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UK G20 London Summit Newswire Archive

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Drone Warfare: Watching You, Watching Me...

15-10-2012 23:28

Considering the idea of R/C helicopters to ensure evidence of Police wrongdoing in protests.

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Simon Harwood punched and racially abused 14-year old girl

19-07-2012 23:13

Simon Harwood punched and racially abused 14-year old girl

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Ian Tomlinson - demo outside Scotland Yard 6pm to 9pm TONIGHT

19-07-2012 16:25

Ian Tomlinson - demo outside Scotland Yard 6pm to 9pm - be there!!

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Ian Tomlinson - More Cops Identified

21-06-2012 18:29

Protestors help, cops do nothing, innocent man dies
Ian Tomlinson - more cops identified - PC Andrew Moore, PC Colin Nye, PC Carl Small, PC Kerry Smith, PC Nicholas Jackson, PC Andrew Massey

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BBC lie about events surrounding Ian Tomlinson's death

18-06-2012 21:17

PC Simon Harwood
BBC website lies about events surrounding PC Simon Harwood's killing of Ian Tomlinson

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Nepal :Police crackdown on the peaceful assembly of Tibetan exiles

03-11-2011 05:42

Our source who was present in the spot during the attack of police on peaceful Tibetan said Tibetan exiles held a memorial service at Jawalakhel Settlement on the outskirts of Kathmandu. Before that there was a notable presence of intelligence officials on that area. Police surrounded the venue for the religious service and blocked the entrance before the service started.

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PC Harwood in court for first hearing - Monday 20 June

20-06-2011 12:33

PC Simon Harwood, the officer charged with manslaughter for Ian's death, appeared in City of Westminster Magistrates Court for the first time today.
It was primarily administrative to refer the case to a Crown Court. Defendant's are not expected to enter a plea at this stage. No date is set for a trial yet.

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FIT cops cover up attack on Ian Tomlinson

11-05-2011 10:02

Steve Discombe CO2558

Two years ago, FIT cops Steve Discombe, Alan Palfrey and Ryan Cowlin stood only feet away from Ian Tomlinson when he was hit by PC Harwood, a blow which led to Tomlinson’s death. But, according to an IPCC report out today, they claim to have seen very little of the attack and didn’t even bother to include it in a written report. In fact they appear to have done everything they could to prevent the truth becoming known.

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Ian Tomlinson Verdict Jury Deciding Now

03-05-2011 10:58

Ian Tomlinson was murdered by a copper during the g20 protests a couple of years ago - the jusy at the inquest into his death are right now considering their verdict....please follow the news today and wait for their answer. thank you.

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shunning the boy who would be king

07-04-2011 15:00

an old form of non-violent ...non compliance ,that has been forgotten in the annals of be performed at the upcoming wedding/ street procession for the new 'boy king'

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Ian Tomlinson inquest - police officer crumbles under examination

06-04-2011 11:22

Simon Harwood - the police officer who assaulted Ian Tomlinson shortly before he died - is not doing very well under examination by the lawyer for the Tomlinson Family.

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Ian Tomlinson's inquest - Steve Discombe:Scum cop

01-04-2011 21:41

PC Steve Discombe, scum of the earth
Is this the most despicable man at the Met police?

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Attending the Ian Tomlinson Inquest: Information for the public

21-03-2011 12:30

The inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson, who died during the G20 protests in 2009, will commence on Monday 28 March 2011 and is expected to last for of 5-6 weeks.

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Met pays £117000 in G20 compensation‎

15-02-2011 00:27

FOI by Daily Mirror exposes compensation payments to G20 protesters to date

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Italia: Silvios Bambinas

26-01-2011 16:18

Silvio and Angie
Das System Berlusconi: "Europa heute" dokumentiert Auszüge aus Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaftsakten - Von Kirstin Hausen - Redaktion: Ursula Welter .... Es ist ein Protokoll der Peinlichkeiten: Auf 396 Seiten hält die Staatsanwaltschaft Mailand Regierungschef Silvio Berlusconi den Spiegel vor. Die detaillierten Abhörprotokolle geben Einblicke in das enge Netz, das rund um Berlusconi für Frauen und Günstlinge gesponnen wurde. Erst kürzlich konnte der Regierungschef seinen politischen Hals erneut aus der Schlinge ziehen - Berlusconi überstand denkbar knapp ein Misstrauensvotum. Seine Kritiker warfen ihm Stimmenkauf vor. "Europa heute" dokumentiert in vier Folgen die Anklagedetails und stellt Aussagen Berlusconis dagegen. Die umfassende Anklageschrift verdanken wir einem aufmerksamen Deutschlandfunkhörer. Teil 1: Protokoll der Peinlichkeiten - Die Ermittlungsakte der Mailänder Staatsanwälte Teil 2: Wein, Weib und Gesang -Die Partys des Silvio B.

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Met officer 'sorry' over G20 policing

26-01-2011 13:51

Police Commander Bob Broadhurst apologised today for misleading MPs about the use over undercover officers at the G20 protests.

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Channel 4 news report on ClownCop 'Lynn Watson' - aka Officer A

25-01-2011 19:01

7.10 pm tonight, Channel 4 news report on Lynn Watson as a rebel clown occupying Leeds

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Protest 2010: Into the Spectacle

22-12-2010 15:59

The use of agent provocateurs at the London Student Demonstrations 2010, and the key photo ops that came out of it. The Hammer Gang, and others, not only attacked innocent demonstrators with hammers, but lead 1] right-wing newspaper photo-ops 2] a campaign of entrapment. Time to fight back!

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Eurozone's Time Bomb Ωρολογιακή βόμβα στην Ευρωζώνη (by Latuff)

29-11-2010 07:16

Eurozone's Time Bomb
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, originally produced for Greek newspaper Dromos, 27th of November issue:

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A new era of policing protest?

26-11-2010 13:02

Cop say Day X marked an end to protest as we know it. I think not...

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G20 (by Latuff)

17-11-2010 21:12

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, to be published in "Ideias em Revista", magazine of Sindicato dos Servidores das Justicas Federais no Rio de Janeiro, Nov/Dec edition.

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Pathologist who investigated G20 police killing found guilty of misconduct

06-09-2010 19:40

On August 31, Dr Freddy Patel, the pathologist who carried out the first post-mortem examination of Ian Tomlinson, was found guilty of misconduct by the General Medical Council (GMC). Tomlinson died after being assaulted by riot police at the London G20 summit in April 2009.

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Thursday 5th August // Anti-Repression Night @ Urban HapHazard Squat ( Hackney )

03-08-2010 19:31

Thursday 5th August // Anti-Repression Night @ Urban HapHazard Squat ( Hackney ) - Discussions, Cinema, DJ's, Cafe
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