By Anonymous, submitted on Wed, 29/02/2012 - 15:08
Help the Syrian people!!
Whilst we in the west worry about cuts and jobs and the future of our sad consumerist financially defunct and moral bankrupt society, thousands of people in Syria are suffering from the onslaught of bombing, bullets, illegal imprisonment, torture and starvation. Their predicament is significantly worse than ours, despite our imperfect system we at least can vote out politicians we don't want whilst the Syrians have to contend with dictatorship passing from father to son.
How can we call ourselves activists if we have decided not to get involved in the conflict in Syria? The average activist claims that he doesn't want to support intervention in Syria because they would be supporting what they believe is a imperialist design to dominate the middle-east by toppling regimes. But those activists being killed and maimed in Syria are crying out for intervention of some kind, whether it be a no-fly zone, or arming the resitsance, so they have a fighting chance of gaining the freedoms that we take for granted.
The Assad regime uses Russian and Chinese weapons to kill the opposition, whilst at the same time Russia and China veto any resolution with the UN critising the Assad dictatorship. Should we in the west be arming the opposition? Every human has the right to self defence, except for those activists in Syria daring to voice opposition, who are rounded up, imprisoned, tortured and killed. They should be given a fighting chance after all they are fighting against fascism.
I say impose a no-fly zone, and arm the resistance. And if China and Russia veto, then @**@ em.

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