The July 7.05 : 07.40 : Luton to London train was cancelled. The next train to London, the 07.48, arrived at London King's Cross at 08.42: seven minutes before, and miles away from, the detonations of the first explosives. Ref. Mr C Hudson, Communications Manager, Thameslink Ltd.
As the cancellation could not have been foreseen and with it being far too late to alter the plans, the police released the pre-prepared "four suicide bombers took the 07.40 train" etc. statement.
The London Underground - entrances, platforms, carriages, escalators - has saturation CCTV coverage. No footage showed any evidence of "suicide bombers".
The "four bombers outside Luton Station" photograph - "taken from the" non-existent "CCTV footage" - is an infantile fake : the four images have been Photoshopped in : white-hat-man has been particularly-badly superimposed with his body in front of the railings and half of his face and lower left arm behind the rails : the rail sections, either side of the phantom, do not line up : there are rain puddles shown : the road outside of Luton Station was dry at that time. At a busy time no-one else is on the photo.
See here, here and here.
Eye-witness reports tell of the explosions on the underground being on the rail-tracks : effectively ruling out any external party involvement. "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. THE METAL WAS PUSHED UPWARDS as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag". Bruce Lait, Cambridge Evening News .
“I knew it was a bomb … A second later and the explosion would have punched a hole in our carriage … our driver .. opened the outer door and LOOKED AT THE TRACK AHEAD. There were huge pieces of metal, which had been ripped out of their rivets, lying about.”
“ … there was a woman .. who was on her back, trapped in the metal WHICH HAD TWISTED UP THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE CARRIAGE. The roof was still on but the lining of the carriage had been blown off … there was a big hole in the middle of the floor.” POLICE WOMAN Lizzie Kenworthy.
Also, see here, and here.
"An Israeli security firm has been chosen to provide security for London's Underground train network. ... Verint Systems, ... Israeli security companies are usually manned by Shinbet or Mossad ex-agents ...".
The announcement that it was, obviously, military explosives that were used, was quickly changed to "home made" : then followed farcical raids on "home-made-bomb-factory-houses" in Yorkshire etc.
Stagecoach employees have reported that the no. 30 bus - the one which had the explosive device under the top- deck back-seat - was the only bus diverted after the tube explosions . The previous Saturday, a maintenance group, previously unknown to the depot crew, spent "20 hours" "on CCTV maintenance" on that bus ; an unheard-of length of time for that task. Also here
There has never been any evidence, whatsover, linking the explosions with Islam or the mythical "Al Qaeda".
On July 21 a “failed suicide bombing” stunt was staged .This was to further the idea that “home-made” bombs were used in the July 7 attacks. It also provided the chance to eliminate a witness to the July 7 reality.
The Brazilian contract electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, executed by agents, probably had inside knowledge of the placing of the devices and/or the mechanisn - “It was like a huge electric surge ..” Bruce Lait - which triggered the explosives.
After 8 weeks and with the "suicide bombers" story falling further apart, the BBC Arabic Service, Al Jazeera, broadcast a "suicide bomber" video ; an obvious fake, parotted, uncritically, by the media. The police/BBC later came up with a "bomber reconnoitre" video and more Al-Qaeda claims.
After 12 weeks the State produced an eye-witness to a suicide bomber detonating a bomb on the tube.
FORUM here.
On Oct 28, BBC 2 TV - Horizon allowed ARIEL MERRARI of TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY, MARC SAGEMAN, producer/director ALICKY SUSSMAN and editor, ANDREW COHEN to give us another large helping of the Muslim-killer version, complete with the Photoshop Four photograph .
Hide the following 15 comments
now why ...
02.04.2006 00:32
and isn't it funny how...
02.04.2006 14:51
Unsourced anti-semitic conspiracy theories anyone? Not my favourite type of fiction.
elder of zion
try harder
02.04.2006 14:54
1. Why do you hate Jews? So much you believe they plot all acts of terrorism?
2. Why are thoose on trial for Madrid and London if they are Mossad agents not saying so? It would set the world on fire if true, a good defence, "actaully My Lud Mossad/CIA/MI6 made me do it!", could it be they are in fact Islamic extremists?
