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<< Page 205 | Page 203>>Update On Combe Haven Defenders Benefit..Hotting Up!
Update on Tree Defenders Gig![Full Story ]
Tree Figures
East Sussex County Council announcement of tree figures.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
“Everything changes apart from the money”: Conditions for settlement workers in the Jordan Valley – January 2013 (Part One)

On February 9th a coalition of civil society groups have called for an international day of action against Israeli agricultural companies in line with the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli militarism, apartheid and colonisation. Corporate Watch researchers are in Palestine collecting new information and over the coming weeks Corporate Watch will be writing a series of articles and blogs examining Israeli agricultural exports.
[Full Story ]
Katy Bourne Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
Katy Bourne Sussex Police Crime Commissioner under attack over Paedophiles cover up[Full Story ]
Armchair Anarchy..Sign On The Dotted Line!
Please (in the warmth of where you are and not up trees)sign East Sussex County Council petition on stopping Combe Haven Valley from further destruction.[Full Story ]
Being For The Benefit of Combe Haven Defenders
Benefit for the Defenders of Combe Haven..book yer babysitters NOW!Friday 8th February 7.30pm
[Full Story | 5 comments ]
BBC South East News 28th Jan 2013 Re: Combe Haven Defenders

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28 Jan: Eviction of Decoy Pond Camp begins (but doesn’t end)!
28 Jan: Eviction of Decoy Pond Camp begins (but doesn’t end)!January 28, 2013 by combehavendefenders
photo 5
An activist locked-onto the base of a tree at Decoy Pond Camp is removed by security. 28-01-2013. Photo: Adrian Arbib
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Councillor Peter Jones CBE, Combe Haven Destruction Facilitator!

he is against Combe Haven and the Combe Haven Defenders.
He obviouysly doesn't habve any care for the animals and trees or the local people,
he may even have a kick back cash gift, (who knows,) for his role in getting the road done.
[Full Story | 6 comments ]
The Jordan Valley: Urgent appeal for action and support
Update 12.00 noon 24th January 2013 - Please continue to take action an circulate as widely as possible[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Greece Squatter Solidarity Graffiti in Brighton
Brighton, UK: Solidarity with squatters and anarchists worldwide.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Solidarity action with the recent wave of attacks on squats in Greece.
Anarchists graffiti bank in solidarity with greek squatters[Full Story ]
Bexhill Camp Resists

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Brazil: the perfect freedom of expression?

It is controversial the relationship between freedom of expression and the degree of development of societies.
Many seek to justify the repressive character of the current regimes as a price that must be paid for achieving progress.
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Katy Bourne Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
Katy Bourne Sussex Crime Commissioner are you covering up for Sussex Paedophile ring[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Bexhill/Hastings anti-road camp eviction started!
Baliffs and security arrived in force 8am this morning to start eviction.[Full Story ]
Mass mobilisation of eco-warriors for biggest road protest in history

[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Bexhill/Hastings anti-road camp eviction attempt imminent
ANTI-ROAD CAMPAIGNERS TO MAKE STAND AFTER 400-YEAR-OLD OAK FELLEDPolice say eviction of remaining camps imminent as activists build peaceful defences
Tuesday 15 January: Opponents of the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) are preparing to defend trees and occupy tunnels at their main camp in Crowhurst Tuesday, given strong and credible rumours that an attempt to evict the camp is imminent. Please come out tomorrow if you possibly can to resist probable evictions!
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CPS Clears EDO Weapons Inspectors of All Charges

[Full Story | 1 comment ]