As I prepare to publish the following report over the past few days, the thugs and assassins of the fbi deliver via gaslighting their threat by tamperings with my car and my tires. The fbi has repeatedly damaged and disabled my vehicles countless times over the past 30 years. The message is a MAFIA type threat which is always carried out when I do not conform.
The evidence that I have gathered over the past 30 years shows that the fbi agents, operatives, handlers, at the highest levels of government are criminally insane. See the following report for a general overview of this absurd state of the nation:

Gaslighting is a technique used by the low hoodlums of the fbi in efforts to drive their victims to distraction:

Psychological operations are an integral part of fbi gaslighting maneuvers which are devised and executed by psychopathic minds of fbi employees, including fbi street thugs.

"Murderer".In the following link the insane fbi employee anonymously appears on line to fraudulently announce that this victim of fbi 'hit' teams is a murderer :

For all who wonder why so many people globally seem to hate the USA, see my documentations of fbi's
assaults using bio-chem-viral agents and DEW on me.
See also this report that summarizes the macabre fbi assault program:

Other fbi Targets around the world are also reporting strange and apparent clandestine attacks on political activists.
For about 16 years I have asked congres and the courts to see the evidence of the overabundance of unchecked abuses of civil and criminal laws by the very officials in the fbi who are charged to preserve and to protect such laws. All governmental authorities refuse to address the issues.
Those in high office are cowardly quislings who have sold out our country to the fbi/MAFIA thugs whom I devote my life to expose.
The traitors in all branches of the USA government show no interest in promoting the animating contest of freedom:

Finally, persons from many countries now compare my notes with others who have been, are being, or might become victims of fbi/cia high tech torture and kill games which employ chemicals, etc., in efforts to incapacitate the Targets. Below are a few such individuals who are aware that fbi/cia actually attack their adversaries with kidney stones (ks). Other visits to my material from Thailand, Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, etc., suggest that the world's population now discovers that I and they prove by overwhelming circumstantial evidence the criminal Insanity of these human monsters in the employ of fbi/cia.
DOJ sends me notice of my excellent work against fbi assassins :
Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
ISP US Dept of Justice
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Last Page View Jun 20 2016 6:10:13 pm
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Last Page View Jun 20 2016 9:33:58 am
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See Also:

DEW (Directed Energy Weaponry) attack follows:
June 21, 2016,
Following the threat mentioned in the above report, the fbi attacks me with extreme DEW assaults.