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24-01-2007 03:46

SAVING ICELAND Fundraising Event Brighton

Brighton poster Feb 3rd Feb @ Riki Tiks bar, 18a Bond Street, Brighton.

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23-01-2007 17:48

Reports of Unnanounced Anonymous Action at EDO

EDO MBM are Brighton's very own arms delers, see www.smashedo.org.uk...

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22-01-2007 16:09

Chris Cole - Prisoner for Love

Antiwar resister sent to prison for refusal to repay fine resulting from MoD resistance on Holy Innocents Day 28th December 2004 over Iraq

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22-01-2007 15:21


The Alabama 3 will play a benefit gig for Plane Stupid this Friday 26th at Brixton Jamm.

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22-01-2007 01:46

Critical Mass This Friday

It's time for Critical Mass again in many cities this Friday

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21-01-2007 15:42

March on Worthing Police Station

A PROTEST march on Worthing Police Station has been called for Saturday February 17 in the face of police intimidation of Titnore Woods campaigners.

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21-01-2007 14:57

Sussex firm's link to primate testing

ANIMAL rights campaigners are calling for people to get in touch with a firm involved in facilitating lab testing on monkeys.

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20-01-2007 16:30

Stop Lydd Airport Expanstion-Public Mtg etc.

Rspb to hold public meeting against Lydd Airport Expansion- Council consultation period opens...

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17-01-2007 22:20

Vigil For Somalia

U.S. Bombing of Somalia

DEMONSTRATION: Saturday 20th January
1pm-3pm Churchill Square, Brighton

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17-01-2007 20:31

Camp Bling at 'Prittlewel King' awards

Southend 'Mayor' cancels F5 road widening at 'Prittlewell King' award celebrations

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14-01-2007 15:18

Climate Chaos Campaigners Confront Corporate Cowboys in Churchill Square Clash!

A march in Brighton in January 2007 against climate injustice faces corporate thuggery.

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14-01-2007 14:32

Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners launch new Legal Attack against Factory’s Lawyer

Anti arms trade campaigners have handed in seven official complaints to the law society regarding the conduct of Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, the solicitor who represented EDO MBM in their failed attempt to gain a civil injunction against protesters at their Brighton factory.

[Full Story | 2 comments ]

13-01-2007 12:34

From the Left and Right: It's time to get Political

A warning from the greens showing how oil dependence is increasing the risks of a potential food crisis, and the far-right plans to use such a crisis to take power.

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12-01-2007 16:53

Bombing of Somalia

The USA has been bombing Somalia for days following an invasion by their Ethiopian allies. Hundreds of innocents have been killed.

The Islamic Courts that ruled most of the country have been defeated and Somalia has already been brought back to the chaos that the country had suffered for 16 years until the Islamic Courts brought peace to the capital.

[Full Story | 2 comments ]

11-01-2007 21:37

Please join the protest along Gas Pipeline in Wales NOW!

People are needed to either join the ongoing protests along the 150 mile route of the pipeline or to set up camps, day actions, leafleting and writting letters to MPs/ AMs.... PEOPLE NEEDED NOW!

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08-01-2007 15:10





The Valentines Day period is one of Agrexco UK's busiest times as the company deals with large amounts of fresh flowers from Israel and the settlements. Join our mass picket of the Carmel-Agrexco depot on the 10th February 2007 in opposition to the sale of Israeli Apartheid goods and in support of Palestinian farmers.


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06-01-2007 11:01

Sussex University in New Year witch-hunt

The University of Sussex has threatened several students with disciplinary proceedings and legal action after 80 students staged an occupation of the university's library last November, in protest at cuts in resources and teaching time.

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05-01-2007 14:38

How do we get a radical, campaigning student movement?

A day of political discussion, training and planning for student activists organised by Education Not for Sale, No Sweat and Students Against Sweatshops. Come and join other student activists to discuss how can we argue for, organise for and campaign for radical ideas in the student movement.

11.30-3.30pm, TGWU Transport House, Theobalds Road, Holborn, London

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29-12-2006 11:32

Northwood gets fluffed up

Brain center for Military Operations gets nerve overload by mixed perspective faith fluffies?

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29-12-2006 00:49

motley crew confront Northwood

'Wise men go the other way' what would you do? faith based bunch have a nerve; to 'resist', 'insist on life' and vigil UK military nerve center

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science