Here are all known accounts of Brian (John) Martin, John his real first name
His official trade Twitter account, London Taxi Trade, discusses killing Muslims: -
Another anti-Muslim tweet encouraging London's black taxi drivers to discriminate against Muslims: -
An EDL supporter, Mr Martin constantly racialises crime committed by Uber drivers and other private hire cars. Here he is, forging a comparison between Rotherham and Uber crime, to deliberately tarnish London's Muslims as child abusers: -
Tommy Robinson, Rotherham comparison: -
Meanwhile, on one of his personal accounts, the fascist taxi trade supremo tags in his pal Tommy Robinson to racially abuses online British Muslim twitter user Moe @moethemyth with the words "How's your wog-humping mum doing?" Pure and simple racism from the Alf Garnett era, which sums up Brian Martin to a tee.
Just to prove to the world that Martin is a horrific white supremacist who disapproves of race-mixing, he trolls another Twitter users with a despicable anti-Black tweet: - "the whole family loves n*ggers, even the mom #nastywogmeat"......
Last but not least, Brian (John) Martin is no stranger to the P-Word, just as you would expect from an old-fashioned racist: -
The most worrying aspect of it all, is Mr Martin's status as the trade leader for London's black cabs, supported by his official-looking website. Racialising Uber crime as a "Muslim thing", supported by a vast number of rank and file drivers, his views are likely (if they haven't done so already) to percolate onto the street as racist behaviour towards non-white passengers and fellow motorists.
There needs to be an official investigation into Brian (John) Martin and LTT. Please share this story on social media to ensure swift disciplinary action is taken against Martin, as a licensed cabby letting his fellow drivers down.