By Anonymous, submitted on Wed, 29/02/2012 - 15:08
Help the Syrian people!!
Whilst we in the west worry about cuts and jobs and the future of our sad consumerist financially defunct and moral bankrupt society, thousands of people in Syria are suffering from the onslaught of bombing, bullets, illegal imprisonment, torture and starvation. Their predicament is significantly worse than ours, despite our imperfect system we at least can vote out politicians we don't want whilst the Syrians have to contend with dictatorship passing from father to son.
How can we call ourselves activists if we have decided not to get involved in the conflict in Syria? The average activist claims that he doesn't want to support intervention in Syria because they would be supporting what they believe is a imperialist design to dominate the middle-east by toppling regimes. But those activists being killed and maimed in Syria are crying out for intervention of some kind, whether it be a no-fly zone, or arming the resitsance, so they have a fighting chance of gaining the freedoms that we take for granted.
The Assad regime uses Russian and Chinese weapons to kill the opposition, whilst at the same time Russia and China veto any resolution with the UN critising the Assad dictatorship. Should we in the west be arming the opposition? Every human has the right to self defence, except for those activists in Syria daring to voice opposition, who are rounded up, imprisoned, tortured and killed. They should be given a fighting chance after all they are fighting against fascism.
I say impose a no-fly zone, and arm the resistance. And if China and Russia veto, then @**@ em.
Hide the following 19 comments
Why post this to Indymedia?
29.02.2012 17:22
So, besides the fact that the 'average activist' isn't necessarily male, the suggestion is, once again, that we should be now be out there cheering for imperialism? We heard exactly the same arguments for intervention in Libya and what is the state of play in Libya now?
MSF pulled out of the detention centres in Misrata stating:
A month later, Robert Fisk wrote:
And are we also to be held responsible for the fact that under the pretence of ensuring a 'No Fly Zone' NATO bombing raids led to many civilian deaths? In his article If the Libyan war was about saving lives, it was a catastrophic failure, Seamus Milne concluded:
Whilst the UK government supported the National Transitional Council from the start, as the dust settles it becomes cear that one despotic regime has simply been replaced by another.
It isn't that clear though, is it?
If you really want to call for the UK state to intervene, then do a fucking petition. It isn't as if Cameron or his millionaire mates come to Indymedia for advice on their foreign poilicies.
Practical things the west can do to help the Syrian uprising (without hurting pe
29.02.2012 19:07
Advance alarm system against air-attacks.
Fake IDs to people in danger of harassment by the authorities.
Tactical training on effective sabotage and clandestine operation.
Disseminate Intel about the identities of the attacking soldiers.
Open channels of mass uncensored communication and public platform to the rebels.
Donate money to civil rights groups and community organisations.
Things the west should not do
Under no circumstances should the west attack, which is what "No Fly Zone" means.
No intervention in the demands of the rebels, in the formation of a new government etc.
It shouldn't bring more weapons into the situation.
It should not have an expectations for any self interested gains from the situation or it's outcome.
It should not consider how to capitalise on the outcome.
This is a Syrian thing for them to sort out, the west's job should be just to make sure people don't die. There are a million things that can be done, but we all know how this always ends.
29.02.2012 19:40
They have been doing it for tens of years, and still we sleep.
brutally slain syrian pregnant woman who was about to be married
Who’s lying about Syria?
29.02.2012 20:00
Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest. He uses CIA sources to state that:
- CIA are resisting Obama drift to military conflict in Syria
- They don’t believe UN claims of the number of dead
- They don’t believe mass defections from the Syrian Army
- Battles between defectors and soldiers are fabricated
- Syria is under attack from foreign funded rebels.
More information from Information Clearing House,
(This was banned twice from The Guardian's comment section.)
What does the oldest Christian Church say?
