UK SHAC Newswire Archive
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Protest against Ciba Vision, Novartis
05-08-2008 22:31

Another protest was held outside Ciba Vision in Flanders Road, Hedge End, Nr. Southampton today in Solidarity with Dan Amos, the innocent committed vegan activist remanded for Conspiracy to blackmail HLS.

SHAC Tour Barclays in London
05-08-2008 15:11

We started the day of demonstrations with a short, sharp trip to NYSE/Euronext. A 20 minute loud burst to let them know that we're not going to forget their murky dealings with HLS. However, this day was for Barclays, HLS's new biggest shareholder, so we left the NYSE to do the rounds...
Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays - Part 6
04-08-2008 23:52

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays - Part 5
04-08-2008 02:44

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
HLS Suppliers & Customers Demos in the South
03-08-2008 12:41

Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays - Part 4
03-08-2008 01:25

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
Support the Eco-Prisoners - August 2008
03-08-2008 00:02
Welcome to the August 2008 edition of Spirit of Freedom. As people will soon see, ELP's prisoner lists have grown yet again. If we exclude the Geek anarchist, Vaggelis Botzatzis, and the two Americans Richard Sills and Michael Sykes (all of whom are listed by ELP as 'Other Prisoners'), there are now 40 listed animal & earth liberation prisoners in Europe & America.Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays (Part 3)
02-08-2008 00:05

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
DC Protests at HLS Customers
01-08-2008 12:25


Support AR/SHAC Prisoner Dan Amos
01-08-2008 10:21

Daniel Amos (VN7818), HMP Exeter, 30 New North Road, Exeter. EX4 4EX
Action Alert: HLS Shareholder Barclays - Part 2
01-08-2008 00:30

Detail: HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR)
Update on New AR Prisoner Dan Amos
31-07-2008 16:32

Action Alert: HLS Shareholder - Barclays Bank
31-07-2008 14:29

Next Target: Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd, HLS' largest institutional shareholder with 279,842 shares in HLS (LSR), who are part of Barclays Bank.
SHAC Press Release: Shareholders Drop, Defendants Plead Guilty
30-07-2008 23:09

Acadian Asset Sell Their HLS Shares
30-07-2008 19:38

Ciba Vision (Novartis) Protest, Southampton
30-07-2008 19:31

Support Peaceful Campaigner Dan Amos
30-07-2008 19:10

Pre Work Demo At AstraZeneca
30-07-2008 01:32

Sarah Gisborne was released today
30-07-2008 00:40

H Partners Dumps HLS Shares
29-07-2008 12:27

The sale was confirmed this week by Win Animal Rights in the USA.