In the past few days over a hunderd rockets were launched, causing confusion and disruption civilians, and in the past few hours several civilians have been killed. These weapons are meant to terrify. They are also mean't to provoke a response from the Israel Defence Force, which means Palestinian casualities and an opportunity to demonize Israel.
These rockets are a cynical tactic that wishes to sacrifice Palestinie blood so as to win international support from sympathisers.
Hamas must commit to non-violence. Attacking Israel will only cause a predictable response which will cause more Palestinian suffering and bloodshed.
The only way that Palestine will truly be a free State is if it commits to nonviolence. The violence of the rocket and suicide bomber is counterproductive nad will not end the seige of Gaza or get Palestinian full membership status within the United Nations.
Contact the ;Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations
115 East 65th Street
New York, N.Y. 10065
Telephone: (212) 288-8500
Telefax: (212) 517-2377

And insist that they cease all rocket attacks and violence.
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