Antiochian Delegation to Damascus, Syria
His Eminence Metropolitan Philip, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America writes:
‘…The reports we receive on an almost daily basis from our Patriarch and various Metropolitans of the See of Antioch, together with our many contacts in Syria do not agree with the reports we see and hear in Western media such as CNN, Fox News, and others. Likewise, many of the gulf sponsored Arabic news channels like Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya seem to portray a dire situation in Syria when the reality based on our many contacts there appears to be something quite the contrary.
Because of this contradiction, and because our office has been inundated with letters, emails and phone calls about the situation in Syria, we felt it necessary to send a delegation made up of a group of some of our convert priests, other religious leaders from non-Orthodox communities, and an international lawyer to see first-hand the situation and report back to me and to all of you, the faithful of our God-protected Archdiocese…’
Patrick Readon is a US Christian who visited Syria in September
‘…Our last meeting, which lasted until about three o’clock in the morning of our final day in Syria, was with the leading Islamic cleric in the country known as the Grand Mufti, the spiritual father of Syria’s 70% Sunni majority…
…The Grand Mufti was also very pro-Assad and criticized what he called the huge fabrication the Western media was advancing by using unverified You-Tube films in its reports. He had been at those locations, he declared, exactly when some of the alleged uprisings and violence were occurring, and he saw nothing to support the exaggerations of the Western press. The Grand Mufti speculated that there was a 90% approval rating for President Assad in Syria, compared to the current 39% approval for President Obama in the United States…’
"The worst case scenario - a lot of people get killed, and nobody wins"
29.02.2012 23:23
Download: Patrick Cockburn on Syria - mp3 9.1M
Journo Patrick Cockburn of the Independent interviewed on KFPA Flashpoints by Dennis Bernstein on 27th February, 2011.
Please don't do this
01.03.2012 10:18
Syrian exile
yo man
01.03.2012 10:39
We have countless examples from history of the colonialist tricks and games, I doubt highly that the average syrian wants the western governments controlling them, or do they?
all for revolution
Controlling us
01.03.2012 11:47
We want a government elected by us to serve us but that is for the future and right now we want our present unelected government to stop killing us and for some people (including here) to stop trying to pretend it is not happen.
When you have people shelling your house and shooting your friends the priorities of life are a little different.
Syrian exile
Syrian exile - duped or fraud?
01.03.2012 13:42
01.03.2012 10:18
I am struggling to explain how angry I am at seeing notes like these, quotes from supporters of the Assad group telling you there is nothing wrong and the revolution has no support. We have been ground into the dust by these people for years and years. We are crying out for help as our women and children are being killed by the shelling and bullets of the Assad Army. Please help us.
Syrian exile
Controlling us
01.03.2012 11:47
We don't want anybody to 'control' us.
We want a government elected by us to serve us but that is for the future and right now we want our present unelected government to stop killing us and for some people (including here) to stop trying to pretend it is not happen.
When you have people shelling your house and shooting your friends the priorities of life are a little different.
Syrian exile
Who are you Syrian exile?
A virtual character invented by the Pentagon or the Israeli embassy?
A real Syrian who is duped?
A real Syrian who seeks personal advantage from a Western-backed Syrian government that wants to support imperialism?
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that the opposition are being backed by the West and their allies. Yet, that matters little to you.
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that Western allies include countries like Saudi Arabia that would use and is using violence against its own people who campaigned for democracy. Yet, you see no contradiction in this.
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that the US used snipers and chemical weapons against civilians and rebels in Fallujah but now condemn less violent methods used by Assad. Yet, you see no hypocrisy in this.
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that the Western media and some Arab media are not impartial and not interested in telling the public both sides of the story. They see themselves as actively supporting the objectives of the opposition. Yet, a misleading media is good as far as you are concerned.
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that millions of people across Syria have demonstrated in support of Assad, particularly when the opposition began its activity. You will be aware that the idea they were forced to do this is absolutely ridiculous – as if Assad would mobilise people who hate him to demonstrate in front of his palace and in other city centres. Yet, you want us to ignore this.