Horizon- a history of lying on behalf of the state
02.04.2006 15:15
I mean, just because 'Horizon' PROVED that the US didn't shoot down its own passenger liner with a rogue US missile from the near-by military training exercise, and just because 'Horizon' PROVED that the World Trade Centre obviously fell from the consequences of aircraft collision (hilariously using FALSE SCIENCE so bad that it had been so discredited by the time of Bush's own commission, that the official story had to invent a whole NEW bunch of fairy tale facts in their place), doesn't mean that Horizon (like Popular Mechanics etc) is nothing more than a zionist shill.
Look, throughout history, the vast majority of so-called scientific research has served big business, the state, and the church. Most so-called scientists (thankfully not all) have NO respect for science or engineering, only for the money that spouting the message of their masters earns them. Big science told you that ciggies were not just safe, but actually good for you. Big science told you that the world was flat. Big science tells you that AIDS was not caused by the Polio Vaccine in Africa, and that Genetically-Modified-Plants can never harm you. In the 50's and 60's Big Science told you that radiation had NO ADVERSE EFFECT below a government stated safety level.
Follow the money guys. Who owns the TV production companies. Where do their so-called experts come from, who do they work for, and what are their politics?
You had the recent example of activists hitting a BBC opinion site with pro and anti-strike messages, to PROVE just how the BBC works. Interestingly, this technique iis the scientific black-box probe method, examining an internal function through external inputs and outputs. Better science than ANYTHING the zionist Horizon has EVER produced.
If you have an interest in science, do yourself a favour, and avoid Horizon, New Scientist, and other worthless MASS MEDIA outlets UNLESS you are prepared to factor in editorial control, and BLACK PROPAGANDA content. Even peer-reviewed publications suffer from many such problems. Best to use the Internet to go directly to as many scientific sources as possible, and use your own judgement. That which is pre-digested will always be from someone else's stomach. If you must get your science from the mass media, understand that the slant of all such publications is almost always extreme-rightwing.
Re: Spook Droppings
02.04.2006 23:03
Not just any Israeli "security company", but the same one, comprised primrarily of "ex"-Mossad, which was running security at ONLY the airports used in the USA on 9/11/01. In that case as well, the surveillance video, which would show "ze terrorists" boarding the planes, if the Gov't's Conspiracy Theory was true, magically "disappeared".
"Unsourced anti-semitic conspiracy theories anyone?"
There is nothing "anti-semitic" about this, just because the people suspected happen to be Jewish. It's just a statement of the facts, which were reported by the mainstream press. Your implication, that Jewish people aren't capable of terrible things, is refuted by the horror that has been the Zionist War in Palestine.
"If you believe this you are a fantasist"
It is DISINFORMNATION to attribute such conditions. This is, however, a common tactic employed by Zionist shills, which betrays your purpose here.
"so it was the Jew's fault?"
Not as you imply, but perhaps. What, you think there are no bad or criminal Jews? Such a Generalization is, itself, "Antisemitic".
"Did they do Madrid?"
Who knows? The case - like 911 and 77, has been left virtually uninvestigated. We're supposed to be sated by the Theories of a bunch of proven LIARS.
"It seems that those on trial for it aren't Jewish"
Intelligence agencies are adept at framing people. Thus far, nearly each and every such case has fallen apart due to a) Lack of evidence b) Government interference, and those accused are freed. The trials, of course, appear daily in the headlines, and the releases are far more quiet.
In most cases, clear connections to Western/Israeli intelligence is discovered.
"1. Why do you hate Jews?"
I don't. Why do you hate Arabs?
"So much you believe they plot all acts of terrorism?"
I NEVER said such a thing. Your need to LIE and manipulate the discussion betrays your purpose here, as well as your Dishonesty, and understanding of your own intellectual emptiness. I suspect them where the evidence - or lack thereof - points in their direction.
