Fantasy? Science Fiction? Psychosis? Or, something ELSE?
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[Op-Ed - PRIEST RIVER,IDAHO] - The most subliminal messaging is propagated by being under constant surveillance, behind your back, without your knowledge, turning good people into human lab-animal experiments. YOUR NEXT.
Fantasy? Science Fiction? Psychosis? Or, something ELSE?
What if it's true? What if the world is under constant observation and a certain percentage of the population is somehow 'sensing' this phenomenon; meanwhile, the vast majority of people are oblivious to the deleterious affects of this evil-scourge?
Just a supposition -- think about a moment.
Those whom 'sense' this surveillance, an entirely hidden and decades-long, carefully perfected craft, are labelled 'paranoid.' Sometimes, this paranoia is so intense, they become depressed, with occasional ideation on suicide (not to be confused with suicidal-tendencies), and suspicious of all people in the most innocuous situations. Family, friends and career are pushed to the back-burner as the overwhelming stress of lab-animal-like observation in an Abu Ghraib-styled fishbowl, impacts health, physical and mental, and these poor folks are often deemed 'irrelevent' and labelled 'schizophrenic.'
What if they are NOT? What if this 'sensing' of hidden surveillance is based in psychic phenomenon? What if the next natural course of human evolution is based on telepathic broadcasting and receiving? What do you have to say now?
Nonsense? Well, let's take a look.
First of all, in the beginning stages of paranoia, those afflicted will often up-root potted-plants and take computers and TV's and other equipment apart, looking for 'bugs.' They cover holes and cracks in the wall with caulk or tape or paint or whatever is available. They only go out at night, or completely covered during the daylight hours, dark sunglasses and hats, fearful of being watched. They drive 30-miles to lose the 'tag-team' they 'sense' is following them. No technology is ever found. It's either not there, or so far removed from anything they may understand, that they could look at it directly and not even know what they are looking at. RESIST THE URGE. These 'paranoid people' are put on highly caustic medications that relegates them as 'irrelevent,' pharmaceuticals that are 'experimental' in the sense that they have NEVER healed anybody, only masked 'symptoms' and often times turning them into blubbering idiots.
[i][b]The masking of symptoms is not a cure.[/i][/b]
It is this writer's original opinion, that paranoia and schizophrenia is based in psychic phenomenon. I have posted a blog at

A black SUV just drove up, did a U-turn, and sped away (Sunday, 072504, 09:30PST). Is this a lost traveler mistaking this clearly-marked Private Road as public river access for recreational use? An easy mistake. Is it a government employee on official business, perhaps checking power-lines or road construction or taking driveway measurements? Or, part of some hidden, secretive CIA-styled agency involved in Domestic Terroristic surveillance? I choose the first option, frankly. It's summer. Maybe it was an neighbor's old friend trying to locate somebody's cabin in the area. However, the last option is the underlying factor of paranoid-thoughts that afflicts thousands.
Are those thousands truly paranoid or are they being targeted in a Domestic Terroristic campaign of lab-animal type human-experimentation? Maybe their every action truly is being Monitored. And they are sensing 'Them' via some form of psychic phenomenon. If this has happened to you, or a friend of yours, and if they are capable of reading and communicating, then as a Public Service, I open my diary to those good and honorable people whom care and can help find a cure, and encourage communication by all. I'd never make any suggestions on how to treat it that undermines their doctors and counselors; however, with a better understanding of the problem, an 'insiders look,' perhaps some form of 'cure' really can be found. If anything, if it's truly an 'ailment,' then perhaps my thoughts and opinions can assist in finding the 'cure.' Not a placebo, and not a 'medication-mask,' but a real cure.
It's about healing. Never forget that. It's about making it STOP, and opening the Abu-Ghraib-styled cages of non-consensual, human-lab-animal-experimentation, real or imagined.
(CLAYTON LEON WINTON is just a citizen, with his Constutionally Guaranteed Right of First Amendment Free Speech to share his opinions. If my blog is ever 'blocked-out,' then I guess I'm on to something, eh?)
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