You cannot be ignorant of the fact that the Arab League monitors did not substantiate the claim that Assad was engaged in organised mass killing. Indeed, it identified an ‘armed entity’ and said that opposition figures lied to them. Yet, you probably wish to suppress this report.
You have been presented with evidence that His Eminence Metropolitan Philip, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America of the Antioch Orthodox Church strongly disagrees with the dominant version of what is happening in this country. He has large numbers of contacts in Syria and a delegarion has visited Syria. It is not obvious as to why this priest would want to lie for a murderous dictator opposed by the West. Yet, you ignore this.
How can any Syrian who may be fooled but seeks to act in good faith ignore this?
So, Syrian exile, is the Antioch Orthodox Church lying?
Or, are you a lying fraud?
"Simon" It is you I question
01.03.2012 14:13
You are either being used or you are a tool of the Assad regime.
Syrian exile
Dear Syrian exile
01.03.2012 15:29
They blame everyone and anyone who dare say anything to the contrary as being some sort of secret agent whatever... You can be sure that the vast majority of people here are with you (Not that the vast majority would support an attack).
Everyone I spoke to (In person) wants to kick those troophers out of Indymedia, but they just keep coming back for more. I don't know if they live in some sort of imaginary bubble, or they only get their information from liars, or they are paid trolls, or state agents trying to make us look like we support dictators, or nazis doing the same, or maybe (And i know this is a long shot) they are just completely crazy.
They also seem to take less then 10 minutes replying to anything which makes me suspect that they do nothing but indymedia, and they seem to have a moderator mole in the indy crew which censor reasonable comments (usually during working hours).
They also have many names (Which is fine i never use the same nickname here for more than a month), but quite often it's pretty clear that the same person will reply many times under different names to make it look like there is wide support for the lunacy they provoke.
Lot's of trolling on Syria-lot's of propaganda on the BBC, msm etc
01.03.2012 23:50
Now if the UK ruling class want us to support the violent overthrow of some ME dictator then they want that to further their interests - which are (among others, but mainly) Oil and Weapons The overthrow of assad would weaken support for Iran in the region and help prevent Iran gaining any ascendancy in the Caspian basin where all the oil and gas is. It might make an attack on Iran easier so using weapons and so boosting profits for weapons manufacturers in another small scale war. It doesn't really matter the policy of the west in the ME ( where all the oil is )now and historically is to spread division and turmoil throughout the region. This is how our privileged and expensively educated ruling class use the skills they have gained, to fuck over the lives of ordinary people where ever they the ruling class can enrich themselves.
So fuck that. Obviously the west and Isreal would want a compliant and 'liberal' regime in place and so will be active in supporting the so called 'freedom army' with arms and snipers and so on and obviously will put the full might of their propaganda machine behind the rebells.
The Hypocrasy is massive when you compare the huge tumult in western media over Syria with the absolute silence about Uzbekistan. Where the Karimov regime boil people alive in acts of torture designed to make victims admit to being Al Q members so that more taxes can be transferred to fight the 'terrorist' threat, and further increase the profits of their arms and security firms. All this is known to the Intelligence community, the FCO. and the British Govt. and yet the Karimovs (you know the people boilers)are chums with the pantomine Prince Michael of Kent who led a trade deligation to Uzbekistan even though they knew full well that the Karimovs are people poachers.
So why this massive concern for the rights and freedoms of the Syrian people and the complete lack of any concern for the rights and freedoms of the Uzbek people?
Well Uzbekistan has been ear marked by the west as the potential new 'leader' in the Caspian region, (you know where all the oil and gas is) and so even though the Karimovs are people boilers they are funded and supported by western capitalists and ruling class fuckers who obviously don't give two fucks about the rights and freedoms of anyone unless those people somehow can futher the ruling class' interests. In this case Syria - the destabilisation of an allay of Iran - Iran currently and historically one of the main local powers in the region.
blah blah blah
02.03.2012 00:00
'blah'->Don't take these people seriously, Indymedia has become a cheap propaganda
'blah'->resource for falling dictatorships around the world,
Here running down UK Indymedia without any supporting evidence at all - just a slag off, typically trolly. Why troll here if this is how the troll feels? what a pointless waste of time even posting a comment.