"2. Why are thoose on trial for Madrid and London if they are Mossad agents not saying so?"
I believe I explained that above. Most often, "Assets" are unaware of who they are working for.
As soon as you or the Criminal LIARS you work on behalf of can produce the still-absent independently-originating evidence which would exist, and be forthcoming if their Conspiracy Theory were true, I'll stop asking questions.
ZOG trolls
03.04.2006 00:53
Oh now I'm convinced!
03.04.2006 13:47
The Madrid trial is ongoing but the suspects there haven't either nor thoose currently on trial in London. You have in previous posts as well as defaming Jews in particular harped on and on about WMD lies re Iraq. Please tell why if these intelligence agencies are so hopeless then(with regards to Iraq) that they are capable of a massive conspiracy the world over, with duping Muslims into carrying out terrorist attacks on their behalf, i find it hard to believe and so do most people. Also how by disagreeing with you am I either an Arab hater or spook? Is that just arrogance or contempt on your behalf. I don't expect to change your warped Islamist fantasies but I am right to point out your blatant stupidity, anti-semitism and arrogant fantasies, without being a spook! Mate you are heading for the funny farm! P.S The last post re ZOG or whatever wasn't me. Bye for now and don't forget thoose pills!
03.04.2006 14:34
Re: Spook Droppings
03.04.2006 19:01
All you can do is wave that dull Sword around, hoping nobody will notice.
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
03.04.2006 20:01
Non-news, reposts, out of date, disinfo & racism
04.04.2006 08:13
As the cancellation could not have been foreseen and with it being far too late to alter the plans, the police released the pre-prepared "four suicide bombers took the 07.40 train" etc. statement."
Already been heavily reported and discussed here.
2. "The "four bombers outside Luton Station" photograph - "taken from the" non-existent "CCTV footage" - is an infantile fake : the four images have been Photoshopped in : white-hat-man has been particularly-badly superimposed with his body in front of the railings and half of his face and lower left arm behind the rails : the rail sections, either side of the phantom, do not line up : there are rain puddles shown : the road outside of Luton Station was dry at that time. At a busy time no-one else is on the photo."
Video footage was released last year. Claims of image manipulaion never been validated by anyone.
3. "Eye-witness reports tell of the explosions on the underground being on the rail-tracks : effectively ruling out any external party involvement. "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. THE METAL WAS PUSHED UPWARDS as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag". Bruce Lait, Cambridge Evening News .
Again heavily posted and discussed. The article is misleading in using a plural "reports" when the assertion is based on one single eye witness.
4. ""An Israeli security firm has been chosen to provide security for London's Underground train network. ... Verint Systems, ... Israeli security companies are usually manned by Shinbet or Mossad ex-agents ..."."
Fantastic nonsense that is just thinly guised racism.
5. "The announcement that it was, obviously, military explosives that were used, was quickly changed to "home made" : then followed farcical raids on "home-made-bomb-factory-houses" in Yorkshire etc.
Assertion based on one quote which was quickly retracted. Assertion has never been validated.
6. "There has never been any evidence, whatsover, linking the explosions with Islam or the mythical "Al Qaeda"."
FAntasy. Overlooks the fact that many links have been asserted. Dinsinfo.
7. "On July 21 a “failed suicide bombing” stunt was staged .This was to further the idea that “home-made” bombs were used in the July 7 attacks. It also provided the chance to eliminate a witness to the July 7 reality."
Bombs on 21st were made of flour. The rest is pure fantasy. AGain heavily posted and discussed here.
8. "After 8 weeks and with the "suicide bombers" story falling further apart, the BBC Arabic Service, Al Jazeera, broadcast a "suicide bomber" video ; an obvious fake, parotted, uncritically, by the media. The police/BBC later came up with a "bomber reconnoitre" video and more Al-Qaeda claims.
No vlaidation. Heavily posted and discussed.
