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UK DSEi 2007 Newswire Archive

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Raytheon and Erinys visited on day of action against the arms trade

31-07-2007 00:01

Outside Raytheon
A small group of about ten protestors visited Raytheon Systems, manufacturer of bombs and other ordnance, before moving onto protest at Erinys a private security firm (mercenary company) working in Iraq

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Anti-arms fair leafleting in Canning Town

30-07-2007 23:11

the front of the flier
On Sunday, 29th July, about 1,000 fliers were handed out to local people in Canning Town advertising the fact that the world's largest arms fair is coming to their area of town in September

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Brown Announces Closure of DESO

25-07-2007 20:10

Gordon Brown announced today that the government arms promotion unit, DESO, is to close by the end of the year. BAE Systems and Defence Manufacturers Association pretty pissed off!

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Audio from protest at Heckler & Koch weapons manufacturers HQ in Nottingham

24-07-2007 19:52

About 30-40 people gathered at the UK headquarters of Heckler & Koch, the world's second-largest manufacturer of handguns, assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers. It was recently found out that their HQ is based on an industrial estate in Lenton, Nottingham so some people decided to pay them a visit. There were about the same amount of police officers as protesters, in an attempt to keep them off the actual estate where the company is based. There was also the honour of the Forward Intelligence Team (FIT) who travelled all the way from London for the event. The demonstration was called by the Nottingham group of 'Disarm DSEi' which is a grassroots campaign against the UK’s largest arms fair, at which Heckler & Koch will be exhibiting their weapons later this year. For more information visit

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next Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 28th July

23-07-2007 10:51

Disarm DSEi Public Meeting Saturday 28th July, 2pm-4pm
rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100

There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated. You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.

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cardiff Disarm DSEi meeting thursday 26th July

20-07-2007 16:53

Public meeting to discuss upcoming arms fair held in september

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property damage against arms company

16-07-2007 12:20

An arms company was attacked in Scotland

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FIT watch at Disarm DSEi meeting

01-07-2007 15:50

A journalist being stopped from getting on the steps by police
Some photos from outside ULU before the Disarm DSEi public meeting. As expected the FIT team were out in force taking photos and intimidating people. This time though a group of about ten were there to stop them taking photos.

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Disarm DSEi: Days of Action Against the Arms Trade

01-07-2007 15:03

In the run up to DSEi 2007, DISARM DSEi is calling for two days of autonomous actions against the arms trade. There were 1,201 exhibitors at the last DSEi, find out which is the nearest to you. Take action and say no to death and destruction on your doorstep.

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Account of DISARM DSEi public meeting

01-07-2007 14:30

This meeting was called to discuss plans for disrupting the world’s largest arms fair, DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International) which takes place on 11th – 14th September 2007 at the ExCeL Centre in East London.

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We Want A Tank For DSEi

29-06-2007 14:25

With the DSEi arms fair on the horizon, we have decided it's time to move up a notch or ten in our equipment dept.

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Disarm DSEi meeting in Brighton - Wednesday 20th June

17-06-2007 14:56

DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre from 11-14 September. Despite massive local opposition, and a huge bill to the taxpayer, arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death and destruction.

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Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ ULU London 30th June

14-06-2007 10:19

Disarm DSEi Public Meeting Saturday 30th June, 2pm-4pm
Room 2C, University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Tube : Euston, Euston Sq., Warren St., Goodge St. or Russell Sq.
Bus : 10, 18, 24, 29 , 30, 59 , 68, 73, 91, 134, 168, 188, 205, 253, 390 or 476

It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated. You might choose to wear a scarf in this warm weather.

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DISARM DSEi public meeting

27-05-2007 18:18

From 11-14 September, DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre. Nottingham people are joining thousands from around the UK to shut down DSEi.

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Pix of Musical Protest Against the DSEi Arms Fair - Sat 21 Apr 07

24-04-2007 10:33

Protester and placards
Photos of the Big Red Band, Raised Voices Choir and protesters at the ExCel Centre in London's docklands, home of the wold's biggest killing festival.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.

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21-04-2007 16:17

Please note the Disarm DSEI website has been hacked by persons unknown ( but we can all guess )

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DISARM DSEi public meeting 28th April @ ULU

17-04-2007 10:29

Saturday 28th April 2007, 2pm
ULU (University of London Union), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

Come along and get involved in the campaign to shut down DSEi 2007.

It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting. You may wish to wear a scarf in case of cold weather.

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DISARM DSEi public meeting

24-03-2007 14:30

Saturday 28th April 2007, 2pm
ULU (University of London Union), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

Come along and get involved in the campaign to shut down DSEi 2007.

It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting. You may wish to wear a scarf in this cold weather.

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DISARM DSEi 2007. One Day. Many Actions

26-02-2007 17:21



Blockade? Party? Destroy? March? Smash? Infiltrate? Invade? Picket?
Harass? Clown? Dance? Light candles? Fight? Lock on? Vigil? Disrupt?


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Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)

08-03-2006 15:42

Interview update on today's law lords appeal ruling that use of section 44 of terrorism act during protests for stop and search is not a violation of the right to peaceful protest since its use did not deter protests and as such was valid, but that section 44 should not be used when police didn't believe the target of the search was likely to be a terrorist... hmmmm.

Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps
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