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<< Page 89 | Page 87>>Spanish bank squatters evicted
Following their successful occupation of the offices of BBVA bank over 200 members of SAT (Andalucian workers union) spent the night there, resisting police and council efforts to force them to leave.[Full Story ]
muTATE Britain has landed..

Forget Tate Britain, muTATE BRITAIN has landed, all 4 storeys of it.
And you heard it here first...
[Full Story | 3 additions | 4 comments ]
Festival of inspiring films from around the world- South Wales
This weekend-Undercurrents hosts the annual Beyond Tv international Film festival.November 22-23rd. Please join us!
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Spanish bank occupied by workers
In the southern Spanish city of Granada today, a powerful workers demonstration has been taking place. It includes the simultaneous occupation of the offices of a local developer/estate agents and the main branch of the BBVA bank.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Friday 14.11.08 anarcho students occupy ministry - report and photo's

[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Cowley Club fundraiser
On Saturday December 6 a fundraiser is being held for the Cowley Club, the alternative social centre at 12 London Road, Brighton. Music and DJ night. 8pm.[Full Story ]
The Oka Mohawk Uprising - Filmshow, Brighton Mon 17th Nov
As part of a month long series of films on resistance in North America through the decades, the film Kanesatake is being shown at the Cowley Club in Brighton. The film series 'Never Mind the Baracks' also includes films on the Weather Underground, Anti-logging blackades in Oregon, The seatlle mobilisation against the WTO and anti-war action is the US.[Full Story ]
Sussex Uni students vote to oust military from students union
Yesterday, students at the students union agm voted to support a motion to withdraw support for all military funded bodies.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Prosecuting Bush and Blair for Genocide (21st November)
Free important public meeting[Full Story ]
Climate Change & Violence : Workshop 1 : Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?
The Crisis Forum are starting their Workshop series on Climate Change & Violence tomorrow in Southampton : asking the question "Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?"[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Reports from the Brighton Group -Al Mazra’a and the continued threat of Talmon B
This is part of a series of blogs from a delegation of eight people from Brighton who have just arrived back from the Tubas region of occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of the project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. The group's aims are to highlight Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in the region, raise awareness about life under occupation and create practical solidarity links between grassroots organisations in Brighton and the Tubas region.This is an excerpt from Therezia's blog
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Under Siege: Islam, War and the Media
Despite the aura of hope that Obama's presidency has brought, the fact remains that the "war on terror" is as entrenched as ever. It continues to claim lives, curtail civil liberties and fuel Islamophobia - all with the complicity of much of the British media.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
The surveillance state

[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Outrage as Bloody Sunday Report Further Delayed
The Saville Inquiry is the public Inquiry into the events of Bloody Sunday in Derry in the north of Ireland. On Sunday 30th Jan 1972 13 civil rights demonstrators were shot dead by British paratroopers, another died later as a result his injuries. Four years after the end of the Inquiry there is still no report. Please act - see below[Full Story ]
The Triangle Of Peace Foundation: Redefining Sinister, Shitting On Us All

What can you say about an advert that fills an entire page of a broadsheet newspaper, containing a title (”The Triangle Of Peace Foundation”), a heavy duty strapline (”The birth of Philanthropical Capitalism, a new global responsibility.”), an address in New York (”Triangle of Peace, 420 Lexington Ave, Suite 518, New York, NY 10170 USA”) and a section of some kind of stylised monolith, all tastefully decked out in black and white?
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Please support Ali Baher facing suspension from Israeli University
In early November, Ali Baher, Chairman of the Arab Students Committee at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was detained for three hours, questioned, summoned to a hearing pending suspension, and evicted from his dorm room - all for refusing to shake hands with Israeli President Shimon Peres.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Veg*n Climate March - Sat 6 Dec 2008

Join the Veg*n Climate March - Sat 6 Dec 2008

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immediate and unconditional release of Jean-Marc Rouillan (France)

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Smash EDO Press Release - CPS discontinue oppressive prosecution
Smash EDO Press Release6/11/2008
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Direct Action; New Zealand, UK, Mexico & Canada

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