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UK Climate Camp 2006 Newswire Archive

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Birmingham Indymedia screening @ the Cottage Social Centre tonight!

11-08-2006 17:49

This is the third in a series of weekly screenings at Birmingham's latest autonomous social centre, the Cottage Social Centre. This evening, Friday August 11th 2006, in conjunction with the second Camp for Climate Action meeting, we will be screening a selection of films on the themes of resistance to ecological destruction and linking the phenomenon of petroleum addiction with war and global warming.

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Full (& exciting) workshops programme announced, for Camp for Climate Action

10-08-2006 00:21

Hi everyone,

We've just finalised the programme of workshops, discussions and meetings
- we've got an amazing range of over 150 top quality workshops relating to
all aspects of climate change. You can view it online at

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Mind the Gap... world energy crisis approaches, dire consequences for planet

31-07-2006 11:47

Last year, for the first time since 1992, the UK became a net importer of crude oil as a result of terminal decline of the North Sea oil and gas fields. The British government doesn't appear to worried yet and apparently thinks the country can simply buy the energy it needs so quite some time to come. "The government consider that the world's oil resources are sufficient to prevent global total oil production peaking before 2030," said energy minister Malcolm Wicks earlier this month. Wicks said that the Government are already putting in place policies that will "help ease the UK economy away from power supplied primarily through fossil fuels" - probably a reference to the recent energy review and the U turn on nuclear power.

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Setting Up A Merseyside neighbourhood for Climate Camp

27-07-2006 08:16

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the problem of climate change. It's easy to feel that we can't make a difference. It is for this reason that from August 26th to September 4th , a Camp for Climate action will take place in Megawatt Valley, near Leeds and Selby

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Stuff needed for climate camp

26-07-2006 14:51

We need lots of stuff to make climate camp happen.

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Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! Oct. 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW!

23-07-2006 23:03

On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico.

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Up next: G8 PLUS FIVE CLIMATE SUMMIT! October 3-4, Mexico!

23-07-2006 22:54

Please communicate urgently to g8(AT) (English) OR justiciaclimatica06(AT) (Español) to help mobilize grassroots international action for climate justice countering the first G8 + 5 Summit on Climate Change: October 3-4 in Mexico!

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Rob Newman benefit gig CommonPlace, Leeds, Fri 28 July

21-07-2006 17:48

Rob Newman presents 'No Planet B, or the history of the world backweards'
8 pm Friday 28 July, at the CommonPlace, 23 Wharf St., Leeds.
Tickets £5
All money goes to the Camp for Climate Action and The CommonPlace social centre in Leeds

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Climate change protest at Didcot power station

18-07-2006 09:32

Didcot Power station
Protesters dropped a banner reading 'Climate Crime' in front of the cooling towers of Didcot power station this morning - Tuesday 18th July.

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Climate change activists occupy Didcot power station

18-07-2006 06:16

Climate change activists have scaled a tower on the coal pile at Didcot power station and unfurled a large orange banner with the words 'climate crime' on it. This is to hightlight that coal fire power stations such as Didcot are not a feasible or sustainable future for energy supply. It is also to bring attention to the days of action against climate change taking part later in the summer as part of Reclaim Power - see - and likewise the Camp for Climate Action -

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Manchester cyclists occupy the city in carnival protest against the G8.

15-07-2006 18:26

Yesterday evening Manchester cyclists held a protest bicycle carnival in solidarity with anti G8 protesters in Russia. This was part of a global protest against the G8 meeting in Moscow this weekend called for by the Peoples Global Action (PGA). The 3 main themes of the G8 summit this year are Energy security, education and aids/health care.

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Is 2006 the year of peak oil? The latest figures are suggesting it could be...

12-07-2006 13:27

World production of oil has peaked according to Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, a former executive of the National Iranian Oil Company. He predicts a fall of 32% by 2020 as wells dry up and new discoveries become rarer, smaller and harder to extract...

(c) 2006, Leamy

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12-07-2006 09:28

New Internationalist Magazine Cover
The idea that nuclear energy is carbon carbon neutral goes uncontested in the media and general public. What can we make of this collective denial?

The following article was written in New Internationalist Magazine (382). It shows that the the construction and decommissioning of a nuclear power station and is far more carbon intensive that coal or gas.

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Another expert says we've reached peak oil production

10-07-2006 13:20

Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, a former executive of the National Iranian Oil Company has said this week that he believes global oil production is now at maximum production and can only decline from this point on.

(c) 2006, Leamy

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As BP reports drop in oil production, wot r u doing2 prepare4 peak?

03-07-2006 09:06

Many different people predict a wide variety of timescales for peak oil and the downslide on the other side. Some people say we have already peaked and others say we've got maybe another six or even eight years. However, the nature of the problem means that we'll only know we've reach global peak after the event as we look back on falling production figures....

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28-06-2006 00:44

Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).


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Climate Camp to target UK's largest power station

20-06-2006 13:47

Yesterday it was announced that the Camp for Climate Action will target Drax, the largest power station in Europe and the single largest emiter of carbon dioxide in the UK.

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Direct Action info + planning night in Sheffield

17-06-2006 09:38

Oh, the long summer stretches ahead of you, weeks and weeks of hot days and nothing but Big Brother on tv. If only there was something better to do with your summer... something effective, positive and fun.... something like DIRECT ACTION.

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Sabotage Raid on Yorkshire Quarry

16-06-2006 13:06

To celebrate the Spring there was a sabotage raid on Horton Quarry in Ribblesdale, in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

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Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood Meeting

15-06-2006 13:01

Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood Meeting
Tuesday, 20 June, 7.00 PM @ The Square (20-22 Russell Square, WC1)