UK G8 Russia 2006 Newswire Archive
A call to attack and block capitalism, Towards an inventive strategy
23-10-2006 15:48
Towards an inventive strategy for attacking and blocking summits
Shut down G8 2007!
23-10-2006 14:19
Russian speaker from the G8 protests this year will be in Liverpool on Friday 27th October to talk about the 2006 protests in St Petersburg. Come along to discuss organising against G8 next year/ find out about the protests this year! She will speak at 7.30 at the Casa, Hope Street (near Catholic cathedral) which is about 10 minute walk from Lime St train station or 15 minutes from the coach station.THINK G8 ! An anticapitalist teach-in
19-10-2006 10:54
Call 07796 788 111 for directions – entrance free
Russian/German Anarchists Anti g8 Sun 29th @ The Common Place
18-10-2006 16:37
Details of anti G8 meetingSummit Hoppin' 06
04-10-2006 09:44
Eight years after the first big summit blockades, activists are stillmobilized against. On several different occasions this summer there
demonstrations and discussions about political approaches and the
planning of actions. For example at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg,
Campinski near Heiligendamm, and the PGA conference in France.
G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 5
14-08-2006 13:44
I woke on 17 July to endless text messages and phone calls about Lebanon. I found a television and watched bombs falling on so-called Hizbullah strongholds that looked like poverty-stricken Lebanese housing estates.Where Next for the Fight Against the G8? Meeting Cardiff, 16th Aug
12-08-2006 17:55
G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 4
10-08-2006 10:00
I woke late. The sun was up and the head of a large and round-faced Russian policeman was poking through the tent entrance. He said something in Russian.G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 3
01-08-2006 02:03
Saturday 15 July. My English contacts were nowhere to be found in the camp. After some searching and chasing I contacted them by phone only to find they were holed-up somewhere in the city, too fearful of a complete police lockdown of Kirov stadium, which would put a serious damper on any actions they were planning.G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 2
30-07-2006 06:43
“I wish you success in your professional activity and expect the world’s leading media to provide a detailed, reliable and objective coverage of events taking place in Russia’s northern capital.”Vladimir Putin
Arrested anti-G8 protestors - 16 July
28-07-2006 04:08
G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 1
27-07-2006 12:09
From London to Riga to St Petersburg, the first part of Oscar Beard's eye witness reports from the 2006 Russian G8 Summit.Eat The Rich: Making Life Taste Better
27-07-2006 11:13
RESISTANCE (July/Aug 2006) - anarchist bulletin from AF (Britain)
25-07-2006 12:05
IN THIS ISSUE: Trade union strikes, John Reid new Home Secretary, Armchair cops, Left-wing in South America, Russia G8, ASDA depot action, Jerry Springer Opera, General Strike 1926, plus the usual activist's events diary, industrial frontline news. Read too PDF:
G8 Arrests : Has Everyone Now Been Released ?
22-07-2006 12:02
(G8 russia) update 21st July
21-07-2006 19:02
Today was a meeting to resume the summit activities in moscow with around 40 people, in Piter there are still 4 people in prison.Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil
21-07-2006 01:33
The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.G8 2006 Repression Continues -- The case of Mihain
20-07-2006 10:51
Translated and posted by the "G8 2006 Info and Press Group", Berlin.