'blah' -> a few state agents here (With NEJ being the main one) post so many shitty
'blah' ->comments that the moderators can't keep up.
This shows a complete ignorance of Indymedia moderation and moderators. This is FUD. as is most of the post
'blah' ->They blame everyone and anyone who dare say anything to the contrary as being
'blah'-> some sort of secret agent whatever... You can be
'blah' ->sure that the vast majority
'blah'-> of people here are with you (Not that the vast majority would support an attack).
This one is a classic -an appeal to the 'normal' a claim that the views this troll holds are held by a 'vast majority' again not backed up evidentially, at least the pro assad trolls provide links and further information not this troll just typical hand waving vagueness.
'blah' ->Everyone I spoke to (In person) wants to kick those troophers out of Indymedia,
Again 'troophers' is disparaging to IM UK, its moderators and hard working techs, again an appeal to some mythical 'Everyone'. This is a typical troll attempt to associate IM UK with dubious sources of information.
'blah' -> but they just keep coming back for more. I don't know if they live in some sort of imaginary bubble, or they only get their
'blah' ->information from liars, or they are paid trolls, or state agents trying to make us look like we support dictators, or nazis doing
'blah' ->the same, or maybe (And i know this is a long shot) they are just completely crazy.
Here the use of 'we' trying to give the impression of being some kind of insider, this troll clearly knows nothing i.e. an ignorant troll. the worst kind IMO.
'blah' ->They also seem to take less then 10 minutes replying to anything which makes me suspect that they do nothing but indymedia, and
'blah' ->they seem to have a moderator mole in the indy crew which censor reasonable comments (usually during working hours).
Again complete ignorance of how comments are moderated here, comments are hidden not censored. any on can read the hidden comments, and if you have a problem with 'reasonable' comment hiding you can contact the mods
'blah' ->They also have many names (Which is fine i never use the same nickname here for more than a month), but quite often it's pretty 'blah' ->clear that the same person will reply many times under different names to make it look like there is wide support for the lunacy 'blah' ->they provoke.
So typical trolling and therefore.....
Troll off back to the dark under side of your bridge.
Troll Spotter
Look, and listen
02.03.2012 16:02
I know how the comments work here, and how to see hidden comments. I don't understand how you can call yourself an anarchist (If you even do) and support a government, what's more a tyrannical government with a long history of, well not being very nice to people. You can try and convince the rest of us here that Assad is the nicest guy in the world, Not a lion just a kitten. You can do this, but you'll fail, you'll fail first because as a government leader he is by definition not a good person, couple that with violent tendencies towards civilians,torture and complete disregard for freedoms, and you'd leave most non-insane people pretty damn sure he isn't all that you say he is.
It just so happened that the western powers oppose Assad, for selfish reasons, for warmongering and domination, but still they oppose him. this is where our common interest begin and ends, we will oppose the next government too (You might not), we celebrate whenever a government falls. You can believe that this is all orchestrated by the CIA/Mossad and to their credit, they can stir shit when it's convenient, but they can't get thousands of people who love their government to come out and fight against it, with the risk of their families getting hurt. People have to already be pretty damn pissed of for this to happen to begin with.
The western powers likes meddling in other people's business, but you can be damn sure that the Americans are protecting their interests regardless of the outcome of this rebellion. The Americans will have people on both sides of this, and whoever wins they have contingency, that's what they do. I bet right now in some office in Washington some expert analysts are sitting with the ear to the ground playing their little game and waging bets on who is gona win which battle, but either way they have people on both sides.
