Aish Technologies
“designing and manufacturing naval control panels, transformers, wiring looms and, latterly, Integrated Bridge and Operations Room Consoles utilising the latest flat screen technology”, “leading supplier of Defence Equipment”
Broom Road, Poole , Dorset , BH12 4NL , UK

Beasy Ltd.
“supplies powerful software applications which deliver the tools needed to quickly and accuratly simulate the Integrity and Durability of products”
(Beasy has customers like Shell, the American Navy and GKN Westland Helikopters)
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA , UK

DSTL - Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
“ The centre of scientific excellence for the UK Ministry of Defence”
7 offices in the UK: Gosport , Bedford , Farnborough, Sevenoaks, Worcestershire, Wiltshire en Hampshire.

Exxon Mobil
- Exxon Mobil Marine: ExxonMobil House, Ermyn Way , Leatherhead, Surrey , England , KT22 8UX
Foerster Gmbh
“Your competent partner for nondestructive testing NDT and metal detection”.
2 Bonehill Mews, Lichfield Street, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3QU, UK

National Oceanography Centre
“One of the world’s leading centres for research and education in marine and earth sciences, for the development of marine technology and for the provision of large scale infrastructure and support for the marine research community”
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus , European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH , United Kingdom

“QinetiQ is one of the world's leading defence technology and security companies”.
“From integrating legacy weapons systems with state of the art sensors and software for the British MOD, to fielding advanced robotic systems for the US Department of Defense; providing port security products for the US Department of Homeland Security, or designing advanced security systems for many of the City's computer systems”
Main sponsor of Marelec
40 offices in the UK

Reed Exhibitions
Contains Spearhead, which organises Marelec.
9 Manchester Square, London W1U 3PL, UK
Walmar House, 296 Regent Street , London W1B 3AB
Reed Exhibitions is a part of Reed Elsevier Group, which has three main offices, of which one is in London

Spearhead Exhibitions Ldt.
Organises Marelec and other arm fairs like ITEC and DSEi.
Part of Reed Exhibitions.
Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond , Surrey , TW9 1 DL , UK

Ultra Electronics
“Development and supply of software-based data fusion systems for applications in military Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems”. Ultra has customers like BAE Systems and Warship Support Agency. Twenty offices in the UK.

Vector Fields
“experts in the field of electromagnetic modeling”
1700 N Farnsworth Ave Aurora, IL, USA 24 Bankside Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1JE, UK

Marelec is a military fair in Amsterdam, specialising in warship techniques like sonar and other electromagnetic applications. Sonar is a technique that kills dolfins. So we oppose this fair from an animal-rights viewpoint too. We hope to have some short summary in English on the website soon.
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