In the past few days over a hunderd rockets were launched, causing confusion and disruption civilians, and in the past few hours several civilians have been killed. These weapons are meant to terrify. They are also mean't to provoke a response from the Israel Defence Force, which means Palestinian casualities and an opportunity to demonize Israel.
These rockets are a cynical tactic that wishes to sacrifice Palestinie blood so as to win international support from sympathisers.
Hamas must commit to non-violence. Attacking Israel will only cause a predictable response which will cause more Palestinian suffering and bloodshed.
The only way that Palestine will truly be a free State is if it commits to nonviolence. The violence of the rocket and suicide bomber is counterproductive nad will not end the seige of Gaza or get Palestinian full membership status within the United Nations.
Contact the ;Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations
115 East 65th Street
New York, N.Y. 10065
Telephone: (212) 288-8500
Telefax: (212) 517-2377
And insist that they cease all rocket attacks and violence.
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We reject totalitarian propaganda.
15.11.2012 14:21
The rocket attacks are the result of chronic, regular and normalised aggression and illegal settlement undertaken by the totalitarian state of Israel which is a military dictatorship. Hamas has experienced assaults, assassinations and violence against the people it is elected to serve all undertaken by the Israeli military. It is routinely smeared as a"terrorist" organistaion around the world by so-called objective media. It experiences routine and chronic hostility as a result of the worldwide propaganda campaign the Israeli military and its political servants have been waging. Where you see a rocket attack, you only need to look with a sideways glance and there you will find Israeli provocation that goes before it.
The provocation is never reported in Israel or in the west, but the response is. The resultant bias forms the basis of this insipid, invidious and deranged evil that is Israeli Hasbara. We reject totalitarianism. We reject fundamentalism. We reject fascism dressed as democracy.
Take your Hasbara and shove it.
What happens now, you and your deviant lying, cheating, deviant authoritarians will have brought upon yourselves. The crimes you commit against the innocent people of displaced Palestine, will simply end in the persecution of Zionists all over the world. For every Gazan of Palestine harmed, 100 Zionists in the west will be made to suffer. We know where the Zionists in the UK are, we will find them, and we will harm them in return. We will not stop until the UK is free of this Nazi cult once and for all. We faught to defeat fascism and now we find its stench alive and well in the heart of our own nation.
No Hasbara, no fascism, no totalitarianism.
You are simply trying to engineer more stolen territory and you once again are trying to blame it on those whose lands you steal.
You are filth incarnate.
is this about right?
15.11.2012 15:46
15.11.2012 18:32
They are arguing now for the sake of it, both are dogs being waged by extreamists in thier countries to the detriment of the general citizenry of both.
All we do by constantly sideing with one side or the other is to give theres tossers big ego boosts, your being played.
How about instead of haveing rallies, discussion groups and demos, how about we all demand that BOTH sides pack it in and stamp down very hard on the rabble rousers on both sides.
Without the air of publicity and "oh woe is me" on both sides they would be forced to actualy have nothing to defend against except thier own sociopathic attitudes.
Hamas is at fault
15.11.2012 20:27
>> How about instead of haveing rallies, discussion groups and demos, how about we all demand that BOTH sides pack it in and stamp down very hard on the rabble rousers on both sides.
How exactly are you going to "demand" that people do what you want them to do?
Maybe they will just "ignore" you.
>> Without the air of publicity and "oh woe is me" on both sides they would be forced to actualy have nothing to defend against except thier own sociopathic attitudes.
Well, with lots of guns / tanks and other military hardware, defending is pretty easy against a load of leftist who go around "demanding" things.
ignore demands - always
Israeli dictatorship.
15.11.2012 20:45
Without the air of publicity and "oh woe is me" on both sides they would be forced to actualy have nothing to defend against except thier own sociopathic attitudes."
Its very usual for the Hasbarian 'explainers' to adopt the line that the people of Gaza and the military Israeli state is somehow equal and that peace can be acheived by just asking both sides to equally stop what they are doing. I suppose in their eyes this is the best way equalise the conflict in order to share blame for the injustices among the international community.
The people of Gaza and the military state of Israel is not, and has never been, equal. One side is an oppressive regime that looks to bomb the other side when the political environment suits them and does so regularly in order to snatch just a little bit more territory. They have been "at it" for close on 60 years.
The other side is sitting in a hole living in squalor fearing every day that comes along. And knowing that each and every day brings new threats, actions and bullying that always...and I mean ALWAYS, leads to a loss of just a little bit more land through settlement, murder or targeted killings.
Israel has never had ANY interest in preserving the peace because it has always found that violence is the most effective way of gaining territory. Thats the way it is when you are building a nation from the wreckage of those you have displaced. All you have to do is pay for your yokels to come visit, give them guns and bats to go get a bit of land, then send the police and thugs in to help create a violent confrontation.
Once the confrontation has started, you then squeal that the other side are terrorists and bomb them to death while claiming you are fighting international terror.
The Israeli state is not legitimate...only an authoritarian would ever claim that it could be?
Gorw up?..we did that years ago!
15.11.2012 21:10
The Holocaust - Using Hasbara to explain it.
"The Holocaust is not an attempt to commit Genocide against the Jews, that is lies perpetrated by the leftists and their terrorist supporters. The Holocaust is simply our right to protect ourselves from terrorism and security threats which threaten our people every single day. We have a right to live in peace. We have a right to remove threats to our security as and when they appear. The policy we are engaged in is always concerned with the safety of the Jews. Our armed forces spend a huge amount of time ensuring that the rights of Jews are facilitated at all times. You only need to come to our country to see the care our armed forces take when placing the Jews into their transition camps. We ensure that the Jews are always fed and clothed before we transition them to their facilitation camps prior to them receiving Holocaust. You shouldn't listen to the terrorists and their supporters. All they want is to destroy wipe us off the map....they have said this.
We will continue to support the Jews and we will not be distracted from our duties toward them. In our efforts to ensure the Jews are fully able to transition to their Holocaust, we will do everything we can to help and assist them.
We will not bow down to terrorism. We have a right to protect ourselves."
If you are Jewish and this makes you really angry (and it should), understand that the Zionists in Israel use this language every single day against the Palestinians while Israeli settlers are stealing land.
And when they have a quiet day and are unable to exploit the Palestinians to that end, they are busy trying to start WW3 with Iran.
big up yaself anti-nazi
15.11.2012 21:16
15.11.2012 23:18
If you're an Anti-Nazi you should familiarise yourself with the role played by Hitler's Arab language broadcaster and SS recruiter, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, in fucking-up the political situation for both Jews and Palestinians. In this conflict there has been and still is profound evil on both sides -
Dani Z
@Dani Z
16.11.2012 00:24
Are you finished spreading your filth now?
Anti Nazi