The July 7.05 : 07.40 : Luton to London train was cancelled. The next train to London, the 07.48, arrived at London King's Cross at 08.42: seven minutes before, and miles away from, the detonations of the first explosives. Ref. Mr C Hudson, Communications Manager, Thameslink Ltd.
As the cancellation could not have been foreseen and with it being far too late to alter the plans, the police released the pre-prepared "four suicide bombers took the 07.40 train" etc. statement.
The London Underground - entrances, platforms, carriages, escalators - has saturation CCTV coverage. No footage showed any evidence of "suicide bombers".
The "four bombers outside Luton Station" photograph - "taken from the" non-existent "CCTV footage" - is an infantile fake : the four images have been Photoshopped in : white-hat-man has been particularly-badly superimposed with his body in front of the railings and half of his face and lower left arm behind the rails : the rail sections, either side of the phantom, do not line up : there are rain puddles shown : the road outside of Luton Station was dry at that time. At a busy time no-one else is on the photo.
See here, here and here.
Eye-witness reports tell of the explosions on the underground being on the rail-tracks : effectively ruling out any external party involvement. "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. THE METAL WAS PUSHED UPWARDS as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag". Bruce Lait, Cambridge Evening News .
“I knew it was a bomb … A second later and the explosion would have punched a hole in our carriage … our driver .. opened the outer door and LOOKED AT THE TRACK AHEAD. There were huge pieces of metal, which had been ripped out of their rivets, lying about.”
“ … there was a woman .. who was on her back, trapped in the metal WHICH HAD TWISTED UP THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE CARRIAGE. The roof was still on but the lining of the carriage had been blown off … there was a big hole in the middle of the floor.” POLICE WOMAN Lizzie Kenworthy.
Also, see here, and here.
"An Israeli security firm has been chosen to provide security for London's Underground train network. ... Verint Systems, ... Israeli security companies are usually manned by Shinbet or Mossad ex-agents ...".
The announcement that it was, obviously, military explosives that were used, was quickly changed to "home made" : then followed farcical raids on "home-made-bomb-factory-houses" in Yorkshire etc.
Stagecoach employees have reported that the no. 30 bus - the one which had the explosive device under the top- deck back-seat - was the only bus diverted after the tube explosions . The previous Saturday, a maintenance group, previously unknown to the depot crew, spent "20 hours" "on CCTV maintenance" on that bus ; an unheard-of length of time for that task. Also here
There has never been any evidence, whatsover, linking the explosions with Islam or the mythical "Al Qaeda".
On July 21 a “failed suicide bombing” stunt was staged .This was to further the idea that “home-made” bombs were used in the July 7 attacks. It also provided the chance to eliminate a witness to the July 7 reality.
The Brazilian contract electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, executed by agents, probably had inside knowledge of the placing of the devices and/or the mechanisn - “It was like a huge electric surge ..” Bruce Lait - which triggered the explosives.
After 8 weeks and with the "suicide bombers" story falling further apart, the BBC Arabic Service, Al Jazeera, broadcast a "suicide bomber" video ; an obvious fake, parotted, uncritically, by the media. The police/BBC later came up with a "bomber reconnoitre" video and more Al-Qaeda claims.
After 12 weeks the State produced an eye-witness to a suicide bomber detonating a bomb on the tube.
FORUM here.
On Oct 28, BBC 2 TV - Horizon allowed ARIEL MERRARI of TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY, MARC SAGEMAN, producer/director ALICKY SUSSMAN and editor, ANDREW COHEN to give us another large helping of the Muslim-killer version, complete with the Photoshop Four photograph .

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