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UK Climate Camp 2007 Newswire Archive

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Anti-deportation campaigner in court after XL Airways protest

09-01-2008 19:10

An anti-deportation campaigner will appear in Court in Horsham tomorrow (Thursday, January 10th) following a peaceful protest at XL Airways offices in Crawley, near Gatwick Airport, last August. D. Thompson, who lives in Bradford, is charged with aggravated trespass, having locked himself onto the banisters in the reception of XL headquarters.

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court thursday/friday for XL airways action August 2007

09-01-2008 15:17

One person is in court Thursday 10th and Friday 11th January charged with Aggravated Tresspass for locking on to the banisters in reception of XL airways HQ near Gatwick in August 2007.

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Climate change on Trial!

07-01-2008 18:37

Photo outside the demonstration
The eleven climate change activists who shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station on April 10th 2007 are on trial FROM Monday 14th Jan AT NOTTINGHAM BRIDEWELL MAGISTRATES COURT.

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Climate Camp Photographers: A digital exhibition at the Broadway

06-01-2008 22:33

A number of photographers documented aspects of the camp, and the surrounding police actions. A selection of this work, is currently being shown in the foyer [and o/s Screen 1] of the Broadway Cinema, Broad Street, Nottingham.

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Seven key reasons against a third runway at Heathrow

04-01-2008 12:49

A summary form of arguments that might just sway prominent people

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Local skill sharing for environmental and social change.

03-01-2008 12:56

A new grass roots project will be launched January 2008 at Ringsfield eco study centre nr Beccles, Suffolk.
The project involves local community skill sharing plus experts from across the country coming together to run workshops for environmental and social change. (this is a non profit making project. )All sessions will be run as cheaply as possible and be open to all.
Sust-education have been lucky enough to be able to use the beautiful Ringsfield Hall eco study Centre as a venue, 14 acres of amazing parkland........

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Will the Children's Revolution Save the Human Race from Extinction?

31-12-2007 20:58

Proposals for the Eco Warriors to try to save humanity from extinction in a global warming catastrophe by lending support to a Children's Revolution in the villages near Heathrow Airport that are being threatened with demolition to make way for the planned third runway have been circulated by the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign.

An appeal has been issued for all the environmental campaigners in Britain to come together urgently and work with the local people in the Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington villages to create a futuristic high tech eco-village to set an example of the way forward to ensure the survival of future generations.

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Climate Camp Exhibition

30-12-2007 19:58

climate camp exhibition comes to Nottingham

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Shell Oil and the Institutions Greenwashing them feel the ‘Heat’

18-12-2007 20:04

It hasn’t been an easy week for the organisers of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award and the Bristol Museum, or their sponsor and proud wildlife destroyer— sugardaddy Shell Oil Company. All week, concerned individuals from around Bristol have been exposing the truth about Shell and the public institutions who are helping to greenwash them. **CK sHELL !

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Short haul flight adverts cancelled

18-12-2007 14:27

Flybe cancel 1
Shocking U-turn from short-haul carrier!

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Heathrow: more lies emerge

15-12-2007 00:45

Heathrow 3rd runway consultation prospectus exposed over number of threatened homes and cost attributed to CO2 emissions

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What Better Time? Issue One out now!

11-12-2007 23:25

What Better Time? is a free news sheet from the Scottish Climate Activist Network. Issue one is out now, get em while they're hot (actually after the demo on Saturday they're a bit wet and soggy).

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Women Climate Activists Blockade the Department for Trasport

07-12-2007 09:45

Women have this morning blockaded the Department for Transport preventing staff from getting to work and carrying out their policies which are catapulting us towards dangerous run-away climate change. This action comes in response to the Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly confirming the government's intentions to build a third runway and a sixth terminal at Heathrow and co-incides with the opening of their first 'consultation' exhibition.

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Move into the Light?: Postscript to a turbulent 2007

28-11-2007 16:34

"Move into the Light?: Postscript to a turbulent 2007"

By Turbulence

At the beginning of 2007, the Turbulence collective commissioned 14 articles from around the global 'movement of movements', asking authors: "What would it mean to win?" We edited their responses into a newspaper and printed 7,000 copies, most of which were distributed at the mobilisation against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, in June. A few months later, we want to return to the question of winning.

As we resume our search it's no surprise that we keep coming across the problem of visibility. When we think about winning, our eyes are drawn to things that are highly visible or easy-to-measure, such as institutional or legislative change, the opening of a social centre or an increase in membership. That's where the light is. But we also need to assess victories in the less tangible though just as real realm of possibilities. Winning in this realm may involve increased potential, changes in perception or patterns of behaviour. Yet these seem to exist at the very edge of the luminous zone.

This problem leads into another: our experiences create their own luminosity and consequently their own areas of darkness. When we think about winning we are drawn to movements, people and events that are familiar to us; and we have expectations about how things should turn out if they are to constitute a victory.

So how can we overcome our night-blindness once we move beyond the familiar?...

To download the new Turbulence booklet, "Move into the Light?", as a PDF go to:

To help distribute the booklet, or to offer a translation, please write to:

A web-banner linking directly to the article can also be downloaded from:

Copies of the booklet can be ordered via our website,

And, as ever, we're keen for comments, criticism and feedback on the text.

The Editors

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Student Climate Project Launch this weekend

27-11-2007 17:43

This weekend (the 30th November to the 2nd December) sees the launch of The Student Climate Project, whose aim is to bring together existing student activists from across the UK to find ways to build a mass student anti-climate change movement.

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FIT Watch protesters to challenge the legality of police surveillance.

26-11-2007 14:25

This week, two separate court cases will challenge the legality of police surveillance. Both cases involve two women who are accused of obstructing the police in1 the execution of their duty.

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Heathrow Expansion - Plane Stupid consultation report

23-11-2007 16:14

At a packed meeting yesterday afternoon the combined forces of the anti-Heathrow expansion movement heard something they'd always suspected. The consultation, due out today, will be a sham. The Government has made its mind up; like it or not, Heathow expansion is going ahead.

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Depopulation, Global Warming and the British Royal Family

20-11-2007 13:21

Webster Tarpley gives his view on Global Warming and believes the British Royal family are still part of a depopulation agenda

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Manchester aiport beaten in debate

19-11-2007 23:43

'The Great Aviation Debate' took place last Thurs 15th November at Friends Meeting House.
Manchester Airport lacked any decent responses to charges made of environmental piracy.
It presented a poignant example in favour of non-violent direct action.

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Climate campaigners oppose meddling with the oceans

08-11-2007 11:49

On Monday 5th November climate change campaigners from Camp for Climate Action, Rising Tide and BioFuel Watch took action against geo-engineering (deliberate modification of Earth's environment on a large scale) companies who are hoping to make a great deal of money from carbon credits by encouraging the growth of phytoplankton in the oceans . They claim this will 'sequester' carbon dioxide, a technology known as 'ocean seeding'.
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