These electronic voting machines can be altered in minutes to throw elections
The same security flaws that exist in the American machines, exist in the Brazilian ones These electronic voting machines can be altered in minutes to throw elections. (see Princeton video re: hacking Diebold electronic voting machines).
Whenever these machines have been used, there is a surprisingly strong showing for conservative candidates regardless of the exit polls (see graphs of traditional and electronic voting “results they compare to the exit polls).
The Associated Press had this to say about Sunday's Brazilian election (using these Diebold electronic voting machines) : "Surprising Brazil election outcome"....."stunning first-round election outcome"...."an unexpectedly strong showing by the center-right".
(google: diebold)
These same Diebold electronic voting machines will be used November 2 to determine whether or not the Republicans retain control of the U.S. congress, and thus: whether or not congress continues to back Bush's policies of war with Iraq (and Iran).
Princeton University Video: Hacking Diebold Electronic Voting Machines:

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