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<< Page 144 | Page 142>>Probation Offices Attacked in Bristol
At 2am on 17 March, anarchists attacked the inner-city probation offices in Stokes Croft, Bristol.[Full Story | 9 comments ]
Defending Mother Earth at Bolon Ajaw
I have just returned from the Zapatista village of Bolon Ajaw, Chiapas, where on 6th February 230 civilian Zapatistas took part in an action to retake control of their “reclaimed lands” which had been invaded and taken over since 20 January by the paramilitary group OPDDIC. For the state and business interests, the Zapatistas and their determination to defend Mother Earth are “a problem” standing in the way of the realisation of multi-million tourist investments.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Iraq commemoration

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Titnore meeting must be stopped!
ECO-CAMPAIGNERS in Sussex have called for a council meeting on controversial housing plans to be stopped - and for supporters to turn out in force at 1.30pm on Monday March 15.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Government petition to end Halal animal slaughter in the UK.
There is an online gvot petition to end Halal animal slaughter here in the UK.
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Calais - cold weather shelter shut despite 4°c at night

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Undercover police working at drugs projects and NHS counselling services.
It might seem obvious to some people that it happens but there are some people who still believe that they can trust their GPs, nurses, drugs counsellors etc. Doctors are supposed to be bound by confidentiality but nevertheless discuss patients who are activists or other suspects with NETCU, the drugs squad etc. If you thought that your medical records are safe, confodential and private, think on.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Omar Degayhes to speak at Univ of Canterbury- 18 March
Former Guantamamo Bay inmate Omar Deghayes is to speak at an event at University of Canterbury 5pm Thurs 18 March.
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UK Coal company information
UK Coal are responsible for 11 proposed surface mine sites throughout England totalling well over 5975000 tonnes.
Here’s a little information about the company and its major share holders:
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Protest against the imprisonment and abuse of Kurdish children in Turkish jails!
A 15 year old Kurdish girl Berivan Sayaca has been jailed for 8 years for allegedly throwing stones at police, she is just one of hundreds of children singled out and arrested indiscriminately and jailed unjustly in Turkey. We want to highlight this scandal and free the children. Join us![Full Story ]
New Porkbolter is out!
THE latest edition of The Porkbolter, the pig-fixated local newsletter from Worthing in West Sussex, has hit the streets. Here's the main article:[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Calais - effective disruption of police
With a few more of us on the ground in Calais we were more effective at protecting the large Africa House squat last night[Full Story ]
Billionaire Cattleman Who Sued Oprah Winfrey Gives Blood Money

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Sussex Students- Suspended, Excluded, Injuncted
Following last Wednesday's occupation of Sussex House (Sussex University's senior management HQ) 6 students have been arbitrarily suspended and excluded.Additionally, the university has been granted a High Court injunction banning people from “entering” or “remaining” on campus without the university’s prior written consent.
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Portsmouth Greyhound Track comes to a close!
SARC received the news today that our long running campaign against the Portsmouth Greyhound track has been a success. The Greyhound track has only three weeks left of trading before it closes it's doors forever![Full Story | 3 comments ]
Doubtful Memories of a Radical Lawyer
During my prisoner support activities, many questions have stalked my mind like frightening shadows. Three such questions are ‘Who are the real criminals?’ ‘Where are they found?’ and what exactly are there offences? These questions have found expression in the ongoing struggle of John Bowden[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Green wedgers strike again
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Graffiti in support of green wedge in Somerset

Other campaigners opposing up to 750 homes earmarked for the area in the Draft Core Strategy have distanced themselves from the militants. After large ‘Save Vivary Wedge’ graffiti appeared on walls in Bath Place and High Street, the County Gazette received an e-mail from The Green Wedgers.
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