Just because it's convenient to the west to see Assad fall does not mean he deserves our full support, there are always alternatives. I can categorically demonstrate how the conspiracy theorists are detrimental to our cause, time and time again. This thread is one of those, notice how instead of talking about what we can do to help, we are talking about you.
You can think what you will, I stopped caring, I KNOW I AM NOT AN AGENT of any state and or any powerful interest other than myself. Personally I stopped caring what you think. but I am an insider!, I do know what is happening on the ground here, and I have enough activist friends to assure me that you are in the minority here. If I thought I was part of a movement made out of delusional paranoids with no critical analysis skills or viable alternatives I would not be part of that movement. While I have met some storm troophers, I know not everyone are scared of their own shadow in our scene, and that some of us actually fight real things, not imaginary super beings.
Now what? Are you gona dissect my comment, taking each paragraph to show... show what exactly? and what do you mean by typical mossad? how many mossad agents have you spoke to? did you learn advanced psychological manipulation skills and deduced that I am definitely a Mossad agent? No of course you didn't because I am not and therefore i know that you are full of shit. What's more, I've seen you do this same thing to countless others before me and it's wearing thin, very thin. Just to point out, If I was a Mossad agent, you would not be safe, so here's a way to prove my point, if in the next 5 minutes a bullet doesn't blow your brains out all over your computer screen than I am exonerated, and you will go to receive mental help (And I'm saying this for your own good), otherwise I'll fess up and expose all of our secret evil plans.
Aw is the troll upset?
02.03.2012 21:22
Not interested in who you troll for, how can any one know who you are trolling for?, and why waste time speculating? but trolling you are and a troll you are.
blah->.. know(s) how the comments work here, and how to see hidden comments.
Well then claiming that 'reasonable comments' are being 'censored' as you did in the obvious troll post above is misleading and is an example of disinformation designed to denigrate IM UK.
'blah'->I don't understand how you can call yourself an anarchist (If you even do) and support a government, what's more a tyrannical
'blah'-> government with a long history of, well not being very nice to people. You can try and convince the rest of us here that Assad is 'blah'->the nicest guy in the world, Not a lion just a kitten. You can do this, but you'll fail, you'll fail first because as a government 'blah'->leader he is by definition not a good person, couple that with violent tendencies towards civilians,torture and complete disregard 'blah'->for freedoms, and you'd leave most non-insane people pretty damn sure he isn't all that you say he is.
All presidents prime ministers are gangsters, terrorists, murderers, war mongers including and 'A Journey' Tone and Eton Dave and his bullingdon chums, his actions in this have been to fan the flames - I'm sure UK/US special forces will be on the ground 'helping' and supplying the armed resistance and how many of the dead are they accountable for?.
'blah'->we celebrate whenever a government falls
well start working towards the fall of your own, they are brutal criminal torturers like any other.
'blah'-> CIA/Mossad and to their credit, they can stir shit
Interesting CIA/Mossad deserve credit for the kind of shit stirring that ends in the deaths of children - notice too the trolls reluctance to include their own MI5 MI6 etc for 'credit' in this child mangling shit stirring. You think they are blameless?
'blah'->People have to already be pretty damn pissed of [sic]
Obviously people all over the region are pretty damned pissed off and divided and ripe for use in area destabilisation operations.
'blah'->The western powers likes meddling in other people's business, but you can be damn sure that the Americans are protecting their
'blah'-> interests regardless of the outcome of this rebellion. The Americans will have people on both sides of this, and whoever wins they
'blah'-> have contingency, that's what they do. I bet right now in some office in Washington some expert analysts are sitting with the ear
'blah'-> to the ground playing their little game and waging bets on who is gona win which battle, but either way they have people on both
'blah'-> sides.
Again apparently the UK would be blameless, let's blame the yanks, well I think it was the brits that showed the yanks how you run an empire. This is a pro UK troll this troll thinks the UK do no evil in the world, when the UKs ruling class wrote the book on how to fuck things over for people in the Empire.
