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<< Page 175 | Page 173>>National Week of Action Against Atos Origin - 9-15th May - Latest News
Disability activists, claimant groups and anti-cuts campaigners have called a week of action against poverty pimps Atos Origin beginning on Monday 9th May with a picnic and party in Triton Square*, home of their head office, at 2pm.Both announced and unannounced protests are set to take place around the UK outside the offices and testing centres operated by Atos Origin.
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Brighton: Gustav Landauer and Early German Anarchism - Booktalk 4th May
Gustav Landauer and Early German AnarchismBooktalk by Gabriel Kuhn
7pm 4th May 2011
The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
Brighton’s collectively run libertarian social centre
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Portsmouth Mayday March
On Sunday 1st May, a mayday march of 150 people made its way from Victoria Park to Southsea Common to protest against the cuts.[Full Story ]
cyber kettles and network analysis
In the world of police intelligence analysis the use of the social sciences of network analysis has been digitalised with powerful software such as i2 Analyst Notebook.This is not a promotional article for this software. You can't afford to buy it.But you should know how it works.
[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Free your data, make the police accountable
If you had any doubts whether the police have too much time on their hands and are only there to protect big business, then I urge you to hear the story of John Catt. If you have reason to believe that the cops have information on you, demand it back![Full Story | 3 comments ]
Ian Tomlinson Verdict Jury Deciding Now
Ian Tomlinson was murdered by a copper during the g20 protests a couple of years ago - the jusy at the inquest into his death are right now considering their verdict....please follow the news today and wait for their answer. thank you.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
86 year old EDO Protester to sue police over secret database
from tomorrows Guardian[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Brighton (& Nazis)
A report on Brighton Mayday and update on the far-right.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Brighton: Gustav Landauer and Early German Anarchism - Booktalk 4th May
Gustav Landauer and Early German AnarchismBooktalk by Gabriel Kuhn
7pm 4th May 2011
The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
Brighton’s collectively run libertarian social centre
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
How to find out the location of Brighton Mayday
Just to clear up any confusion- Brighton May Day is on 30th April, not officially of course just the protest. Start location will be announced shortly before on here, Facebook and Twitter. If you can’t get to a computer call 07950 889281 after 1130am and a message will tell you, don’t leave messages or text it, cause no one will get back to you. Alternatively go on the critical mass bike ride, which will form up on the Level at 1030am.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Press Release - Mayday Mass Party and Protest in Brighton - Saturday 30th April
While bankers are rewarding themselves with taxpayer funded bonuses and the royals are forcing us to pay for their weddings, ordinary people are facing an attack on their lives, massive cuts to jobs, benefits and the services they rely on. In response to this, on Saturday 30th April, people will gather at an undisclosed Brighton location to celebrate May Day, a day to stand up for workers' rights and resist oppression, capitalism and the elites who benefit from them.A critical mass bike ride will be held at 10.30am at The Level.
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The Attempt to Shutdown UK Indymedia

Some people involved with UK Indymedia have been talking about shutting down the UK IMC site for years [1], for a variety of reasons; an openly declared disillusionment with the original model of open publishing and wanting to move to pre-moderated newswires which don't allow comments on articles [2], a dislike of the political content that is carried on the UK site [3]; a desire to see the traffic, which the UK site gets, redirected to regional IMC sites [4] and perhaps other motivations. Those wanting the site shutdown have also blocked improvements being made to the UK Indymedia site [5].
However the activists who have been maintaining the UK IMC site are still committed to running a UK-wide Indymedia open newswire and are not prepared to see the UK Indymedia site shutdown. They believe that the UK Indymedia newswire provides a valuable service for articles and comments and it should be maintained. These activists are also committed to running UK Indymedia in a transparent and open manner and in the spirit of the initial Independent Media Centre. Prior to the UK Indymedia Network meeting in Bradford in December 2010 this group of IMC UK admins applied to the global New IMC process as an autonomous collective with a wish to continue running the UK Indymedia site. Clearly the UK Indymedia site isn't a New IMC, it's been going for a decade (the early IMC UK story is covered in the BeTheMedia article about the impending shutdown), the application was made to make it clear that there was a group of activists who were running and wanted to continue running, the IMC UK site, but with autonomy from the activists running the other Indymedia sites in the UK. The activists running the other Indymedia sites in the UK wanted to take the indymedia.org.uk domain away from the UK Indymedia site and point it to the BeTheMedia site (at the time it was all.indymedia.org.uk, it has subsequently been renamed).
[Full Story | 30 comments ]
Met raid homes of campaigners against Anti-squatting law
Yesterday 2 squats and one other property in Brighton and Hove were raided by Met police from London, looking for known activists. The squats were illegally evicted and around 6-10 people arrested. They were part of a group campaigning against Hove MP Mike Weatherley's attempts to criminalise squatting[Full Story ]
Legislators In 3 US States Seek To Ban Slaughterhouse Investigations & Films..
The world's largest fast food chain once ran a commercial of hamburgers growing in garden patches. For millenia, slaughterhouse torture has been hidden from children and adults. AETA, passed with the help of slaughterhouse state senators, California Senator Dianne Feinstein's husband Richard Blum and the FBI, is an unconstitutional law which limits animal rights activists' 1st amendment rights to expose brutality to animals. Now Minnesota,Iowa and Florida legislators want to hide further the abbatoir torture caught in video such as those above. A ban on filming would help those who profiteer from mongering cancerridden, ecoli saturated cadavers of murdered animals. One Minnesota Health Dept official said giving rare meat to a child is a form of chlid endangering akin to driving 95 mph on the highway. A California dairy operation film showed injured cows being pushed with forklifts into a chain link fence.
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2 Days til Brighton Mayday
fuck the royal wedding... come down to Brighton...Our lives are under attack.
Our future is being sacrificed to increase the power of an elite.
The bankers’ crisis is being used as an excuse to push through a far-right agenda of vicious cuts – cuts which will hurt the poorest and line the pockets of the rich. The NHS, Education and Welfare systems are being stripped back while the bankers are being paid million pound bonuses.
Their only answer to the disaster is more of the same, capitalism with the gloves off. More wars, more ecological devastation and we’re being asked to pay for it.
We are being robbed blind – it’s time to reclaim what is ours.
Mass party & protest. 30th April 2011. Central Brighton.
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Facist infestation on facebook
English National Alliance attempt to infiltrate animal rights movement.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Brighton May Day- Only 3 Days to Go

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Calais No Borders: stepping up the struggle

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MET raid squats in Brighton and Hove and arrest student protest suspects
morning raids in brighton and hove[Full Story ]