9. "On Oct 28, BBC 2 TV - Horizon allowed ARIEL MERRARI of TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY, MARC SAGEMAN, producer/director ALICKY SUSSMAN and editor, ANDREW COHEN to give us another large helping of the Muslim-killer version, complete with the Photoshop Four photograph ."
Post capitalised the German-Jewish surnames of the journalists to promote the idea that by their ethncity (past/present) they are immediately to be suspected as complicit in acts of terrorism and manipulation.
Blatant racism. And interesting to note hat Zionist Conspiracy types seem only able to spot German-Jewish names and not French-Jewish, Russian-Jewish. MAkes one wonder what kind of literature they indulge in.
Groundhog Dave
Re: Spook Droppings
04.04.2006 20:13
That's great. Perhaps if we talk about it loud enough, it'll enter into the mainstream debate, and those who have had these facts intentionally kept from them will start asking questions.
"Video footage was released last year."
Yes, and it didn't support the Government's Conspiracy Theory. They simply added their narrative to the vague shots, and the media parroted the stuff word for word. Video also proved that the Government had LIED about the electrician that was shot EIGHT TIMES IN THE HEAD by people whose identities and affiliations are still unknown.
"Again heavily posted and discussed."
See point one.
"Fantastic nonsense that is ..."
That's really the best you can do? This was widely reported, and this is the same company that provided security for the airports allegedly used on 911. Despite their company's statements about the quality of their electronic surveillance systems, these reportedly failed to catch any useful images of "ze terrorists" on both occasions ...
"Assertion based on one quote which was quickly retracted."
Actually, this was reported by several agencies, in differing countries of origin. Bliar himself said the explosives would serve as the sole evidence which would point to the killers. Since his Opposition quickly identified an obvious set-up, the frame-up fell apart, and we were left with this fantastical "bomb factory" story ... again dutifully parroted by the media, who must have forgotten about their earlier stories.
London explosives have military origin
LONDON, July 13 (UPI) -- Scotland Yard has asked for European cooperation in finding how last week's London subway and bus bombers obtained military plastic explosives.
"Overlooks the fact that many links have been asserted."
Asserted by proven LIARS. There have never been any links established. It's as empty as the whole "WMD!!" thing ...
"Bombs on 21st were made of flour."
That's not so, Bliar said that the explosives in the unexploded bombs (you're referring to one, unrelated, incident) would be used as the sole evidence to point to the bombers. Again, his Opposition shouted "Frame up!!", and the story was killed.
"No vlaidation."
Sure there is. Somebody had to fake those videos, which follow a very clear pattern of appearing when the Bush/PNAC/Bliar Alliance fails to produce the evidence to back up their "let us slaughter Arabs with impunity" Conspiracy Theories. These are produced in order to placate the Useful Idiots, and calm the maddening crowds.
"Post capitalised the German-Jewish surnames of the journalists to promote the idea that by their ethncity (past/present) they are immediately to be suspected as complicit in acts of terrorism and manipulation."
If you look at who's behind the current push to war against Iran, who was behind the war in Iraq, and who's directing the PNAC Regime, this is very relevant. Plus, Israel/Zionism has a very long and documented history of such Disinformation/Propaganda.
Your weak Disinformation and ignorant insinnuendoes only hilight the intellectual weakness of your position, and that of those you're here on behalf of.
7/7 A False Flag
05.04.2006 07:20
I'm sorry. I fully realise that Zionism in itself is not a racist concept. But alleging that people are untrustworthy if not downright subvervise based on their Jewish names is blatant racism, and the kind that is often found in American "Militias".
The rest of the comment is just as scarily paranoid.
Why is this crap still up???
7/7 A False Flag a.k.a ZOG troll
06.04.2006 04:52
That's All You Could Address?
That's All You Could Address?
06.04.2006 07:21
I want to see HARD evidence of a link to some Zionist conspiracy. Like verifiable documents. Not just the equivalent of shouting "Drecckjude!" across the street at them.
Prove me wrong!