburgh ]

Book to read about this topic:
On Fire - Genoa and the Anti-Capitalist Movement”, One -Off Press
Paperback, ISBN: 1902593545, £ 3.00

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Big Blether .... is over for a couple of years!

08-09-2002 23:00

We were blethering at Talamh Life Centre, Lanarkshire from 6-8 September 2002.

Roughly every two years, we, the grassroots activists come together to enjoy ourselves and to inspire and encourage each other. The whole weekend was about direct action, peace and environmental issues and campaigning for social and ecological justice. At this DIY gathering we had the chance to learn new skills and broaden our minds and share our hopes, fears and experiences.
There were workshops, practical skills sharing, networking, mutual support, positive solutions, solidarity, alternative lifestyles, blethering, music, sunshine, camping ...

Full story at:
article and pictures

Also see our website at:

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Occupied student homes and Lelas Karayanni 37 Squat under repression

19-08-2002 22:00

Since the end of July, the squat of Lelas Karayanni 37 has been confronted with a local and state repression as the chancellors of the university commissioned police to cut off the water and electricity supplies into the occupied building, and threaten a violent eviction refuse they to leave. L. K. 37 was bequeathed to the University, under the proviso it is used to house homeless and poor students. Despite that, it was abandoned since 1960, until April of 1988, when it was occupied by a collective of young students, workers and jobless, who transformed it into a place for housing and self-organisation. L.K. 37, through open assemblies, publications and social interventions became a workshop and base for radical criticism against housing issue in Athens.

The repression seems to be one of the initial casualties that seem to co-inside with speculative business enterprises earmarked for the "Olympic Games 2004". In another case the Students' House in Ilisia suburb has been occupied for more than two months as the rectors' council demanded all students must leave in order to use it for the journalists' accommodation during the Olympics, the students have refused.

[ Full report | athens.indymedia | L.K.37 page ]

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