revolution now is a non-profit small press, radical distribution project, and organizing collective, based on the principles of DIY. formed in 2001, it is currently the home of the anarchist horde distro and the creeping banshee project. we concentrate on action-oriented materials, primarily those which are anarchist, feminist, queer, anti-racist, bio-centric, and class proud.
we are focused on the creative spirit inherent in the radical DIY culture. we choose to focus on ethics, skills, and ideas that enable us to live with increasing independence and self-reliance outside of the dominant culture.
all of our materials are anti-copyright - use anything here for your own purpose - spread the (r)evolution in your town.
" Paper zines slide in below class lines, phone lines, and picket lines. Paper zines don't give a shit about the cybergap... anything you hold in your hand can be used as a weapon or as a tool, and zines are no exception."
dave, jen, kody and nikolas
revolution now press and distro
808 14th st
saskatoon sk
S7N 0P8
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