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UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive

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Transiton Network Conference: Energy Descent Planning Workshop

25-06-2010 14:18

Attached is a recording of a Energy Descent Planning Workshop held on 13th June 2010 at the Transition Network Conference, which was run by Jacqi Hodgson and Shaun Chamberlain. It was advertised with this description: the workshop will explore and discuss some of the methods and strategies used in starting out and designing a framework for research, gathering material for the timeline and responsive thinking in communities to create ideas and involvement in developing a locally based Energy Descent Action Plan, using some aspects of the Totnes and District experience for reference.

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Reflections on Climate9 Trial- Last day Tomorrow

24-06-2010 19:19

Climate9 outside court after expert witnesses give evidence- Wednesday 24th June
Climate scientists have expressed that the UK government's emission targets are not radical enough to a criminal for the first time in a Scottish court this week. Vandalism charges have been dropped. Hear it from the defendants in written update and come and support tomorrow!

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24-06-2010 05:33

While crackpot radio warns millions will die - I interview experts. Dr. Joye just returned from the Gulf measuring plumes. Hirshfield just testified to Congress. Mencimer writes: Tea Party fears Gulf spill leads to FEMA camps.

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threat of the incinerator s being built in uk

23-06-2010 21:26

incinerators increase child deaths cancers ect derby have the threat of 3 being built help advive welcome d

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Oil Is Not The Worst Part of British Petroleum's Gulf Gusher!

23-06-2010 01:57

It is bad enough that British Petroleum (BP) doesn't want to attempt to use high explosives drilled deep down into the bed rock beside the pipe to bend it closed. It is incredibly psychotically cynical of BP to collect 15 to 20 thousand barrels of oil a day from the well head and sell that oil into the market at $77 barrel as a means to save the company from bankruptcy while 90 percent of the rest of the oil and gas from the well head leak into gulf waters.

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Gulf species face unprecedented disaster

22-06-2010 21:46

The ultimate ecological impact of the oil spill on wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico is unknown, and will likely remain so for years to come. Still, two months into the worst oil spill in US history, indications are that the ecological impact will be nothing less than disastrous.

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Further evidence of criminal negligence by BP and US government in Gulf disaster

22-06-2010 21:43

Evidence of the criminal negligence of BP and the US government in the run-up to the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion continues to mount. BP’s decision to ignore important safety warnings for the sake of profit and repeated regulatory green lights from the Bush and Obama administrations made a disaster like that presently overtaking the Gulf of Mexico all but inevitable.

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US and EU impose extra sanctions on Iran

19-06-2010 10:14

The US and European Union (EU) ratchetted up the pressure on Iran over its nuclear programs this week with additional sanctions on top of those adopted last week in a UN Security Council resolution. The latest moves set the stage for an escalating confrontation with Iran, which has denounced the latest UN resolution as “illegal”.

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Dark Conspiracies of the Gulf

18-06-2010 17:24

Rumors, myth, and conspiracy pour out of the Gulf Gusher. Alex investigates. Is it possible this leak can never be contained? From the crazy to the all-to-true.

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Chairperson sympathises with Minorca Petitioners

18-06-2010 12:18

This press release brings you right up to date with yesterdays events and subsequent developments on UK Coal's Minorca Opencast Mine Application.

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Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk - More on the Minorca Petition

15-06-2010 19:21

This press release gives more information about out petition to Leicestershire County Council including the text of the petition. Our petition takes the form of being a grievance against LCC for not taking a decision on the Minorca Opencast Application.

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What is the future context for Transition?

14-06-2010 21:44

Attached is a recording of a session titled, "What is the future context for Transition?", which was run by Sophy Banks on Sunday 13th June 2010 at the Transition Network Conference.

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Centre for Alternative Technology: Zero Carbon Britain 2030

14-06-2010 11:16

The attached audio of Bruce Heagerty presenting the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Zero Carbon Britain 2030, report was recorded at the Transition Network Conference on 14th June 2010. The slides from the presentation are also attached as in Power Point and PDF format (a smaller file).

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HEAT STROKE: When Heat Kills

13-06-2010 16:20

Scientists predict more deadly heat waves. Now they have found the upper limit our bodies tolerate - and we'll get there without stopping our emissions. The "skeptical scientist", John Cook, and Stuart Staniford, the technical investigator, talk it through. From Chicago to Europe's deadly 2003 heat wave to cooking our grandkids.

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Crash the Oil party and help Drum Em Out - June 21st, 6pm

13-06-2010 11:47

This Month
This month In the middle of one of the worst environmental disasters in recent memory The oil industry's "greatest minds" are getting together at a slick London hotel to drink, network, give each other awards and plan more carnage.

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Rob Hopkins: Transition as a Pattern Language

13-06-2010 11:01

Attached is a recording of Rob Hopkins talking at the Transition Network Conference on Sunday 13th June 2010 about the re-framing of the 12 Steps of Transition and Transition Handbook as a Pattern Language.

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Making Sense of the Financial Crisis in the Era of Peak Oil

12-06-2010 20:10

Attached is a recording of Stoneleigh from The Automatic Earth, speaking at the Transition Network Conference on 12th June 2010.

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Transition Network Conference 2010 Open Space Introduction

12-06-2010 13:21

Attached is a recording of the session to sort out the open space sessions at the Transition Network Conference 2010 and photos of the boards with the timetable on that came out of the session.

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Transition Network Conference 2010 Opening Session

12-06-2010 11:14

Attached is a recording of the opening session of the 2010 Transition Network Conference which is taking place in Devon and started on 12th June 2010.

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Be part of Brighton's new solar power station

10-06-2010 16:24

17th June sees the initiation of a great new project in Brighton - the UK's first community-owned solar power station. The £350,000 scheme will be run as a co-operative, meaning that every shareholder has an equal say in management, whether you have a few thousand pounds to invest or just fifty quid.