The licensing department of Camden are a mixture of currupt and useless in cases such as this and have said with regards to such extremism that pubs can do what they like and hold whatever meetings they like. The landlord of the pub SUPPORTS the Hungarian Nazi group.
In the window the pub landlord has placed posters stating Support Our Troops / Support Our Heroes and says that army and militray personnnel get a 20% discount. Mr Coyne should be reminded that our troops FOUGHT Nazis in the second world war to keep Nazi scum out of the UK and to stop war crimes committed by them! We ask that local soldiers boycott the pub.
The pub also gives 20% discount to people from the NHS. Nurses and doctors have seen injuries on people who hav ebeen attacked by fascists and should boycott the pub.
The protest against Jobbik was attened by trade unions and other activists...we suggest there should be more protests and that directa ction be taken to stop Jobbik mobilising in Camden and against the pub.
Two mobile numbers belonging to Nazi Gloucester Arms are :
John - 07913448937
Rooms to let - 07837067079
Erm...don't ring them up with rape alarms or anything lie that! ; )
Keep Fascists Out Of Camden!
There is an artilce in the CNJ and a letter to the Camden New Journal about this from Camden UAF, councillors, NUT, Unison, SWP and others.
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