It is 36 years have passed since the residents of Kwangju city south Korea on the 18th of May 1980 rose up against the rotten and reactionary corrupt rule of the south Korean fascist puppet regime of Chun Du Hwan and the colonial domination of US imperialism over south Korea. The Kwangju uprising was a brave and heroic manifestation of the anti -fascist, anti- imperialist struggle of the south Korean popular masses and revolutionaries led by the Revolutionary Party for Reunification , the forerunner of the present Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea.
On the 22nd of May the spokesman of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification issued a statement to support the armed mass uprising of patriotic people in South Cheolla Province including Mokpo following Kwangju on May 18, denouncing the cruelty of the Chun Doo-hwan clique which declared the martial law.
The Kwangju uprising, which lasted 9 days , added a new chapter to the history of the struggle of the south Korean people for independence ,democracy and reunification . The participants of the Kwangju uprising showed remarkable courage and determination in the face of intense fascist repression by the south Korean puppet reactionaries and the Yankee imperialists.
The Kwangju uprising was a great inspiration to the peoples of the third world struggling against neo- colonialism and dictatorial regimes and it was a great example to anti- imperialist and anti -fascist fighters throughout the entire world . The Kwangju up risers fought bravely against the suppression of the armed forces of the south Korean puppet regime backed by the US imperialist aggression troops . The blood they shed was not in vain as one day their deaths will be avenged.
The Kwangju uprising proved beyond doubt that independence and social change cannot come peacefully , that counter-revolutionary violence must be defeated by revolutionary violence.
On the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the Kwangju uprising we salute the heroic spirit of the Kwangju uprisers .Although more than three decades have passed south Korea is still in the grip of fascist dictatorship .The Park Geun Hye fascist regime is an extreme anti-popular regime that is totally subservient to
US imperialism and Japanese imperialism Independence and democratisation of south Korea have yet to be realised. What south Korea needs is another Kwangju uprising to overthrow the Park Geun Hye fascist regime.
We support the struggle of the south Korean people , led by the Anti Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea the popular vanguard,for independence ,democracy and reunification and the struggle to overthrow the anti-popular and despotic fascist puppet regime of old witch Park Geun Hye and drive out the Yankee imperialists the sworn enemy of the Korean people.
May the 2nd , 3rd and 4th Kwangju uprising sweep south Korea and overthrow the Park Geun Hye puppet fascist regime !