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<< Page 99 | Page 97>>Christian Voice Loses ASA Case
A week after the Advertising Standards Authority ruled in favour of the Atheist Bus Campaign adverts rather than the complainants (who included Christian Voice), they have stated that Christian Voice is no longer allowed to run adverts making unsubstantiated claims against the HPV vaccine, which protects young girls from cervical cancer.[Full Story ]
Serge Trifkovic, BNP Councillor, and Scientific Racialists to Discuss Preserving
Among the slew of anti-Muslim screeds published in recenty years, one of the more prominent was The Sword of the Prophet, by Serge Trifkovic. Despite Trifokovic's dubious background as a former spokesman for Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (although he also spoke against Slobodan Milsoevic), he was embraced by American conservatives - paleo and neo - as yet another expert who dared to tell ``the truth'' about Muslims and Islams.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
But at what cost?
I agree that the Iraqi elections at first sight seem like a success. And the news so far is very good. All the Islamic parties lost ground, especially that associated with the so-called ‘Shia firebrand’, Moqtada al-Sadr, whose share of the vote went down from 11% to 3%. The principal Sunni Islamic party, the Islamic Party of Iraq, was wiped out. Instead, a new generation of Iraqi politicians is coming forward. Many of them are young and secular. They have lived always in Iraq, not in exile; they are Iraqis with local roots first and foremost - they are not pan-Arabs or pan-Islamists. Nor do they have connections to the US. I hate to rain on the parade but that doesn't yet negate the ongoing cost of this huge blunder.[Full Story ]
Climate Change Day of Action
Information about Christian Aid's Climate Change protests and campaigns - speaking out against E.ON's coal-fuelled power plants. Join us and help make a difference![Full Story ]
Israeli blockade stops aid to Gaza
Israel and its Egyptian ally are continuing to hamper the entry of desperately needed humanitarian goods into the Gaza Strip after Israel’s assault on the Palestinians there[Full Story ]
Emergency Solidarity Appeal from General Union of Guadeloupe Workers (UGTG)
Dear comrades and friends,The French colonial authority is getting ready to suppress the workers, youth, and people of Guadeloupe as well as their organizations.In response to the call of 47 trade unions, political organizations, consumer associations, popular organizations, and cultural associations, a general strike began on 20 January 2009, expressing the general discontent of the masses of workers, who are sick and tired of the suffering they face.[Full Story ]
The Way of Izvestia: BBC as a Metaphor for State Propaganda
By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad'The BBC cannot be neutral in the struggle between truth and untruth, justice and injustice, freedom and slavery, compassion and cruelty, tolerance and intolerance.' Thus read a 1972 internal document called Principles and Practice in News and Current Affairs laying out the guidelines for the BBC's coverage of conflicts. It appears to affirm that in cases of oppression and injustice to be neutral is to be complicit, because neutrality reinforces the status quo. This partiality to truth, justice, freedom, compassion and tolerance it deems 'within the consensus about basic moral values'.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
New Yorkers March Against Wage Slavery
On a chilly Monday morning in midtown Manhattan, demonstrators displayed powerful messages of solidarity with food and retail workers, demanding fair wages and treatment while sending a prominent message to bosses: “You can’t keep the workers down, New York is a union town!”[Full Story ]
Support for taxes on flights keeps growing
It finally seems like we might just be getting through to people - maybe even the hard-working British families the aviation industry likes to blame for their plans to turn Britain into Airstrip One.[Full Story ]
Revealed: the truth behind Tory support for South-East airport expansion
Last week Tory Transport supremo Theresa Villiers admitted in the third runway debate that a Conservative government would not rule out airport expansion in the South-East. This rightly confused many people: if there is no case for expanding Heathrow or Stansted, then where do the Tories want to expand? And why, if they are persuaded that climate change = bad, do they want to expand any at all?[Full Story ]
Trump;s golf course fuels airport expansion
Donald Trump, the American tycoon behind the theme-park golf course set to trash the beautiful Ayrshire coast, has been linked to plans to expand Aberdeen airport. Not content with making a mockery of the Scottish government by ignoring local decision makers (not to mention 9 of the holes being built on a Site of Special Scientific Interest)[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Is economic growth sustainable?
The debate surrounding the extent to which the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change misses a more fundamental point. That is, fossil fuels are an inherently finite resource. This resource is dwindling at an accelerating rate as economies such as those of China and India expand rapidly. Fossil fuels will run out. Maybe not in the next 10, 20 or 30 years but they will run out.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK - but only if you get inv
For the first time in my life I resent paying my taxes. Until now I have seen this annual amputation as a civic duty - like giving blood - necessary to sustain the life of a fair society. Suddenly I see it as an imposition. Its purpose has reverted to that of the middle ages: subsidising the excesses of a parasitic class. A high proportion of the taxes I pay will be used to bail out companies which have used every imaginable ruse to avoid paying any themselves.
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US Sold Phosphorus Shells to Israel
The Pine Bluff Arsenal, a United States Army installation in Arkansas, specializes in chemical and biological weapons. The military touts them as the only facility in the Northern Hemisphere which fills white phosphorus munitions. That's the important point here, as it once again ties the US military directly into the Israeli war.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
War on Bankers - Snowball fights theory and practice
As someone who has never really been entranced by the internal combustion engine fad that has swept through the world in recent decades, I tend to walk most places. However, given the snow on the ground today, I, along with many others, was presented with a number of ethical and practical issues; namely, how to deal with snowballs.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Healthcare is a Right!
On a rainy November 13th evening in NYC a large group of people gathered in Times Square, and then marched to the headquarters of GHI, a non-profit health insurance company which faces privatization. The marchers were demonstrating in support of the passage of HR 676, a bill for national single-payer healthcare, and against the proposed privatization of GHI/HIP.[Full Story ]
Obama’s $825 Billion Stimulus Plan Offers Too Little, Too Late
Within the past two years, Democrats in Washington DC have spent more than $1.5 trillion to help rescue the struggling U.S. economy out of the worst recession since the Great Depression; now, both Houses of Congress are fast-tracking a stimulus package for President Barack Obama that will likely cost the nation more than $1 trillion. Socialists nationwide are rejecting this new call for deficit spending and are calling for programs that will meet the short and long term needs of the nation and create immediate employment for the millions of working people that are unemployed or under-employed.[Full Story ]
Take URGENT ACTION: Binyam Mohamed/UK involvement in torture

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MAYDAY! against EDO page set up
On bankholiday Monday, May the 4th, there will be a mass event against EDO/ITT in Brighton.Keep the day free!
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Last EF! winter moot update
Latest update on what's happening at the EF! winter moot, with activists coming from Denmark and Ireland, amongst other places, to help inform our focus on discussing strategy and action planning.[Full Story | 2 comments ]