UK Mayday 2007 Newswire Archive
Thousands of migrants demonstrate in Italy for Mayday
03-05-2007 01:23
More than one thousand migrants took part to a demonstration in Reggio Emilia, Italy, last 1st of may.The demo was organized by the autonomous Comitato Lavoratori Irregolari supported by Lab. Aq16 and association Ya Basta! of Reggio Emilia.
Mayday Switzerland: fire bomb attacks on banks, courts, police stations
03-05-2007 01:08

Mayday Festival in Wolverhampton
02-05-2007 21:20

Workers and activists from across the Midlands headed to Wolverhampton on Mayday evening for the 13th Wolverhampton Annual May Day Festival, organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee. The event was supported by the West Midlands Fire Brigades Union, the West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. The theme was "Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone".
Apart from the tasty Asian food and cheap beers, there were lots of enthusiastic speeches, including those by Yvonne Washbourne from the PCS Union, Dyal Bhagri, president of the Indian Workers’ Association GB and Naeem Malik from the Guantanamo Campaign. There was also some good and uplifting music, including Dave Rogers from the Banner Theatre and Atilla The Stockbroker. And, of course, loads of stalls with all kind of political literature from as many groups and campaigns.
Protest Against ESOL Cuts in Birmingham
02-05-2007 21:15

The University and College Union (UCU) did a stall in Birmingham city centre on Mayday to protest against government plans to cut free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes for asylum seekers and refugees. Lots of leaflets were handed out and many signatures were gathered on the "Save ESOL" petition. The event was part of a massive campaign supported by many unions and groups.
They were also joined by members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who were protesting against plans to close local blood processing and testing sites around the country and merge them into three "supercentres" in Bristol, Manchester and Colindale. The National Blood Service staff have been in industrial dispute with the management for about a year over these "unworkable reconfiguration plans".
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2007 London Mayday, Space Hijackers dancing in the streets
02-05-2007 20:44

Time to plan for Mayday 2008 in Liverpool, UK.
02-05-2007 19:43

2008 is the year Liverpool welcomes people worldwide to our city for The European City Of Culture 'celebrations'. That means you!
MayDay 2007
02-05-2007 19:24
Dire. Depressing. Dreary. Discouraging. Dismal. Just a few of the words that can be used to describe the total and utter failure that was Mayday 2007.Mayday in London
02-05-2007 15:46

There were lots of events happening across the UK this year. Below are a few reports from London.
Glasgow Mayday Photos
02-05-2007 13:08

Garden gnome parties on Mayday in Glasgow
02-05-2007 11:38

May Day Party Arrests Total Lack Of Solidarity
02-05-2007 10:42
1 person arrested, and 2 people where fined £80 for calling the police 'Bastards'. the lack of solidarity with those arrested, or detained by the police was sickening, with only one attempt at a 'de-arrest' and only by two people. most of the organizers took the side of the police, trying to force the crowed to give up our mates to the cops.Those who act with the police, are the police!
Mayday marching
02-05-2007 08:54

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Violent Mayday Arrest in Parliament Square
01-05-2007 23:04

Short report of mayday march and dancing in the streets!
01-05-2007 22:53

May Day Picket of Liverpool Army Recruitment
01-05-2007 19:22

Chesterfield Mayday
01-05-2007 19:17
The Bank Holiday TUC Rally and Demonstration meets at Chesterfield Town Hall for a march through the streets to New Square on Monday 7th May.