The Radical History Zone is just 5 minutes down the road at Hydra Bookshop, from 12noon to 6.30pm.
You are all invited!
It’s hard to plan for an uncertain future, as we don’t know how things will play out. Nor is it realistic to think there will ever be a point where we will have reached our destination or ideal utopia.
However, we can work on building our resilience & solidarity & co-operation, experimenting with different ways of organising, exchanging skills & resources, growing food & sustainability, dealing with conflict, and so on.
The aim of this year’s Bookfair is to focus on the future…as capital’s global crisis deepens and conflicts escalate, with disastrous consequences for humanity & the planet, the need for lasting social revolution has never been greater…the future is bright IF the future is anarchism!
Read the Bookfair's Full Programme here -

At the Bookfair....61 tables of stalls, 30+ meetings/workshops, art space inside & ADP Riot Tour outside, all day vegan cafe, kids (with adults) space, a Quiet Support Room, Radical History Zone, and outdoor greenspace. We wind up in the evening with an After-Party organised by LaDIYfest Bristol!
Bookfair FB event -

Radical History Zone -

After-Party FB event -

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