The Camp for Climate Action- ‘next steps’ gathering 13/14 Jan, Leeds
leeds climate camp group | 05.01.2007 11:23 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Birmingham
In August of this year hundreds gathered near Selby to confront the UK's biggest CO2 emitter: Drax Coal Power Station. The Camp for Climate Action was an inspiring 10 days of learning, sustainable living and direct action to challenge the causes of climate chaos.
There is already much enthusiasm for organising another Camp, come and get involved on 13th/14th Jan at 'The Common Place' in Leeds. Meetings will run Sat 11-5 and Sun 10- 6
There is already much enthusiasm for organising another Camp, come and get involved on 13th/14th Jan at 'The Common Place' in Leeds. Meetings will run Sat 11-5 and Sun 10- 6
This project is still at its early stages and details such as when, where and how to organise the next Camp are to be decided at this meeting. Food and crash pad accommodation will be provided. Everyone will be asked for a donation of around £10 to cover costs. If you have particular access or childcare needs, or if would like more information contact See for directions.
To help advertise this meeting please forward this email, or get the poster from
For you information, here are a list of local group contacts.
Some of these are specifically Climate Camp, Rising Tide or Plane Stupid groups, some are local groups involved in taking direct action against climate change that don't necessarily see themselves as belonging to a national group.
Nottingham: nottingham[at]
Oxford: oxford[at]
Manchester: manchester[at]
London Rising Tide: london[at]
South Penines: potzo8[at]
South West: caromac20032000[at]
Leeds: leeds(at)
Scotland and Ireland: scotland[at]
Cambridge Action Network: cambridge[at]
Birmingham: flatline[at]
Reading: climatejustice[at]
York Rising Tide: yorks[at]
Scotland Rising Tide: scotland[at]
London Plane Stupid: london[at]
Manchester Plane Stupid: manchester[at]
Cambridge Plane Stupid: cambridge[at]
Oxford Plane Stupid: oxford[at]
Sheffield PlaneStupid: sheffield[at]
Sussex Plane Stupid: sussex[at]
Reading Plane Stupid: reading[at]

To help advertise this meeting please forward this email, or get the poster from

For you information, here are a list of local group contacts.
Some of these are specifically Climate Camp, Rising Tide or Plane Stupid groups, some are local groups involved in taking direct action against climate change that don't necessarily see themselves as belonging to a national group.
Nottingham: nottingham[at]
Oxford: oxford[at]
Manchester: manchester[at]
London Rising Tide: london[at]
South Penines: potzo8[at]
South West: caromac20032000[at]
Leeds: leeds(at)
Scotland and Ireland: scotland[at]
Cambridge Action Network: cambridge[at]
Birmingham: flatline[at]
Reading: climatejustice[at]
York Rising Tide: yorks[at]
Scotland Rising Tide: scotland[at]
London Plane Stupid: london[at]
Manchester Plane Stupid: manchester[at]
Cambridge Plane Stupid: cambridge[at]
Oxford Plane Stupid: oxford[at]
Sheffield PlaneStupid: sheffield[at]
Sussex Plane Stupid: sussex[at]
Reading Plane Stupid: reading[at]
leeds climate camp group