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<< Page 61 | Page 59>>Maya Anne Evans, SOCPA protestor, faces prison
Maya Anne Evans, the first person to be convicted of noncompliance with the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) - for reading the names of the Iraq war dead opposite Downing Street in October 2005, is in court on Tuesday 6 November for her refusal to pay two fines imposed for SOCPA convictions. She explains the reasons behind her refusal.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Climate Action in Dover

global warming...
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Webster Tarpley: when you thought it couldn't get worse...
..his new, bestest mate is Captain May--who's either the anti-semite he sounds like, or too gormless to be trusted to talk about certain issues with any subtlety...:
[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Public Rascist Outburst

[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Mainstream Environmental Movement Closes Ranks : Private E-mails
Below is a copy of an e-mail and a follow up, sent to the heads of the largest environmental organisations in the USA and (in the follow up) their equivalents in the UK. These e-mails have been met with stony silence - the environmental organisations have closed ranks. I am bringing this into the public realm in order to let the public decide who is right...[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Toolshare and Spaceshare part of new local community sharing project
Get access to a huge pool of tools, lessen your carbon footprint, get to know more of your neighbours and save loads of money! Sharing beats consuming...[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Reports from the Brighton Delegation - Palestinian Farmers Under Occupation
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten members of the group in palestine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
[Full Story ]
Report of Halloween demo at EDO
On halloween Smash EDO held a maskked up demonstration outside the Brighton arms dealers...[Full Story | 1 comment ]
The End of EDO? EDO UK 2006 Accounts Expose 70% Profit Drop

The 17 page document attached below reveals a massive drop in profit and an apparently unsustainable £10,000,000. debt.
The accounts also contain statements signed off as true by Director Paul Hills which are blatently false.
Insider sourced information and a revealing brick wall met under Freedom of Information Act paint a picture of an end in sight for the Brighton Bomb factory, that has been the focus of a sustained anti war campaign since 2004.
The question on every EDO MBM employee's mind is will new parents ITT save them, or put them out of their misery?
[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Campaign for NUS democracy - launch meeting, London, 4 November
The Blairite leadership of the National Union of Students are seeking to launch a series of major attacks on NUS democracy - to rule out future student revolts radicalising NUS, and make the student movement safe for Brown. Please come to the meeting on 4 November to launch a campaign against these changes, and for a democratic, fighting NUS.[Full Story ]
Halloween Demo Tonight at EDO
4 to 6 Home arm Road Brighton[Full Story | 1 comment ]
A Sussex police chief gets some worrying instant karma
A Sussex policeman has been discharged from hospital after an attack by about 50 cows left him with four broken ribs and a punctured lung.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Press Release - Collective Punishment In Al Masra'a After Peaceful Demonstration
PRESS RELEASESunday October 28th 2007
For more details or interviews contact Tom Hayes on 07846506710 or Sarah
Cobham on +972525029690
Photos and video available
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Wind turbine construction course

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Rough Music #16 Has Hit The Streets Of Brighton
Rough Music Issue 16 - Oct-Nov 2007
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Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Settler Violence, Army Collusion, Justice
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten members of the group in palestine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
[Full Story ]
Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Settlement Slavery
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
[Full Story ]
British Citizens Arrested At Nonviolent Demonstration In Al Masra'a Now Released
PRESS RELEASESunday October 28th 2007
For more details or interviews contact Tom Hayes on 07846506710 or Sarah
Cobham on +972525029690
Photos and video available
[Full Story ]
Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Life Birth and Death in the Jordan Valley
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
[Full Story ]