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UK Climate Camp 2007 Newswire Archive

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Climate Camp organising gathering Liverpool 21st and 22nd April

11-04-2007 12:57

Organising for Climate Camp 2007 is well under way and it looks like being bigger, better and more inspiring than last come along to our next gathering, find out what it's all about and get involved...doesn't matter if you haven't been involved before, everyone's welcome. Saturday will focus on camp-wide and how we network the Camp, Sunday is mainly working group time. Again, new people more than welcome in all working groups.

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Climate Camp organising gathering April 21 and 22, Liverpool

09-04-2007 18:44

Organising for Climate Camp 2007 is well under way and it looks like being bigger, better and more inspiring than last come along to our next gathering, find out what it's all about and get involved...doesn't matter if you haven't been involved before, everyone's welcome. Saturday will focus on camp-wide and how we network the Camp, Sunday is mainly working group time. Again, new people more than welcome in all working groups.

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London Climate Campers update

16-03-2007 13:32

Only four months to go till the 2007 Camp for Climate Action - are you getting involved?

Get inspired, watch the Reclaim Power movie about last years camp at the rampART social centre tonight from 8pm. (see Copies are now available on DVD in this country from Rising Tide and local groups working towards this years climate camp.

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Climate Camp Meeting and Film

15-03-2007 15:43

Last year saw 600 people gather in the shadow of Drax Power Station for the ten day Camp For Climate Action. This weekend in Bristol is the next national planning meeting, Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th March. The venue is Barton Hill Settlement which is 5 min from Lawrence Hill Station.
Any questions, suggestions or proposals for the meeting can be sent to gatherings [at]

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West Midlands Climate Camp meeting

07-03-2007 19:03

Come and get involved in organising the West Midlands Neighbourhood for
Climate Camp 2007!

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Heathrow Residents Take Direct Action with Plane Stupid

06-03-2007 14:17

John Hunt interrupts Alexander speech
~ Airport residents resort to direct action techniques for the first time
~ Marks new phase in resistance to airport expansion

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documentary: Reclaim Power - voices from the camp for climate action 2006

03-03-2007 18:18

In the summer of 2006, 600 people convinced that there is no time to waste set up a Camp for Climate Action in the shadow of one of the biggest C02 emitters in Europe: Drax coal-fired power station in Yorkshire / UK. Cine Rebelde produced a documentary film about the camp.

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Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds

09-02-2007 12:03

Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.
The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).

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Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds

09-02-2007 12:01

Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.
The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).

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Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds

09-02-2007 12:00

Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.
The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).

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Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds

09-02-2007 11:59

Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.
The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).

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Next national climate camp organsing gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds

06-02-2007 09:59

Climate Camp 2007 will take place fromAugust 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.
The next national organsing gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodationand creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).

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Next Yorkshire Climate Camp meeting - Weds Jan 17th 7pm (food at 6pm)

16-01-2007 19:15

the next Yorkshire Climate Action/Climate Camp group meeting will be next Wednesday, Jan 17th, from 7pm at The Common Place in Leeds city centre( There will be vegan food available from 6pm.

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Birmingham Climate Action Camp Mtg Wed 17th

15-01-2007 16:35

Its official: Climate Camp 2007 is going to happen!

The national Climate Action Camp gathering in Leeds this weekend - attended by over 60 people - set the dates of the camp for 14th - 21st August.

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Camp for Climate Action 'next steps' gethering Jan 13th/14th, Leeds

09-01-2007 21:04

In August of this year hundreds gathered near Selby to confront the UK's biggest CO2 emitter: Drax Coal Power Station. The Camp for Climate Action was an inspiring 10 days of learning, sustainable living and direct action to challenge the causes of climate chaos.

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The Camp for Climate Action- ‘next steps’ gathering 13/14 Jan, Leeds

05-01-2007 11:23

In August of this year hundreds gathered near Selby to confront the UK's biggest CO2 emitter: Drax Coal Power Station. The Camp for Climate Action was an inspiring 10 days of learning, sustainable living and direct action to challenge the causes of climate chaos.
There is already much enthusiasm for organising another Camp, come and get involved on 13th/14th Jan at 'The Common Place' in Leeds. Meetings will run Sat 11-5 and Sun 10- 6

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Want to get involved in the Camp for Climate Action 2007? Meet up 9th January

03-01-2007 23:19

Prior to the National Camp for Climate Action meeting in Leeds on 13th - 14th January, come and join in an open discussion about Climate Camp 2007 and how people feel about organising a brum neighbourhood at this years camp. Everyone is welcome to come along, whether you have been involved with the Climate Camp before or not.

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The Camp for Climate Action, Yorkshire Neighbourhood re-group

21-11-2006 18:23

Wednesday December 6th 7pm-9pm The Common Place, Leeds. All interested welcome

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London neighbourhood Climate Camp Meeting

17-11-2006 13:00

London neighbourhood meeting to plan for the next climate camp, lets get this thing rolling!

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BRACE! BRACE! BRACE! - Time for BAA to fasten its seatbelts...

30-09-2006 17:05

"There's turbulence ahead for the British Airports Authority", was the message from protesters gathering for an introduction to direct action today.

Years of letter writing and lobbying of MPs may have kept the deceitful, climate-wrecking actions of the air industry in the public eye, but the cosy relationship between BAA and the DoT means they get to do what they want anyway. That's ever more short haul flights, no tax on fuel, and new runways, terminals and access roads.
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