The letter refusing his claim for asylum states that he will be able to obtain the prescription drugs and other treatment he needs if he is in Afghanistan. This is not the case. Even if this were true, which it is not, he could only obtain the medication he needs to survive and the treatment he needs for his physical impairment, were he to pay for it. His background is that of a labourer and his physical impairment is such that he will be unable to obtain suitable work if he is removed to Afghanistan. He will be destitute and as such will be unable to afford any medical treatment even if it is available.
Abbas Sharifi has lived in Sheffield since 2006. He has well established links within the community and is involved in a number of community organisations. He is an active member of the Mosque and is involved with a number of community groups, including The Sheffield Assist Conversation Club and the Sheffield- Based Disabled Asylum Seekers and Refugee Network.
He has established good community support networks to assist him with daily living. He has been assessed as requiring community care support on the grounds of both his physical and mental health conditions, having been assessed as being in critical and substantial needs by Sheffield's City Council Neighbourhoods and Community Care Directorate.
According to “Fund for Peace' a leading authority on economic and human rights conditions in all countries around the world. Afghanistan is a 'Failed State, lacking the capacity to establish and maintain political institutions, secure their population from violent conflict, control their territories and meet the basic needs of their population. Average life span for men and women hovers at around 45 years. According to the United Nations, nearly a third of all Afghans, some 6.5 million people, suffer from chronic food insecurity.
What you can do to help!
Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Abbas Sharifi be granted protection in the UK. Pleasedownload "model letter" (Abbas SharifiAJ.doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version, if you do so, please remember to include his HO ref: S1313202.
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"
Please let the campaign know of any E-mails/faxes sent:
Abbas Sharifi Campaign
"Linda Laurie"