'blah'-> I can categorically demonstrate how the conspiracy theorists are detrimental to our cause, time and time again. This
'blah'-> thread is one of those, notice how instead of talking about what we can do to help, we are talking about you.
Only you troll, with your axe to grind, are talking about conspiracy theorists, what you can do to help is bring your own ruling class to account for the criminal Machiavellian fuckery they are engaged in in the ME.
'blah'->You can think what you will,
Cheers nice one ;-) I'm allowed to think what I want!
'blah'->but I am an insider!, I do know what is happening on the ground here, and I have enough activist friends to assure me that you are 'blah'->in the minority here
Oh no another self deluded troll, it's sad. :-( No you're not so fuck off back under your bridge.
'blah'->Now what? Are you gona dissect my comment,
Yep it looks like it, you stink to high heaven of trollery
'blah'->taking each paragraph to show... show what exactly?
That you're a dumb ignorant troll?
'blah'->and what do you mean by typical mossad?
I didn't say that I don't care who you work for or if you're just some useful idiot, but there are plenty of trumpets sounding all over the world right now for the Syrians (contrasted with the absolute and deafening silence for the people of Uzbekistan - see Maydaft above) including bullingdon tory scumbags, you're just part of the backing, trolling IM UK to mirror the outbursts of that tory twat Camerloon. That capitalist extremist, fundamentalist economic liberal
'blah'->how many mossad agents have you spoke to?
Well only one that I suspected, but hey they're devilish clever those intel ops peeps, they have to take tests and everything!
'blah'-> did you learn advanced psychological manipulation skills
Well you've tried to deploy a few particularly the Me(blah)= 'normal' YOU(crazed lunatic)= 'crazy' BS.
You've also deployed the 'ingroup' vs the scummy outgroup ploy.
and FUD.
'blah'->and deduced that I am definitely a Mossad agent? No of course you didn't because I am not and therefore i know that you are full of shit.
No just a shitty troll, I'm a troll botherer I don't like trolls K? That's based on the evidence of your own posts here. we can count the ways, we know the troll MO. and you fit it.
'blah'-> What's more, I've seen you do this same thing to countless others
mmm countless - read all about it in the 'BLAH' Exaggerator
'blah'->before me and it's wearing thin, very thin. Just to point out, If I was a Mossad agent, you would not be safe, so here's a way to
'blah'-> prove my point, if in the next 5 minutes a bullet doesn't blow your brains out all over your computer screen than I am exonerated,
'blah'-> and you will go to receive mental help (And I'm saying this for your own good), otherwise I'll fess up and expose all of our
'blah'-> secret evil plans.
Phew! this one is a very sick troll, wow a threat of violence with graphic visualisation of a human beings brains being blown out. Seek help troll or you might start to take it out on your family and loved ones, you are clearly a potential serious threat to the happiness of the ones you love (if there are any).
Troll Botherer
02.03.2012 21:56
Tired of Indymedia apologists for dictatorships
A flawed report
03.03.2012 00:39
A flawed report?
"The lack of access to the country, however, posed particular challenges for the documentation of abuses committed by anti-Government armed groups and opposition actors"
So reading on it looks like there is some external source of violence and terrorism exploiting sectarian and religious divisions and carrying out random acts of violence. Looks to me reading the report exactly what you'd expect western special forces to be involved in, random bomb attacks certainly stirring the shit, which then brings about a predictable violent and brutal repression and then on with the rah rah boys and girls in a massive PR MSM onslaught, look at us in the west we support Human Rights - whilst at home Corps get nervous of the EHRC Article 4 violations they are about to commit in extremist capitalist Cameloons Slave-Fare. Yep if there's work to be done why not get the slaves to do it for you!. Now what if the same thing was happening here say Northern Ireland ..... no HR abuses, summary detention, gagging the press and opposition groups, army on the streets gunning down unarmed civilians by the British State there oh no not ever in a month of bloody sundays.
