revolution now is a non-profit small press, radical distribution project, and organizing collective, based on the principles of DIY. formed in 2001, it is currently the home of the anarchist horde distro and the creeping banshee project. we concentrate on action-oriented materials, primarily those which are anarchist, feminist, queer, anti-racist, bio-centric, and class proud.
we are focused on the creative spirit inherent in the radical DIY culture. we choose to focus on ethics, skills, and ideas that enable us to live with increasing independence and self-reliance outside of the dominant culture.
all of our materials are anti-copyright - use anything here for your own purpose - spread the (r)evolution in your town.
" Paper zines slide in below class lines, phone lines, and picket lines. Paper zines don't give a shit about the cybergap... anything you hold in your hand can be used as a weapon or as a tool, and zines are no exception."
dave, jen, kody and nikolas
revolution now press and distro
808 14th st
saskatoon sk
S7N 0P8
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01.07.2003 22:22
You can be obsessed with surgically changed self image and botoxed freaks, while scumming the dispossessed and poor, and support the street freaks always sensitively in a position of rejection
You always need to be creating a possible alternative society to replace the shell of the now increasingly literal Nazi society that is currently in process of being emplaced globally.
Where is your evidence for that?
What's going to be the dominant culture and belief system generally accepted?
You are in danger of a global world religion imposed from above
You better believe it!
It's not enough to simply expect some phoenix spontaneously arising from the ashes of the increasingly controlled, brainwashed society that the opposition hopes to destroy
Get a grip.
Firstly we need to understand what this current societal front beamed out endlessly to the masses and which holds many in entranced awe, is really about
We need to check out all the dark corners, exposure of some elements of which Indymedia seems so acutely and twitchingly wish to hide in a trice
Don't tell me im is actively engaged in censorship and cover up.
How are you going to achieve anything?
The satanist forces (I'm in no way a religious person) have got a gamut of weapons to destroy and control as far as they can get away with it
And let's face it they don't, in the end, give a fuck about public opinion - see the present Campbell government
They may be being deliberately brought down, to be replaced by something much worse.
We need to be much more accepting of the more strange information that the web has promoted
Otherwise we'll all end up as manipulated and targetted wankers
Peace out