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UK G20 London Summit Newswire Archive

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Newcastle Protest Against Police Violence

30-07-2010 16:44

Demonstrators at Monument
A protest was held today in solidarity with the Tomlinson family, and with all those who struggle against police oppression and violence.

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Final Reminder: 12noon Friday 30th July // Everyone to the Streets

28-07-2010 23:04

Everyone To the Streets
12noon Friday 30th July // Everyone to the Streets // Against Police Violence // Solidarity for Ian Tomlinson's Family

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Protest outside the Crown office and Procurator Fiscal in Edinburgh (Friday 30th

28-07-2010 12:31


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Getting Away With Murder: My Memories of the Death of Ian Tomlinson

25-07-2010 11:21

This article has been removed at the request of the author.

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Fri 30th July // Picket against DPP - Solidarity with Ian Tomlinson's Family

24-07-2010 11:39

Please forward: 12noon Friday 30th July // Picket against DPP - Solidarity with Ian Tomlinson's Family

Office of Department of Public Prosecution
Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, SE1 9HS

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G20 Plan for Prosperity: Rubber Bullets and Shredded Social Safety Net

14-07-2010 18:28

targeted freedom of speech and assembly, putting the world’s poor and working people on notice.

The Toronto G-20 summit sent a message to poor and working people in Europe and North America. “You will pay for the global financial crisis through cuts to your social safety nets. There will be no taxing of those who actually caused the crisis and made fortunes in the various bubbles over the last decades.”

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Anti-G20 protests erupt in Toronto

26-06-2010 21:19

TORONTO in Canada has today erupted with massive and angry protests against the G20 meeting of the global neoliberal elite.

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solidarity with prisoners

23-06-2010 14:36

info about g20 prisoners in uk

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info about g20 arrests

13-06-2010 15:13

info about g20 arrests ........

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The IMF and Afrika - the Double standards and hypocrisy

30-05-2010 14:22

Many in the West wrongly beleive that Afrika has squanderd billions in so-called developmental aid money due to the corruption of its leaders. However what the WEstern media fails to point out is the vile and greedy corrption of western multi-national conpanies and thier networks like the IMF - this article seeks to point out to Westerners and others who really benefits from so-called aid money to Afrika - and its not the corrupt leaders the Western media and politicians would have us believe.

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Canadian banks fear G20 protests

29-05-2010 07:15

CANADIAN bankers are getting increasingly nervous, four weeks before the G20 summit.

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G20 Defence Needed

23-05-2010 14:23

Were you or someone you know at last years G20 protests?? Do you have any footage or can you give a witness account of the brutality I experienced on Threadneedle St between 11am-1pm?? If you can please get in touch.

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Blair Peach killed by police, Met report finds

27-04-2010 10:25

Blair Peach was killed by police at 1979 protest: police report released after 30 years says Blair Peach was most likely killed by an elite riot squad officer.

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Activist Realism panel - linking critical theory with activism on the streets

18-04-2010 14:34

Activist Realism
Listen to a lively panel discussion recorded at the London Action Resource Centre on 10 April 2010...

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Ian Tomlinson Vigil – Pix-&-Vidz – Thu 01 Apr 10

02-04-2010 18:04

A1. Remembering Ian: Julia Tomlinson, widow, Paul King, son
Dateline: Ian Tomlinson Vigil, Cornhill, London, UK, 10:55-11:40, Thu 01 Apr 10 – Scenario: Citizen A assaults Citizen B in broad daylight, on video, by striking with a blunt infantry weapon and by shoving Citizen B to the ground; minutes later Citizen B is dead.
Q: What happens to Citizen A?
A1: If it were you or I, no doubt we'd be banged up in jail.
A2: But if Citizen A is a body-armoured, weapon-carrying, riot cop... he gets away with murder, for over a year.
One year after their loved one was slain by unprovoked police assault, the family of Ian Tomlinson, their friends and supporters mourn his death with a vigil at the location where he died.

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The Summer of Rage?: A critical look at the G20 London protests, a year on

01-04-2010 09:50

Did anyone notice the summer of rage? Like all British summers, it was disappointingly non-existent: a few letters in the guardian, a climate camp of Cath Kidston tents and, to top it all, hardly a day of sun.

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Smellie admits to enraging crowd

25-03-2010 10:56

Smellie admits to enraging crowd before assaulting Nicola Fisher with a club

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Job Seekers Only?

24-03-2010 22:32

One Million Jobs Possible
Michael Njoroge responds to picket outside Westminster on
budget day: (12:20 GMT 24/03/2010)