Looks like the Syrians are having a shit time of it alright, but we hear about it everyday from the BEEB and Camerloon, So why nothing about the people boilers of Uzbekistan the Karimovs and their great chum Prince Michael of Kent? who is not averse to doing deals with people poaching dictators don't you find it all just a tad hypocritical? Isn't all a bit coincidental that Syria an ally of Iran, who BTW thought it had a deal with the Soviets for 50% of the Caspian bounty. Iran still thinks it has the rights to 50% of the Caspian bounty, and BP et al would love to take it off them. How better than to bring them to war and then 'negotiate' who is going to run the Oil Ministry in Tehran all that lovely oil mmmmmm. Or better still bomb Iran back to the stone age and let those lovers of the western ruling class the Karimovs and Uzbekistan be the new 'leader' in the Caspian region, sorted job done for british interests in the region, yeah but fermenting war and shit stirring and general fuckery of the Machiavellian kind, not a crime against humanity?.
Where is the UN report about those cuddly gangsters the Karimovs and their western ruling gangster class chums ?
Here is an old trick used by 'external forces' to destabilise a country, I mean this sort of thing has been happening for centuries, just check out the fall of the Spanish Empire, and what happened in what is now Holland around the time of the height of the Hapsbergs including for the first time the rise of Nationalism as an ideology used to fragment large power blocks - powers like the Spanish Hapsbergs and the rest of the Hapsburg Empire. More recently Zimbabwe's people suffered this one a favourite of our current ruling class - note BTW who suffers most - Assad brutal dictator types? er no the poor, ring any bells? seen this kind of thing before?. Any clue as to who typically uses this kind of MO? not a way to ferment enough dissent to destabilise a country? Hey poor people we in the west have pulled the plug on the your economy and obviously we take no responsibility when your brutal dictator tries to crush the food riots.
"The boycott on Syrian oil exports, sanctions against the banking sector and reported capital flight have devalued the Syrian currency, spurring inflation. The Ministry of the Economy estimated that, by the end of 2011, prices for basic food items had increased by up to 37 per cent, hurting the poor in particular."
Yep that's a good one to stir the shit pull the plugs on the economy, it's even threatened here in the UK, like if you don't follow extremist fundamentalist capitalist policies then investors threaten to pull out, in the 'We're all in it together, big society' styleee well known of these criminal fraudsters - the banks threaten a meltdown or credit downgrading and interest rate hikes. BTW what a fucking stupid mechanism to 'help' economies in trouble! a negative feed-back loop! FFS! these 'investors' want you to bend right over while they blow smoke up your arse, but I digress.
To me that report just confirms what I thought about Syria the west is fucking about in a serious way with the lives of ordinary Syrians and they have a regime that is willing to kill them for dissenting, just like any government gangsters our own included would do, faced with the same armed 'terrrrrrrrorrrrrrissst' resistance.
UN Report Reader
Who's lying?
03.03.2012 15:04
02.03.2012 21:56
Yes, yes Simon it is all made up, isn't it!!
Tired of Indymedia apologists for dictatorships
Right, FFS, now explain why the Arab League monitors missed all this organised mass killings.
And while you are at it, call His Eminence Metropolitan Philip, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America a liar.
The Catholic Archbishop of Alleppo has also come out in support of Assad.
Exploring the Syrian uprising - Bassam Haddad on KFPA
05.03.2012 11:49
Download: Exploring the Syrian uprising - mp3 24M
KFPA's Voices of the Middle East and North Africa presents a talk by Bassam S. Haddad who attempts to answer four questions:
1: What explains the Syrian uprising? What is key there?
2: What is it that explains the resilience of the regime? Why is it that after a years the regime still exists and shows no signs of disappearing?
3: Why is there a stalemate? Why can we not predict with some confidence what will happen next?
4: Where is the uprising going?